Stellar Blade’s devs Address censorship claims. |UP| Devs state outfit redesigns weren't censorship but intentional.


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
Not if it doesn't affect the greater creative vision.

You guys want to look at real creative censorship? Go look at the history of films like Come and See. Where a government straight up banned production on it for several years because they didn't like the message (anti-war) it had. The people calling these super-small changes with SB censorship in comparison, sound like actual crying babies.

Yes even then actually. If someone other than the artist is forcing aesthetic changes relating to objectionable content, that's a form of censorship whether or not the artist goes on to say the forcibly edited product still falls in line with a stated vision.

And nobody is saying there aren't greater examples of censorship, there quite obviously have been, and yes at the end of the day this doesn't really change a whole lot about the product. But it is quite silly in my mind to want to cover up hips, legs and a bit of cleavage in a game where you have effectively the option to walk around literally nude, and that they have been advertising with ass cheeks since day 1. It's silly and should be called out as such. Game still seems pretty dope, waiting for my copy from Amazon.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
I understand how, in this day and age, people are cautious about perceived censorship in a game whose developer announced it would have no censorship in any territory. The game is rated mature, so it's not like the devs were adapting for a teen rating anyways.

On the other hand, it also looks like they're going to revert this, or offer a B version of those outfits.

It's really strange that Shift Up has done this though, and I don’t think we'll ever hear the reason why. If Sony rrally wanted to mess with this, they'd probably pick on the "nude" suit instead.
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Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
That's what I was saying. Jimbo the idolized leader, which was actuallya fraud. He was a fucking racist against Asian games. Glad this old bozo is gone. But his influence sadly remains. The damage is too great...
The mistreatment of Asian developers started long before Jimbo. It started shortly after the SIE (back then still SCE) HQ moved to US.
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15 Apr 2024

PSA: Playstation Support is giving out refunds for Stellar Blade if you claim false advertising as the reason.​

Interesting lol. I wouldn't refund the game for this reason but I understand people being upset it about it, as it seems like a dick move to sell the game then start adjusting the outfits.


27 Jun 2023
Interesting. I sense a shift in the way Sony does business.
I don’t know why Sony caved in for these journalists & censored there game which is all about fan service why sign an exclusivity deal for a game from a developer known to have fan service & cleavage on his games? Sony turn Stella Blade from a great game to a shit show that gamers just want to move on from this sad conversation w 2 extreme sides. It was similar to Spider-Man 2 where the conversation around woke made enjoying the game & talking about the game insufferable.

Even weirder why Sony would censore a game that promoted itself to be uncensored like there’s no way Sony wasn’t aware. Not even Nintendo from what I know censored Bayonetta.

Sony can’t even release a game w it having a bs fake narrative or bad pr helldivers 2 selling more on PC & HD2 not selling on PS (PS gamers don’t buy there games narrative) even thoe PC has 3x to 4x playerbase, FF7 rebirth “poor sales” even thoe there’s half the PS5 compared to PS4 so rebirth is tracking similar if not better if you take into account the smaller user base, helldivers 2 going to Xbox (which is fake & nothing more then cope), Stella blade censorship & people now saying how you don’t need a PS to play PS games & instead to just wait for there games to be ported.

But hey Sony brought all this into themselves this wouldn’t be a conversation if Sony just shut down all of these rumors or didn’t release games on PC a direct competitor platform opening that pandora box & instead shouldve double down on PS console & increase first party output & found other methods to increase profits like Nintendo has done.
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25 Mar 2023
You understand people being upset about it? I sure don't.

I support a refund policy like Steam where you can simply refund a game that you only played up to a certain time with no regards for the reason but it is extremely stupid that PlayStation will accept refund for this stupid reasons and refuse it for other reasons.


22 Feb 2023
Most probably just one guy. It will be very surprising if they refund everyone. PS is strict about refunds.
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27 Jun 2023
You understand people being upset about it? I sure don't.

I support a refund policy like Steam where you can simply refund a game that you only played up to a certain time with no regards for the reason but it is extremely stupid that PlayStation will accept refund for this stupid reasons and refuse it for other reasons.
I disagree the game was promoted to be uncensored & when the game release they patch & censored atleast 1 outfit from what I know but people are saying other outfits has been censored from the demo.

Also the blood has been censored (toned down) for whatever reason compared to the demo. I’m not surprised they’re offering refund this is blatant false advertising which could’ve been avoided if Sony was like who tf cares about censoring games especially one that are rated M for mature.

I could understand censoring a game that display young characters (teens) like some gotcha games where the character are under age (depicted as teens or young character) & hyper sexualized where you could see up the character skirt in ways I can understand if a game like that was censored especially if it was rated E or T but that’s just my opinion I just don’t care enough to be like some people down bad making petitions.
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25 Mar 2023
I disagree the game was promoted to be uncensored & when the game release they patch & censored atleast 1 outfit from what I know but people are saying other outfits has been censored from the demo.

Also the blood has been censored (toned down) for whatever reason compared to the demo. I’m not surprised they’re offering refund this is blatant false advertising which could’ve been avoided if Sony was like who tf cares about censoring games especially one that are rated M for mature.

I could understand censoring a game that display young characters (teens) like some gotcha games where the character are under age (depicted as teens or young character) & hyper sexualized where you could see up the character skirt in ways I can understand if a game like that was censored especially if it was rated E or T but that’s just my opinion I just don’t care enough to be like some people down bad making petitions.
Porn is free on the internet, anyone excessively mad at the game because of small changes to of skimpy costumes is unreasonable.

Unreasonable anti-woke are just as annoying as the woke people. Is the game good? Is it worth the money they are asking for? That is all that matters.

Imagine not playing FFVII Rebirth because they changed a Tifa's beach outfit since they showed it on a trailer. Beyond moronic.
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15 Apr 2024
You understand people being upset about it? I sure don't.

I support a refund policy like Steam where you can simply refund a game that you only played up to a certain time with no regards for the reason but it is extremely stupid that PlayStation will accept refund for this stupid reasons and refuse it for other reasons.
Those people defend it by saying: "Oh, it's a principle thing. If we let them censor small things, then they will censor everything". I don't really care, I'm not even playing the game, but if I was Sony I wouldn't refund it for false advertisements. It almost looks like it's on purpose to mess with the developers behind the game. I have never heard of a game getting refunded because of altered skins or whatever, especially on a platform where there isn't a standard refund system in place. And now all of a sudden welcomes refunds?

I'm not sure what exactly was shown in the trailers/promotions of the game and the store page, and how different it is from the actual final version and whether it would be make for a false advertisement case or not.
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15 Apr 2024
Also, I think people form a personal tie to the character and what she is wearing (She was the biggest selling point of the game), and when Sony takes that away or changes it slightly, they get personal and real upset about it. Or they think woke people are out to get them and their games (which is somewhat true too)

Ultimately, I say those people have no bigger problems in their lives to sign petitions about this.

if it was something major that affects a beloved character or whatever, sure, I would sign as many petitions as takes. But a cleavage now hidden? 🫠


15 Apr 2024
This example for instance (I found on Twitter):

is it a big deal? NO. Why bother changing it is what annoys those people who are made about it. What's the reason?