The Big Console War Thread [OT]

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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
PS5, best console ever made, thanks for the discussion, close thread, see you around, kisses and hugs, bye! 😻

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12 Jul 2022
Cost is irrelevant to hardware superiority, this isn't even a question. I don't know how you're not comprehending this.

My PC is superior to any console regardless of cost, cost is completely irrelevant to the fact that my hardware is better.

It doesn't matter if it's $500 more or $1,000 more, better is better.

Since you're not able to keep up with even the most basic of concepts let me make it even more rudimentary...

24 Teraflops > 10 Teraflops
4.8Ghz Zen 3 > 3.5Ghz Zen2 tablet CPU
80GB of RAM > 16GB of RAM

Are you following now? One of these is objectively superior to the other, price does not need to enter this equation at any point in time whatsoever for any reason whatsoever.

No one is talking about price except for you because this is not a discussion about value proposition or cost. This is about hardware superiority, do you understand now or would you like my 8-year-old nephew to explain it to you?

@DynamiteCop Is completely right here, I completely agree with him in terms of raw gpu and cpu compute a PC will almost always be more powerful than current model employed by console manufacturers. This is not really debate worthy, it is completely true there is no way a console can compare to a 32 core 64 thread cpu, 128G RAM, an rtx3090 or Radeon6950xt these components have far more power than you can ever get from a console, but and there is a big but here where price does play a factor is in innovation.

Ultimately the problem with PCs is that they are general purpose compute devices, To save costs console manufacturers (especially Sony here) move a lot of the tasks that would consume cpu / gpu over to either fixed function hardware or to arm based processors.

So for example 1 of the reasons why it took PS5 so long to get VRR is because the ps5 actually sends the video signal out to display port afaik this signal is then taken and split out 1 side goes to a separate arm based system which does the game recording (hence why it is so damn good at recording) and the other goes out to the hdmi display port its basically like a capture card built into the system - they can do this in hardware and its cheaper than allocating cpu / gpu resources to do it and it also frees up the cpu/gpu to carry out the game required functions.

Another example is the i/o again this is actually superior to any current pc implementation as they specifically built an i/o stack to reduce / remove latency specifically for gaming related workloads.

Then there is the shared GDDR ram pool between cpu and gpu with again hardware and software developed to as efficiently as possible send data between cpu / gpu using this shared ram pool (reducing the number of copies required) this in turn reduces the need for multiple large ram pools because it is more efficient for game load processing.

It is true the cpu / gpu are weaker but the hardware as a whole is a lot more efficient / lean and the software is designed to take advantage of this, for example the game will always be given priority scheduling in a console they can knock out anything in the pipeline that could cause frame hitching / skipping another process stepping in and causing context switching.

This is why when sites like Digital Foundry or Gamers Nexus make videos and they try to make a comparison between Terraflops and pc components - I just have to laugh because its absolutely asinine bullshit. The software has to understand and use these custom hardware components the operating system has to understand how to efficiently use these custom components.

PC essentially has to brute force these functions so you need more expensive hardware to overcome the limitations imposed on it by the software and frankly some of the outdated hardware choices forced on it to maintain legacy support. Gaming youtuber literally buy / build secondary machines to do the game capture.

All this doesn't take away the fact that ultimately PC is far more capable, you can do a whole lot more and play a game at the same time on a PC - you can even write a game while playing the game on PC.

A few things to note - look at Apple and its new M1 / M2 chips because they are willing to throw away legacy and build operating systems using new hardware architectural designs they are able to make pretty low power chips punch way above their weight, they intentionally have moved a lot of things away from general compute to fixed function compute which is just better at that specific fixed function.

Another thing to note is Linux, everything can be tweaked down to the scheduler on the system it can be heavily optimised towards gaming, its just a shame that there are so few native games built on it and around what the kernel and software stack is capable of (I am so glad Valve made the steam deck - even though it is running most games through a dx to vulkan translation layer and translating windows system calls to linux system calls using Wine - its performance is still incredible given the hardware it is running on) - mine should be delivered sometime either over the weekend or next week at last !

Deleted member 13

Then there is the shared GDDR ram pool between cpu and gpu with again hardware and software developed to as efficiently as possible send data between cpu / gpu using this shared ram pool (reducing the number of copies required) this in turn reduces the need for multiple large ram pools because it is more efficient for game load processing.
Disagree here. The split memory pool is actually more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

PC essentially has to brute force these functions so you need more expensive hardware to overcome the limitations imposed on it by the software and frankly some of the outdated hardware choices forced on it to maintain legacy support. Gaming youtuber literally buy / build secondary machines to do the game capture.
While this is true, the brute force is so wide that it is a big difference in performance between top end consoles and top end GPUs.

Another thing to note is Linux, everything can be tweaked down to the scheduler on the system it can be heavily optimised towards gaming, its just a shame that there are so few native games built on it and around what the kernel and software stack is capable of (I am so glad Valve made the steam deck - even though it is running most games through a dx to vulkan translation layer and translating windows system calls to linux system calls using Wine - its performance is still incredible given the hardware it is running on) - mine should be delivered sometime either over the weekend or next week at last !
Absolutely 100% this. Steam Deck is a game changer.


8 Jul 2022
Another thing to note is Linux, everything can be tweaked down to the scheduler on the system it can be heavily optimised towards gaming, its just a shame that there are so few native games built on it and around what the kernel and software stack is capable of (I am so glad Valve made the steam deck - even though it is running most games through a dx to vulkan translation layer and translating windows system calls to linux system calls using Wine - its performance is still incredible given the hardware it is running on) - mine should be delivered sometime either over the weekend or next week at last !
If only the PC gaming could finally be free from Windows, I can't think of a better improvement. Gaming is the only reason why I still bother with Windows.


6 Jul 2022
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