The heroine should be called Naoé/Naoi (but it could be changed between now and the release of the game, like Jora became Eivor in Valhalla). It is also very likely that it is her name in Japanese "ナオエ" under the Assassins logo on the right.
- Her story is similar to that of Bayek. A member of the Order will kill her father and a quest for revenge will follow which will push her to create/join the shinobis.
My reaction: The Order should strictly refer to the Templars this time since this takes place ~30-50 years after Ezio's death, but creating the shinobi shouldn't be possible since there's already established lore of them existing well before the Europeans first got there (I do see the /join bit, though.) And her name shouldn't be spelled ナオエ since that specific system of writing Japanese (katakana) is reserved for foreign loanwords.