The Silent Hill 2 Remake trailer did not impress the head of Bloober Team. "It doesn't reflect the spirit of the game”

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom

Piotr Babieno - president of the Bloober Team studio - admitted in an interview that he understands the criticism that fell on the Silent Hill 2 Remake trailer presented during State of Play. In his opinion, the material prepared by the publisher "does not reflect the spirit of the game."

Let us remind you that the trailer with gameplay elements was criticized mainly for its unattractive visuals and the general feeling of stiffness and "wooden" . Judging by the statistics and comments on YouTube, the reception is rather mixed.

  • I wrote these negative comments myself - jokes Babieno in an interview with the channel . - Quite seriously, we are not responsible for the marketing side. Our partner [Konami - note] is entirely responsible for this. ed]. [...] This trailer certainly does not reflect the spirit of the game .
  • This is neither the spirit of what once was nor the spirit of what we are creating now - he explains further. - We try to fully reflect this romantic vision of the game that debuted 22 years ago. We think that when players see real gameplay, a real game, they will evaluate it in a completely different way .
The president added that in addition to the loudest voices of doubt about the future of the project, the company also receives a lot of messages from satisfied fans. He also calmed down players who were worried about the level of graphics. - I think we can rest assured that we are using all the capabilities of Unreal [Engine] 5 - he added.

I'm sure they'll get to work on the IP again when they keep throwing konami under the bus ... Moron 🤣
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: laynelane


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Yeah, a different kind of trailer wouldn't have made a difference. The game is janky. Incredibly bad animations and comparing this to RE4 remake is an insult to RE4.

Maybe they should have made a better game instead of blaming Konami.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Konami gives money to a studio that makes a bad game.

People: Fuck Konami.

This level of bandwagoning is ridiculous. At what point do we blame a studio that doesn't exactly have a great track record with gaming and is using the preconceived view of a publisher to shift blame away from them?


28 Jun 2022
Konami gives money to a studio that makes a bad game.

People: Fuck Konami.

This level of bandwagoning is ridiculous. At what point do we blame a studio that doesn't exactly have a great track record with gaming and is using the preconceived view of a publisher to shift blame away from them?
Lol Konami should have not entrusted a great franchise to subpar devs.