The Xbox Pro in 2026 ( Brad Sams speculation video )


28 Jun 2022

Xbox is working on new hardware and is changing looks like a new Xbox is coming in 2026 but the question is will it be a Pro or a "new" generation of hardware.

Previous takes on series X aka Scarlet

via Brad Sams:

"This past week, I was tipped off that the next generation Xbox was codenamed Scarlett and in an effort to track down if this information was accurate, I was able to view content that highlighted several unannounced Microsoft products that are coming in the next two years.

Microsoft is planning for the next Xbox console release to arrive in 2020. But what is more interesting, is that Microsoft describes 'Scarlett' as a family of devices; meaning we may see multiple pieces of hardware released that year.

That date may seem relatively close considering that the Xbox One X launched last year but Microsoft is aggressively moving ahead with hardware in the console space to shake up the industry. But what we don't know is if this is a brand new set of devices or simply a more 'powerful' Xbox One that is again, fully backward compatible with all the content available today.

Considering how much effort Microsoft has put into backward compatibility, I would expect the Scarlett devices to support current gen games but offer more advanced features and align possibly with Microsoft's upcoming game-streaming services.

As with any leak this far out, timing and plans can change but I was able to verify the information I viewed as being authentic and fully believe that the company is on-track to release the new console in two years."
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16 Jul 2023
This is the problem with Xbox they are completely clueless about anything and the only thing they can do is copy Sony

I mean how the fuck are you gonna be developing games for what is effectively 3 different platforms XS,XX and this new X pro


8 Jan 2023
Kinda funny how these rumors started suddenly appearing in response to people mentioning the PS5 Pro and how it will cause Xbox to lose the power narrative. I still say trying to make devs support 3 skus for the least popular console won't work well.


28 Jun 2022
Kinda funny how these rumors started suddenly appearing in response to people mentioning the PS5 Pro and how it will cause Xbox to lose the power narrative. I still say trying to make devs support 3 skus for the least popular console won't work well.
I just think they are jumping first and will release a new console, not necessarily a, pro per se.


28 Jun 2022
Kinda funny how these rumors started suddenly appearing in response to people mentioning the PS5 Pro and how it will cause Xbox to lose the power narrative. I still say trying to make devs support 3 skus for the least popular console won't work well.
Its insane they are already talking about next gen 3 years in BEFORE Christmas shopping season is even over. Theyve basically given up market share on the rest of the world to focus on deep discounted prices in the US.

-A new console so early seems like a waste if the Series S will still be supported. I cannot see MS dropping the series S so soon, especially
when most of the xboxs out there are the S.

-3rd parties would then be required to development for 3 xboxs with radically different hardware, none of the indiviual boxes selling all that great to begin with to boot. Not to mention the games themselves do not sell that great thanks to low marketshare and gamepass effect.

-PS will continue to be the go to console for third parties because (assuming the pro is easy to develop for) because they only need to make 2 versions (Regular and Pro) where as with xbox you have to make 3 different versions with different RAM, GPU, and potentially architecture as well for the new xbox.

-Pricing is going to be a mess because theyd have to essentially manufacture 3 consoles at one time. Sony is able to reduce the Manufacturing cost somewhat frequently because its all one system basically.

-This also puts them at a disadvantage tech wise because PS6 would have 2 years worth advantage. At best they use prototypes for new technology but ps6 (and a new nintnedo down the line) would use mature versions of new tech. MS would essentially be a half step behind when Devs would eventually be moving on from this gen to PS6 and modern GPUS using the new tech.

It all just sounds like a mess and a company that has no idea what its doing but because they have infinite money they can afford to flounder.
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25 Mar 2023
After the success of the Series S and Series X nothing makes more sense than releasing a new console without having delivered on anything this gen. The first half of the gen for MS has to be one of the worst ever for a mainstream console and it's getting absolutely destroyed while Sony is taking it rather easy.

What is the strategy? Going up against the PS5 Pro while having only crossgen games for the foreseeable future? Cutting of support for the Series consoles and reducing their potential audience even further?

PS5 already runs games so well that even the PS5 Pro becomes mostly a luxury option, that will be nice for some of us but not something Sony is being pressured to do.
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28 Jun 2022
After the success of the Series S and Series X nothing makes more sense than releasing a new console without having delivered on anything this gen. The first half of the gen for MS has to be one of the worst ever for a mainstream console and it's getting absolutely destroyed while Sony is taking it rather easy.

What is the strategy? Going up against the PS5 Pro while having only crossgen games for the foreseeable future? Cutting of support for the Series consoles and reducing their potential audience even further?

PS5 already runs games so well that the even the PS5 Pro becomes mostly a luxury option.
Right, a pro is probably less necessary than last gen was but its still nice to have for super fans. A 2026 console is typical MS bravado "Oh yeah, we were making a super pro."


2 May 2023
I don't see how MS can ask developers to support a Pro model alongside the S. If they are planning an upgrade over the X, it kinda has to be a new generation imo. And MS is in no position to start a new generation without aligning with Playstation. Whatever hardware Xbox does next is likely to be their last.


28 Jun 2022
IDK how much xbox factors into sony's overall plans or if there is anything they can even do at this point, but i cant imagine putting it out there exactly when it is you plan to launch a new console (even if it is just rumors) doesnt give sony vital information. Maybe ps6 is supposed to this tech beast but sony settles for a weaker console to launch closer to xbox now that its out in the ether? IDK if that's even possible with roadmaps and all but being this transparent probably isnt a good thing IMO.

For what its worth:


Gold Member

Why do people think releasing a new system early is a good strategy? It only worked with the 360 because of sonys 599 US dollars! Not because of releasing early. Releasing early will do fuck all for Microsoft without a fuck up from Sony like with the PS3.
"I don't know how many actually think its a good idea but these Xbox channels will push its a great idea because they are told to

I think its a two fold reaction on Xbox part trying to avoid releasing in the same window as PS6 and not go head to head hardware sales wise

Plus being caught a little unprepared with the PS5 Pro and realizing its not a great idea to release a Series X redesign at $499 launching at the same time as the PS5 Pro"
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
This would be the dumbest thing in the world for them to do so I'm guessing it's exactly what they're going to do. Way to kill off your sales for the next 2 years as no one will want a console that's about to be ditched. Just making it way easier for 3rd parties to skip xbox entirely.


18 Nov 2023
probably wont be a pro because it will be so late in the gen. probably will be their next gen console. 360 launched a year before the ps3. Looks like they will do the same next gen. interesting.
24 Jun 2022
Kinda funny how these rumors started suddenly appearing in response to people mentioning the PS5 Pro and how it will cause Xbox to lose the power narrative. I still say trying to make devs support 3 skus for the least popular console won't work well.

Yep, "interesting" timing as per usual. Also these people are going to be very surprised with what the next Xbox hardware actually turns out to be, IMO.

You're likely to see a lot of pivoting from certain console-warring astroturfers, that's for sure.

probably wont be a pro because it will be so late in the gen. probably will be their next gen console. 360 launched a year before the ps3. Looks like they will do the same next gen. interesting.

It's 'interesting' only if they bring something meaningfully different to the table. A next-gen Xbox doing the usual stuff Xbox currently does but two years ahead of the next PlayStation will just result in more bleeding. The 360's first year was a 'modest' success; no where near the runaway people want to retroactively think it was. It did decent numbers but didn't really start picking up steam until the terrible PS3 E3 in 2006 and then Gears of War releasing later that fall, combined with the PS3's weak launch lineup.

That and then Halo 3 coming in 2007, and COD really starting to take off, are when 360 numbers actually started picking up a lot of steam. And then Kinect came along in 2010 to jump numbers even higher. Also keep in mind, Nintendo came a year later than 360 and, more importantly, their then-current system at the time, Gamecube, was a market failure.

None of these factors are present for Microsoft going forward. Sony are never repeating the mistakes of the PS3. The Switch is still outselling the new Xboxes even in its late years and Switch 2 is coming next year. Halo is effectively dead. Gears is almost in similar territory until the next game is revealed. Bethesda seem like they're a generation behind other WRPG makers at the very least, so TES VI wouldn't have the impact a Halo 3 did. And beyond all that, Microsoft will likely continue Day 1 on PC for all of their titles, which just inherently weakens the reasons to buy another Xbox.

A next-gen Xbox in 2026 would need to do things significantly different, while still tying together Microsoft's console and PC gaming efforts, and IMO the only path towards that is to make Xbox gaming-centric PC NUC & laptop-style devices. Microsoft are in a unique position to really expand that particular market with Xbox, but it'd mean doing away with many of the business practices they currently engage in with Xbox today. And that will ruffle the feathers of many of the console-warring fanatics in the fanbase.

But, there are ways to cleverly transition them into a different frame of thought and accept that type of change, and besides many of them are loyal of MS & Xbox seemingly no matter what, so they'll convince themselves in due time the change is for the best.
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21 Jun 2022
I just think they are jumping first and will release a new console, not necessarily a, pro per se.
Seeing how PS5 and XSX were pro consoles for first 3 years, and knowing that Phil Spencer doesn't believe in generation, it will be an uphil battle for them to convince people that they are starting a new generation. Also, it is very dangerous to come too early as Sony will come 1 or 2 years later with much more advanced and innovative features.