Actually, there's a number of cases where monopolies are great for everyone. Having friend groups split among various social media companies sucked and was unsustainable, eventually a "natural monopoly" was going to form. Having competing fire companies was bad and governments had to legislate them out of existence. Forcing companies, such as Apple, to sign onto a different company's format for charging, as the EU did, is seemingly good for the general populace despite restricting choice in charging platforms to a single group's product. A similar thing has happened for EVs. In sports leagues its been generally accepted everywhere that what could in a business sense be called "anti-competitive behavior" actually helps the public interest because it prevents cheating and promotes "in-game" competition. In the US pretty much every major league has needed some sort of anti-trust exemption to operate and the general public is perfectly happy with it. I'm really only scratching the surface here, there's soooooooo many cases, but then am also arguing with a corporate CEO trying to get a court ruling rather than an actual poster so there's really no point going on.