'Unhinged' pro-Microsoft zealots target #Palworld with threats after CM posts in solidarity with laid-off workers

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Sure, but I wonder how much it 's real, in the case of XBox, because it seems to works opposite to its natural growth: the more XBox become commercially irrilevant the more its fanbase become pervasive and unhinged. You wouldn't expect your neibourhood team to have the Birmingham 's Hooligans, I suppose, but...
That's because MS handles marketing in a fashion akin to a cult.

Read that description and you'll find a pretty accurate description of the Xbox gaming "community", minus the material supply-chain aspect, of course, although you could argue that the value traded in the case of social media is notoriety and influence.

They are not the only company doing so, of course, but if there is one thing MS excels at, is propaganda.


26 Jun 2022
Sure, but I wonder how much it 's real, in the case of XBox, because it seems to works opposite to its natural growth: the more XBox become commercially irrilevant the more its fanbase become pervasive and unhinged. You wouldn't expect your neibourhood team to have the Birmingham 's Hooligans, I suppose, but...
That happens with cults when the leader predicts the end of the world and it doesn't happen.

Some leave, then the rest becomes more involved with the cult, they're more extreme in their beliefs.
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29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
Sure, but I wonder how much it 's real, in the case of XBox, because it seems to works opposite to its natural growth: the more XBox become commercially irrilevant the more its fanbase become pervasive and unhinged. You wouldn't expect your neibourhood team to have the Birmingham 's Hooligans, I suppose, but...
It's similar to the end of a war, in that sense. The last remaining, most fanatical fighters will begin to fight even harder, with even more frenzy. The others will simply accept the inevitable and surrender, but those guys tend to try to fight it out to the bitter end.
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26 Jun 2022
It's similar to the end of a war, in that sense. The last remaining, most fanatical fighters will begin to fight even harder, with even more frenzy. The others will simply accept the inevitable and surrender, but those guys tend to try to fight it out to the bitter end.
Then 30 years later some sailors will find an old dude occupying an island, holding the fort with his rifle, waiting for the enemy to show up.

In this case it will be some old dude screaming Phil, do it Phil, give me some day-and-date games on gamepass! My body is ready! Tell me something Phil, I have not heard from you un such a long time. I know, next E3, but there are no E3s anymore! What do we do now?