Unity bosses sold stock days before development fees announcement

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

Unity executives sold thousands of shares in the weeks leading up to last night's hugely controversial announcement it will soon charge developers when one of their games is downloaded.

The company has subsequently softened its stance slightly on a couple of aspects - but fury across the industry remains.

Behind the scenes, CEO John Riccitiello shifted 2000 shares last week on 6th September, as noted by Yahoo Finance, which noted this move was part of a trend over the past year where the exec has sold more than 50,000 shares in total and bought none.

Several others on Unity's board of directors also sold shares in the past few weeks, including president of growth Tomer Bar-Zeev who sold 37.5k shares on 1st September, for around $1.4m. Shlomo Dovrat, meanwhile, sold 68k shares on 30th August for around $2.5m.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Something's tells me a lawsuit is coming from other shareholders.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
How is this guy not arrested for insider trading? Shady af