VGC reports Switch 2 was demoed with "The Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 tech demo" feauring DLSS, advanced raytracing and "visuals comparable to Sony


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023

Another VGC source claimed that Nintendo showcased Epic’s impressive The Matrix Awakens Unreal Engine 5 tech demo – originally released to showcase the power of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 2021 – running on target specs for its next console.

The demo is said to have been running using Nvidia’s DLSS upscaling technology, with advanced ray tracing enabled and visuals comparable to Sony‘s and Microsoft’s current-gen consoles.

Deleted member 223

I like to believe all the lies about Nintendo releasing a console with real power cause I truly wish it to be true. Both for the health of the market and as NES/SNES kid. Stuff like this almost always turns out to be a pipedream however.

Nintendo is the only company that competes correctly in the traditional sense and the only company equipped with the tools to to keep Sony in check within the confines of the traditional model....... provided Nintendo releases hardware that is close to power parity, with full third party support, with commercial success to go along with it etc.

MS has shown its face after getting a foot in the door with the X360. Microsoft is a committed disruptor of the traditional model that seeks to push the premium games market away from the traditional model. MS disruption and policies unfortunately haul Sony along with them - as a byproduct of Sony's responses and adjustment to these disruptions. The traditional model is not something that interests Microsoft, it's too restrictive for a company with monopolistic DNA and ambitions. The traditional model confines Microsoft to a defined pond. That's not what MS is after, to be the king of consoles. Consoles are only a means to an end - that is, the consumers that consume games in the premiums games market.

Nintendo, unlike MS is thus the ideal competitor... to bring it back to the basics and to the confines of the traditional conservative model.

Shit like putting PlayStation exclusives on PC ain't gonna fly well if Nintendo gets full third party support on a commercially successful console that also enjoys "close-enough" hardware power. In that scenario Sony will be flanked by a platform with true impactful exclusives, not fake early access exclusives. With that dynamic serving as a clear differentiation factor it makes it much easier for Nintendo to make headway marketshare wise..... vying for the same customer base thanks to full third party support. In that scenario, Sony will be forced to either put the breaks and moderate their liberalization as a "third party publisher" or face the hammer that won't let up on them - in this case Nintendo's hammer... pushing that message home hard - it's a winner and always will be. MS with Xbox can't because MS, for strategic purposes, went PC first and erased that competing factor.

As long as MS is positioned as Sony's direct competitor... shit will continue to go left and away from the traditional model. How many more attempts by MS's disruptions of the traditional model will it take before something actually breaks. Consolidation is already afoot - "spend Sony out of business" aka a race to the bottom is already something MS wishes to force on the market and is acting on it.
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
I believe all the lies about Nintendo releasing a console with real power cause I truly wish it to be true for the health of the market (moreover as NES/SNES kid) but shit like this almost always turns out to be a pipedream.

Nintendo is the only company that competes correctly in the traditional market sense and can attempt to keep Sony in check within the confines of the traditional model if they ever release hardware that is close to parity with commercial success to go along with it.

MS has shown its face since getting a foot in with the X360. Microsoft is a committed disruptor of the traditional model that seeks to push the premium games market away from the traditional model, and with it haul some of Sony's policies with it - as a byproduct of Sony's responses and adjustment to these disruptions. The traditional model is not something that interests Microsoft, it's too restrictive for a company with monopolistic DNA and ambitions and confines Microsoft to a defined pond. That's not what they're after, to be the king of consoles. Consoles are only a means to an end.

Nintendo is thus the ideal competitor... to bring is it back to the basics and to the confines of the traditional conservative model.

Shit like putting Sony exclusives on PC ain't gonna fly well if Nintendo gets full third party support on a commercially successful console that also enjoys "close-enough" hardware power. In that scenario Sony will be flanked by a platform with true impactful exclusives, not fake early access exclusives, that can be marketed as such and exploited as a differention factor when seeking greater marketshare and mindshare..... while simultaneously vying for the same customer base thanks to full third party support.

I hope all this shit becomes true. As long as MS is positioned as Sony's direct competitor... shit will continue to go left and away from the traditional model.

Apple is still the Market Leader, they make more profit in Gaming then nintendo,sony and Microsoft combined.
We also have Tencent,amazon,Valve and Google.

Deleted member 223

Mobile Gaming is not Premium Gaming.

Apple is the market leader in mobile gaming, with a platform to go along with it. Google follows behind in similar fashion and is more akin to MS in the console/PC space. That is, Apple phones is the "Apple console", Apple Store is the middle-man operation. For Google, Android OS/Play Store is the middle man operation and it's found in any android OS based phone (akin to MS on PC) or Google phones (akin to MS with Xbox).

As for Apple... Huawei may be gunning for the crown in the span of 5-8 years at most. The Mate 60 is the real deal.

Tencent is a big publisher, akin to ABK, EA, Ubisoft etc who have a foot everywhere. Tencent is not a platform holder.

Premium Gaming has 3 main players - Sony (Playstation), Nintendo (Nintendo consoles), and Microsoft (Xbox/PC). The premium games market is shared with a total of 4 platforms, PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox (trojan horse for PC) and PC.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Depends on wether you believe a modified T234 can run a downgraded version of the demo. Here's a solid summary of the leaks so far. Ignore what he speculates about specs.

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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Mobile Gaming is not Premium Gaming.

Apple is the market leader in mobile gaming, with a platform to go along with it. Google follows behind in similar fashion and is more akin to MS in the console/PC space. That is, Apple phones is the "Apple console", Apple Store is the middle-man operation. For Google, Android OS/Play Store is the middle man operation and it's found in any android OS based phone (akin to MS on PC) or Google phones (akin to MS with Xbox).

As for Apple... Huawei may be gunning for the crown in the span of 5-8 years at most. The Mate 60 is the real deal.

Tencent is a big publisher, akin to ABK, EA, Ubisoft etc who have a foot everywhere. Tencent is not a platform holder.

Premium Gaming has 3 main players - Sony (Playstation), Nintendo (Nintendo consoles), and Microsoft (Xbox/PC). The premium games market is shared with a total of 4 platforms, PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox (trojan horse for PC) and PC.

What would you classify Amazon Luna,Google Stadia,Steamdeck, Meta-quest and Apple tv?


28 Jun 2022
Righttttt lol 😂😂 We know better than to listen to this bs. I remember the Switch rumors too.
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
It's perfectly possible that the Switch 2 is running the Matrix UE5 demo, the same way the Switch 1 runs Doom Eternal and Witcher 3.

Showing enthusiasm over rumors of next-gen Nintendo hardware being powerful has become its own special type of masochism.

Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
We hear that but whether or not its better than steam deck has yet to be seen. If they go with another system it could be amd based instead of nvidia which might be a more substantial improvement. I would also like for nintendo to fix their joycon issue which may result in a controller that actually fits in someone's hand to begin with.

Deleted member 223

What would you classify Amazon Luna,Google Stadia,Steamdeck, Meta-quest and Apple tv?
Different ventures trying to capitalize on the premium games market and consumers with similar consumption patterns. Likewise for the mobile gaming market with Apple TV.

Amazon Luna
Google Stadia - defunct.

Both of those are an attempt to disrupt the distribution model and delivery of premium games using cloud-streaming instead of proper consoles. End Goal is to capture the premium games market which is firmly in the pocket of Sony and Nintendo, as well as siphon away consumers on PC with similar consumption patterns. Zero sum game. Consoles and PC continue to be dominant in the premium games market despite those disruption attempts - one of them (Google's Stadia) officially defunct.

Steamdeck is a traditional handheld, a miniature console on the go that shares the premium games market with its bigger cousins - proper consoles and PC. Similar to Switch.

VR is another disruptor for the premium games market. Obviously a hardware oriented disruption vying for consumers that consume games in the premium games market. Sort of like more elaborate handhelds, "headhelds" if you will... obviously more complicated than that but the commonality is the type of games consumed, the type of consumers doing the consumption, the distribution model, development processes, genres etc. Sony is smart in attaching its VR venture to its PlayStation consoles. VR has the potential to become its own market fragmenting the premium games market between VR and consoles, unlike handhelds. In a sea of the unknown where VR could be anyone's market at the expense of consoles, it's wise for Sony anchor VR to consoles and not compete with itself by detaching it from consoles and help competitors in doing so. Along the way you also get the benefit of keeping tabs on the progress in the market while guiding the market as a market player = experience in making VR hardware, in making VR games, in maintaining and building third party relations with VR game devs as well as being engaged in the distribution of all of it - win, win, win, win.

Apple TV is taking mobile gaming to the living room. It sort of kills two birds with one stone in terms of market exploration. On the one hand you give mobile consumers used to gaming on mobile phones an option for TV while on the other you entice consumers of the premium games market to perhaps switch after trying? That has not had a great degree of success clearly.
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8 May 2023
-Ps4 like GPU power and memory with a modern CPU architecture.

- Backwards compatibility with boost mode at a system level (nothing fancy: if your game has dynamic resolution and framerates just make it hit max red/fps by running on the switch 2sue to bruteforce)

- Better controls without having to resort to a pro controller to play demanding games properly.

-more battery life

If they do that, they knock it out of the park. None of this path tracing VR ready BS.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
It's impossible to make up for that kind of power gap with DLSS. Otherwise you'd see 2060s be able to run 4k graphics as well as a 4090 with DLSS. Now, if they have a 1080p screen I could see them giving Sony quality graphics when compared to a Steamdeck running The Last of Us or something, but that's kind of cheating the discussion of what "Sony quality graphics" means.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
The Zelda demo for Wii U also looked amazing for the time and Nintendo did very little to capitalize on the hardware during its lifecycle.

I always take these tech demos with a grain of salt. This time could be different with the rise of powerful handheld PC’s coming to market, maybe Nintendo see a greater need to lean into power and graphics.

I mean the same people who thought Switch was an underpowered toy got real quiet when DOOM and other titles were able to run very well on it. Somehow they’re always wrong so if I’m betting my money on anyone it’s Nintendo.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Probably fake.

The actual hardware available for handheld will at max give you similar graphics to last generation… that means PS4 level… in a very optimistic way a bit better than PS4 due DLSS.

But nowhere close to what Sony have today.
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