Xbots don't want to hear this, but this gen of Xbox consoles will sell half of what Xbox One sold


27 Jun 2023
Microsoft is rumored to start their new generation of OEM Xbox consoles in late 2026, the Xbox Series S/X consoles are currently sitting at 28M according to VGChartz, with drops of 30% YoY for 2 years consecutively, in the first 4 months of 2024, Xbox Series S/X consoles sold 800k units, the lowest ever for Xbox since OG days, with 2 more years of life, we can safely say, this generation of Xbox consoles will sell less than 35/40M consoles despite a 299 model (sold for 150 dollars on holidays), but when we say Xbox is no longer a proper competitor to PlayStation (specially now that all of their games will be on PlayStation), Xbox fanboys cry in the replies of the Icon-Era Twitter account

xbox consoles are selling less than the Meta Quest, a niche device for VR gaming, when confronted about sales, Xbox fanboys say Microsoft is in the future and consoles are no longer important, they just forget Cloud Gaming is not the standard (not even close), and subscriptions don't represent even 10% of the spending in the industry, so if not on consoles, where is Xbox's future?
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6 Jan 2024
All console sales will be lower this gen, including Switch 2 sales.
That's not to take away from the absolute cluster fuck that has been the One and Series consoles because even in a healthy market, it would fail.

Xbox are moving third party and that's all their is to it.


23 Jul 2022
They've practically tried to give away Series S consoles and are still stuck in the mire, and soon Sony will have PS5 Pro coming out and it's biggest first-party studios showing off their latest games. All the while GamePass which was supposed to be their Trojan horse is in decline and games like Hellblade, Avowed and Indiana Jones will do nothing to rectify that (just sub for one month, play the game and leave).

This is why Xbox hardware going to the Surface team and software going third-party makes sense, - it's a dying platform.
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25 Mar 2023
That has been clear to me for years, weird how long it took people to realize it. Series consoles, Gamepass and their acquisition spree were all miserable failures.

Gamepass has been extremely value destructive and Xbox leadership kept dragging MS into doubling down on it, the bulk of damage is yet to come now that they became so big as a publisher while historically being one of the worst publishers out there.

I guess people were too distracted by projections of how acquiring Bethesda/ABK would affect Xbox to realize it has been an awful product for ages and that Phil Spencer has always been just a con artist saying what he things people want to hear.

The Xbox One gen was already completely unacceptable when compared to the PS4 and the Xbox Series is far worse. If anything I'm surprised Xbox Series sold as much as it did for how bad of a product it is.
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21 Jun 2022
No one really knows what the Xbox one sold though, some reports say 35m, others say 50m. No one has a clue. But we do know Series won’t sell more than 35m.

Vgchartz is a horrible source btw, they always inflate Xbox numbers.
we know, around 55-57M through many shared data from m$.


27 Jun 2023
No we don’t …
i remember VGChartz was estimating Xbox One had like 48M units sold in 2020, then out of nowhere they added 10M and now they say it sold 58M, we'll never really know official numbers cause Microsoft doesn't provide the numbers
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
No we don’t …
They did share the stats of the combined Xbox One and XS install base in some presentation in Brazil. Point being if Xbox One isn't that high, XS is higher and we know that isn't the case.

The ceiling for current XS sales is (charitably) 25 mil. Lifetime sales will be well under 30mil.


27 Jun 2023
They did share the stats of the combined Xbox One and XS install base in some presentation in Brazil. Point being if Xbox One isn't that high, XS is higher and we know that isn't the case.

The ceiling for current XS sales is (charitably) 25 mil. Lifetime sales will be well under 30mil.
when it's all said and done, 32 - 35M shipped Series S/X consoles, a complete failure, next console will probably have Wii U numbers (20M max)


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
It will sell more than 30m so it will be way over half of Xbox One.

But it won’t reach 40m… neither the 50 million Xbox One did.
24 Jun 2022
It's not 28 million. It's 26.2 million (at best). At least, as of the start of April.

At the pace things are going, they won't hit 28 million until the end of September 😬

No we don’t …

55-58 million for XBO is probably close to accurate. That Brazilian event they had, where they leaked numbers, had 75 million for both XBO & Series IIRC. Series hadn't crossed 18 million by January 2023 (IMO), but if going by Ampere it's possible they may have hit 18.5 million (sold-through) by EOY 2022 as well, so it was either already tracking (slightly) behind XBO launch-aligned even then, or only doing marginally better, and it just got worst as the year went on.

The Brazilian even was from sometime late Spring last year, so in ~ 5 or so months Series had sold ~ 3 million units globally. What we can say for sure, if @Welfare 's 800K estimate is right for FY '23 Q3, then last year XBS sold ~ 1.15 million units in FY '22 Q3. And for FY '22 Q4, ~ 1.85 million units. If they're projecting a 15% - 20% drop YOY for next quarter, it'd put their best estimates at ~ 1.57 million, but could be as low as 1.48 million, or possibly even lower than that.

That is of course assuming the numbers from that Brazilian event were sold and not shipped...
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