Xbox BG3 is a whopping 99 on Meta even with the save file erasing bug.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
The truth is.

Reviewers are harsh with PlayStation games.
Starfield should had scored in the low to mid 70 if it was exclusive to PS5.
Previous Forza that scored in low 90 should have fall to mid 80 if PS exclusive.

That is how reviewers do.

Games like Ragnarok should had scored in the high 90 if Xbox exclusive and not into the low 90.

The industry and media is kind to Xbox because they don’t want to lose it but the Xbox team lead by Uncle Phil is suck a failure that can’t even change their own division culture to start to delivery better games.

That is not bad for PlayStation because it push PS studios to outdid themselves to delivery the goods.
But that makes Xbox studios not caring about quality because anything will get a free pass 🤷‍♂️