Xbox bot/ AI/Astroturfer flooding social media over Acti Blizard news are hilarious


8 May 2023
Crazy fool, imma keep snipping at your ear for shits and giggles, cause you are clearly psychotic. You might even be schizo and off your meds?
what kind of response is this? It’s never that serious 🤦‍♂️ I hope you’re not projecting
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
@Loy310 😍

White Flag I Give Up GIF by Film Riot


2 Jul 2022
Iconera is obsessed with xbox.
Bot trolls on sm are right, some ya are really going to spend the next 10 years gaslighting bullshit threads over this merger, when all you have to do is ignore and move on.
we’re just eager to see Xbox game division blowing itself up.


14 Aug 2022
we’re just eager to see Xbox game division blowing itself up.
It's already been blown to bits, they got lucky with the 360. i think we are at the point where even negative discussions help them stay relevant, and that's my point in my argument.
I can't wait for next friday so we can stop hearing about ms ms ms (good and bad) for a few weeks, Spider-Man gets to be a real superhero and save some of y'all souls for real 😂


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
Obsession and caring are 2 different thing. Some of you are grossly obsessed to the point where many come off as sick.
Exposing bot or astroturfing post to change public perception is not shilling at all

You got that weird fanboy war warped out in your brain

You think you look hollier than the rest of us by pretending to be neutral for not pointing out what this garbage company did by flooding social media with bot comments but youre actually not youre just being stupid
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
If you actually Cared then you wouldn’t be shilling for a game console. Sony is not much different in what they do. I find it ridiculous hypocrisy to endlessly mock Xbox. If it wasn’t a Microsoft product I would’ve been actually annoyed by all this console bashing.

How exactly am i shilling for a company? How does that mean I don’t care? There’s nothing wrong with calling out MS’s anti competitive nature. You are just bothered because you don’t want people seeing MS for what they truly are. A corporation that does not care about games and just wants to buy everything and try to eliminate the competition.

Sony is not different? You have to be joking. Please tell us when has Sony spent over 80 billion dollars buying multiplatform publishers and studios? They never have. All studios Sony have bought were already making games for PlayStation or a small studio just starting out. They all made new IP’s with Sony. Sony’s method brings new games to the industry. MS doesn’t. They just want to own everything and take things away. They don’t produce anything new or beneficial.

Sony and MS are not remotely the same.

Either way you look at the future it’s going to be away from these Game consoles anyways. They’re not unique it was a pain in the ass to work with unique hardware like the Saturn/ps3 back in the day anyways. Turning them into glorified pcs seems to have speed Up development time anyways. Personally I’m hoping for a specialized operating system for your own computer to be the future one of which has multiple store fronts.

Consoles are very unique. They provide easy plug and play experience. Nowhere else can you get that. Controllers, trophy systems, UI, friends, and plenty of other features that consoles have that make them an enjoyable experience over anything else.

Some developers actually liked the bespoke hardware of past generations. It challenged developers to do more and come up with new ways to get their game running and in turn made the game better.

Changing to PC architecture made development easier, but that doesn’t mean they’re glorified PC. They’re still put together in a bespoke manner. Especially in Sony’s case with the PS5. They don’t get PC parts off the shelf and make a console out it. That’s not how it works. You still have to build it from the ground up around a unique specifications and operating system.

Your talking point about consoles going away have always been said for years. Meanwhile consoles sell over 200M every generation. People want them and prefer them.

You say consoles aren’t unique then go to come up with the most boring and unimaginative gaming experience ever. Nobody wants to only be able to play on a computer with different stores. People like choice. Consoles provide that. They always will.


26 Jun 2022
If you actually Cared then you wouldn’t be shilling for a game console. Sony is not much different in what they do. I find it ridiculous hypocrisy to endlessly mock Xbox. If it wasn’t a Microsoft product I would’ve been actually annoyed by all this console bashing.

Either way you look at the future it’s going to be away from these Game consoles anyways. They’re not unique it was a pain in the ass to work with unique hardware like the Saturn/ps3 back in the day anyways. Turning them into glorified pcs seems to have speed Up development time anyways. Personally I’m hoping for a specialized operating system for your own computer to be the future one of which has multiple store fronts.
Nah, MS plays a different game with different rules. They don't care about being one bit honest, will bribe executives to lower the price of companies they want to buy, pay/compensate people to shill for them (how else would they even have "fanboys"), so on and so forth.

Just look at the story of the company, this is unlike other giant corporations (they're not all that bad)

Thankfully they don't make health products or deal with dangerous chemicals.
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Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
Sony is not different? You have to be joking. Please tell us when has Sony spent over 80 billion dollars buying multiplatform publishers and studios? They never have. All studios Sony have bought were already making games for PlayStation or a small studio just starting out. They all made new IP’s with Sony. Sony’s method brings new games to the industry. MS doesn’t. They just want to own everything and take things away. They don’t produce anything new or beneficial.

I’ve yet to see these new games they’ve been bringing as of late.
Sony and MS are not remotely the same.

Both stiffle the industry as console manufacturers usually do. Sony sold off their old game dfor this new crap they want to push. I hear no one complaining about that so I will just assume those titles were not that influential.

Consoles are very unique. They provide easy plug and play experience. Nowhere else can you get that. Controllers, trophy systems, UI, friends, and plenty of other features that consoles have that make them an enjoyable experience over anything else.

I can install several different guis on my Linux machine. Steam os is a specialized version of arch Linux runs them about the same As a game console.

Some developers actually liked the bespoke hardware of past generations. It challenged developers to do more and come up with new ways to get their game running and in turn made the game better

Oh sure but specific hardware vs getting something ready quick as possible is more plausible for both consumers and the producers.
Specialized hardware could be useful for specific things but it seems those are rare these days.

Changing to PC architecture made development easier, but that doesn’t mean they’re glorified PC. They’re still put together in a bespoke manner. Especially in Sony’s case with the PS5. They don’t get PC parts off the shelf and make a console out it. That’s not how it works. You still have to build it from the ground up around a unique specifications and operating system.

To my knowledge it is no different than the parts I picked for my own computer and system requirements for a console esque experience are possible via os’s such as steam deck. If the console was truly superior like they were during the 80/90s then this discussion wouldn’t be happening.

Your talking point about consoles going away have always been said for years. Meanwhile consoles sell over 200M every generation. People want them and prefer them.

It was going to happen eventually Microsoft is just waiting for that keep in mind they already control a Vast portion of the market. I’m going to assume you’re going to say Xbox. No they onviously don’t care about that. Pc is what I’m talking about.

“You say consoles aren’t unique then go to come up with the most boring and unimaginative gaming experience ever. Nobody wants to only be able to play on a computer with different stores. People like choice. Consoles provide that. They always will.”

As I’ve uttered in the post before they do not provide much nowadays. Boring and unimaginative is what Sony has done this entire gen. As for store fronts well I’m afraid that Your argument is the same as I just go to Walmart for bananas and never see the other stores and noticing you’re being ripped off buying bananas.