YouTuber RGT_85 falsely claims that it is now illegal to sell your PlayStation 5 games.


8 May 2023
Of course, just like when DeekeTweak's fake graph was debunked and he admitted to being wrong, stupid Xbox fanboys were still like "the evil ponies bullied you but it's ok, now we know the truth" and they still use that graph to this day.

On the flipside, the media always tries to spin bad Xbox news into positives as much as they can. When Phil did that KindaFunny interview where he said they lost the console war and were 3rd place, there were a bunch of articles like "Here's what Phil really meant - and no Xbox is not last place". Or they only talk about how he's so great and brave for being so honest, and not about anything he actually said.

Looks like DeekeTweak is trying to stop misinformation instead of spreading it for once. I hope he keeps this up



10 Feb 2023
Xbox farmers working overtime. My twitter s full of their FUD.

Its almost like they come up with new crap every day.
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12 Jun 2023
Report the video and his channel. If enough of us, report it. It might get taken down
That's easier said than done he has a cultic following, but 90% when he makes videos, he doesn't know what he's even talking about. Watched one of his older vids by mistake and he was talking about how he's a Playstation lover but all he talks about now are how he feels and hates Sonys business moves now. Like his opinion is relevant to the world.

Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
This is why I stopped watching channels like this. All they do is read you an article and go with whatever opinions that’ll get them clicks. It’s also why I stopped following politics on the net. It’s the same issue and it’s tiring to hear people screech into the sky about every damn issue or manufactured controversy. Drove me insane.


Well-known member
22 Jun 2022
West Virginia, USA
what's more important is how come none of the governmental agencies have cracked down on that kind of language? barring resale of games is some actual anticonsumer shit and was ruled against by the supreme court in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley.
The vast majority of governments in the world don't give a flying fuck about their constituents, especially the shit hole that is the US. As long as their billionaire overlords are happy, everything's fine, even when it's not.


26 Jun 2022
This is so anti-consumer. What's next, we need Phil Spencer's signature before starting a game?
Lower in the agreement it states that if Phil Spencer or another executive at MS needs a kidney transfer and you are a compatible donor they can freely require your organ in case of emergency. For them or a member of their family.

This is limited to organs that you have spares, so it's very humaine.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Lower in the agreement it states that if Phil Spencer or another executive at MS needs a kidney transfer and you are a compatible donor they can freely require your organ in case of emergency. For them or a member of their family.

This is limited to organs that you have spares, so it's very humane.
Below that passage, it says Matt Booty gets conjugal visits with your grandmother on alternating Wednesdays.


8 May 2023
RGT uploaded a new video admitting it was fake news but he didn’t delete his last video full of fake news 😂 These YouTubers are clowns
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