[Bloomberg] Grand Theft Auto VI Will Have Female Main Character for First Time In Series' History (FY2024, Vice city)

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Female protagonist sounds good with a Bonnie and Clyde setup. I just hope Rockstar doesn't become politically correct and lose their edge. The biggest negative for me is that it definitely looks like im never ever going to get Manhunt 3 which makes me sad. Come on Rockstar, at least remake the original. Please!!!

Back to GTA VI, all sounds good. Loved Vice City so wouldn't mind a present day and amazing looking version of a new one. And I really hop they go all in with all the Drug Cartel stuff if that's the direction of the game. But 2025 kinda sucks. Rockstar really are just sticking to one game a generation. UGH.
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John Elden Ring

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
I mean there's making fun of people with a purpose, and then just doing it to be a spiteful numbnut. Edgy/offensive comedy works best when there's some kind of (subtle) balance or satire on societal things people know are wrong. That's why the comedy in stuff like South Park or Quentin Tarantino films works in spite of them being potentially offensive.

Too bad every edgelord online these days think they can do the same and fail miserably because they lack the knowledge on the very stuff they joke about, so there's none of that satirical bit or nuanced balance from the vast majority of them. I don't remember the GTA games being outright hateful or malicious toward any groups, though. Some controversial moments ("Kill the Haitians", the trans jokes in V, Hot Coffee) but I don't remember any of those being done with malice. They could've handled them better, though.

That said it's kind of weird to have these types of concerns over stories featuring outright criminals, murderers etc. They aren't good people, why expect them to have good morals and values? At most make them like Tony Soprano: a guy who's unabashedly offensive & bigoted but gets karma served to him one way or another practically every single time so you can laugh at him.

God Bless Brazil 🍑😍
Female Protagonist will most probably be mexican or cuban anyway
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Deleted member 38

is unimpressed
21 Jun 2022
I say why not, fantastic to me, opens up an entirely different perspective from the character.

The only thing i don't want to see is Purple hair on her. I want diverse characters just not the "I am going to preach to you " type
I could show you the purple haired-character I got if you play it online... but oh, forgot, you play Diablo Immortal and Outriders :cool:


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I could show you the purple haired-character I got if you play it online... but oh, forgot, you play Diablo Immortal and Outriders :cool:
i do not play diablo Immortal ffs, and yer i totally forgot about that, need to have a check, was the patch out
  • thinking_hard
Reactions: Deleted member 38


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
I want to be a dude and I enjoy offensive comedy in the vein of their old games so they aren't selling me on it with these bullet points


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Can I still get a hooker on the car and get my money back afterwards with the female character?

Jokes aside, as long as they are not afraid to go all out on the humor side, let the devs do what they think it's best for their game.

Deleted member 140

I like it a lot that they change course, because the edgy, provocative and controversy seeking schtick got old. Times change, so does the culture and society. I'm glad that these important adjustments have been made at Rockstar and that they go with a more diverse approach.

The game will still be crazy, huge, with great environments and full of action, I don't think anything is being taken away here.
  • thisistheway
Reactions: Bryank75

Deleted member 140

I want to be a dude and I enjoy offensive comedy in the vein of their old games so they aren't selling me on it with these bullet points

There is also a male main character, from what I understand we will be able to play both, you will still get your "dude", no reason to be so negative!

And I'm convinced that the game will still have great humor full of criticism of society, just not against the most vulnerable. They will still be "offensive" against politicians, the media, the institutions, companies and so on. Don't be that concerned! 🌞
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1 Jul 2022
Hope she is hot
you know she won't be.

some prerequisites:

-Can't be attractive to men.
-hair color must be dyed or highlighted pink, purple, green, blue, or some other unnatural color.
-Must have a masculine build, or just be fat. Think Abby from TLOU2 but with Cholo tattoos, brown skin, and dark hair (with green highlights).
-Must routinely emasculate male characters to assert female dominance.
-Must have ugly piercings and shitty tattoos.

game sounds like a complete and utter trainwreck, but hey keep defending these corporate hackjobs.

Love the line about how the 'Boys club has now become a real company'

Schreier sure loves the smell of his own farts. dude is a complete and utter hack writer.
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1 Jul 2022
you know she won't be.

some prerequisites:

-Can't be attractive to men.
-hair color must be dyed or highlighted pink, purple, green, blue, or some other unnatural color.
-Must have a masculine build, or just be fat. Think Abby from TLOU2 but with Cholo tattoos, brown skin, and dark hair (with green highlights).
-Must routinely emasculate male characters to assert female dominance.
-Must have ugly piercings and shitty tattoos.

game sounds like a complete and utter trainwreck, but hey keep defending these corporate hackjobs.

Love the line about how the 'Boys club has now become a real company'

Schreier sure loves the smell of his own farts. dude is a complete and utter hack writer.


2 Jul 2022
you know she won't be.

some prerequisites:

-Can't be attractive to men.
-hair color must be dyed or highlighted pink, purple, green, blue, or some other unnatural color.
-Must have a masculine build, or just be fat. Think Abby from TLOU2 but with Cholo tattoos, brown skin, and dark hair (with green highlights).
-Must routinely emasculate male characters to assert female dominance.
-Must have ugly piercings and shitty tattoos.
What's wrong with any of that?


1 Jul 2022
What's wrong with any of that?
everything + it's been done to death a million times, so maybe it's time to sunset that template. old news and boring right? just like white male protagonists with dark hair, we've reached a saturation point.


2 Jul 2022
everything + it's been done to death a million times, so maybe it's time to sunset that template. old news and boring right? just like white male protagonists with dark hair, we've reached a saturation point.
White male characters has been way overdone than that, PS3/PS4 gen was everything we had.
As has been teenage characters in japanese games since the beginning of times.
I don't see you crying about that.
Say 15 AAA games with a character like you described.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Deleted member 140


1 Jul 2022
how'd it work out for gears?


gee i wonder why the franchise is dead and this game failed to even chart. the jokes just write themselves with this privileged woke crew who thinks the entire industry needs to cater to them and their tastes. it doesn't. check your privilege.
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