I'm Sorry But we Really Need a Playstation Showcase Now more than Ever!


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
We are almost half way through the year and we still don't know what games Sony has planned for the holidays, Microsoft has already annoubced their showcase for June so the ball is in Sony's Court.

A good way to distract from the fake controversy surrounding helldivers 2 is to announce a new showcase.

Playstation fans are crying out for any sort of communication from Sony, we want to know what the first party studiois have been working on for the past 4 years. We have had enough of this silence, it's time to show off the games.

I'm really hoping we get an announcement soon, my expectations are definitely high after all these years of Silence so i really hope Sony doesn't disappoint.


Active member
1 Mar 2024
Isn't one rumored for this month? The last showcase was in May too.

better to wait for this steam bs to blow over first or that would take away from the show. But yeah we need one asap

Nah, fuck them. Why should console owners wait because of this?


27 Jun 2023
better to wait for this steam bs to blow over first or that would take away from the show. But yeah we need one asap
Yeah Sony fixing this bs fiasco & pushing out a big update like adding the hive lords & buggy vehicles for traversal in HD2 will be enough to ease these morons

This whole fiasco probably push a showcase from the end of may to early June depending how long Sony takes
  • sad
Reactions: JAHGamer


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
It's on the way.

Also be careful because some leaks are already circulating on discord.

That Nick from Xboxera will try and ruin things again.

I dont care about leaks at this point, i just want to know what sony studios have been working on all these years

They can't keep blue balling us like this
  • they're_right_you_know
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Reactions: Jim Ryan and Johnic


20 Jun 2022
This showcase better have at least 5 new first party games. Ideally it would be as good as the June 2020 showcase where 9 first party games were announced or e3 2016. But after last year's shitshow of a showcase, I dont know if I should have high hopes.

Evil Aloy

3 May 2024
I can't wait for the showcase! Several of Playstation's big studios have been silent for a long time, I want to see what they've been cooking!


25 Mar 2023
Aren't you excited about the upcoming PlayStation releases like Fairgame$ and Concord? :ROFLMAO:

Their output this gen has slowed to a crawl with no signs of things improving anytime soon. Hardly any event of their this gen was exciting. Timed exclusive from Square Enix are pretty much the best thing Sony has going on along side the likes of GT7 and Helldivers 2.


25 Mar 2023
After the past few days, I'm actually very excited about them and how people will react if they require a PSN account for them 😏
PC players will buy the game regardless if they are any good because they are GaaS, once piracy is not an option they can't actually boycott anything.

When PC players talk about boycotting a game it is code word for pirating it instead and you can see them talking about it openly on any PC game community. A big chunk of the people defending Sony ports online aren't even buying the game, just like the strongest supporters of Gamepass were actually scumming it over the years instead of buying.


27 Jun 2023

Just look at the comment. They act oblivious as to why Sony wants to require a PSN even thoe almost every other publisher does this. PC players wanted PS games they wanted to pirate the games they wanted Sony to drop PS wall garden so they no longer needed to buy a PS console.

Can’t wait for more PC ports. This is the crowd Sony is trying expand to. Sony trying turn PC players to PS players quite frankly PC players don’t care about PS if they did they would buy a PS console. Now that you drop your wall garden your lucky to see PC players now buy a PS console since it’s no longer defacto & now your lucky if they buy your games on PC.

Sony need to refund everyone who bought it on PC & delist the game fuck PC whats the point of dropping your wall garden to help a direct competitor just for your games to get shit on by a consumer base that don’t respect or care about PS. Is it really worth making a couple hundred million if that?

This whole fiasco is a joke. Sony should’ve squashed this whole false narrative spreading misinformation down in a few hours.


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
I would not hold my breath, even if there is one (not unlikely) I think it will be a shitsow. I would rather them announce a state of play, because a showcase has different, higher expectations attached to it.