Sonys ‘anti-consumerism’ days are over?



Your idea of revenue from direct sales being sacrificed due to subs only works out (in terms of getting more money from a subscriber on that service) if a person is buying less in games (and MTX/DLC) than the cost of the service annually.

Which would work out well given most gamers probably do only spend about $120 - $180 or so a year in buying games, or getting MTX for F2P games, mixed in with a basic online gaming sub. But with GamePass, this becomes an issue because of how many ways there are to get a sub at a heavily discounted price, to where even mainstream & casuals would know.

And I know this, because every single big bag of Doritos has a GamePass trail slapped right on there. Other common grocery items do, as well. I don't think stuff like the $1 conversion, free trails or even MS Rewards redemption are as obscure to mainstream & casuals as some of us in enthusiasts circles want to think.

True, there's a lot of ways to get a discount on Game Pass subscriptions but not everyone knows them. And people could still spend money on DLC and/or MTX with the game being in Game Pass. For example, I will be playing Monster Hunter Rise via Game Pass on my Xbox Series X and if I complete it, then I will buy the Sunbreak expansion. I will save a total of $30 but they will still get me to spend $50 where as without day one on Game Pass, I wouldn't buy the game at all which means that they would get nothing from me.

I do agree though with this to a large extent, the psychological angle to a sub service. Still, I think there are ways to do this for other companies which are more fitting to their business structure. Sony and Nintendo, for example, would never do Day 1 for their games into a subscription service the way Microsoft is, BUT I would be interested in seeing them do a per-game subscription model where you pay off for a game in low monthly installments, with different plans available that can have higher monthly installments if you want any available DLC or MTX bonuses wrapped in there.

You can do that for say the course of a year, for whatever individual game you're looking forward to playing, but I'm sure there would be a caveat like making sure you're connected online (or connect online periodically) to validate/authenticate access to the game while you're still paying off on it. And you'd probably need to use a credit card or debit card connected to a bank account (so, no pre-paid cards or those types of cards you can just load with raw cash at a 7-11 for example). All or many of these things I'm sure MS already implements for GamePass.

But, for companies like Sony & Nintendo, just on a per-game basis where you're effectively still 'buying' the game, it's just in installments. At least you get to play it Day 1 for, say, $5 upfront instead of $60 or $70, and with installments that would incentivize maintaining launch MSRP pricing longer (practically forever in Nintendo's case), because there isn't really an excuse to not be able to afford the game anymore if you can get it for $5 a month.

I think that's the compromise Sony & Nintendo can take to doing 'Day 1' in a subscription service for their games; it's treating the payment option as a service, not the game itself, and not the game itself being rolled into a sea of 100s of other games for a sub costs that can't realistically be sustained (for Sony or Nintendo) over the long-term like it probably can for a company like Microsoft.

That's not a bad idea at all regarding to Sony and Nintendo. However, pretty sure we can agree that's highly unlikely to happen from either. I don't see Nintendo doing anything in regards to subscription and for Sony, I see them putting their first party titles on PlayStation Plus as a last resort if they start to lose market share at a high rate in order to keep people with Sony and PlayStation. But even this is more of a "what if" scenario than anything else.

Dunno man. A sub service can only retain subscribers if enough regular new content keeps coming big enough to warrant them sticking around. We see the high churn that other sub services experience when there's a lack of content. Potentially, a gaming sub service like GamePass can nullify some of that thanks to having enough of a backlog where if there's a game or two a person is into playing, and considering the average game (even indie game) is longer than the average film or short TV series, combined with the psychological angle of to that sub they're only seeing it as "$15/month" instead of $180/year (since they're paying month-to-month),...supposing those games are played over the course of a few months, then maybe that becomes valuable recurring revenue for Microsoft after all.

But how likely is that to really be the case? MS obfuscate a lot of their GP numbers, we don't know the daily churn rate for example, or quarterly sub count results, either. This is in spite of GP supposedly being so important to their overall gaming strategy (at least until recently, going by Phil's statements of GP accounting for at most 15% of gaming revenue going forward).

Even supposing, however, that subs stick around in light of lacking new content, if that means they're only around because they forgot they are subbed (it happens a lot; the day comes up where you're auto-charged for the next month and you forgot, and it's not easy (maybe even impossible) to get a refund so you just have to remember to cancel before the next charge to your card or account), or doing so out of sense of obligation without maximizing what they get out of it...that doesn't sound like great value for money to me WRT those type of subscribers.

The only thing we know for sure is that Microsoft makes a profit off of Game Pass and even if it was only a penny, still a profit with the potential for a lot of growth in the future.

The statement by Phil was more now due to them having no major first party titles for 2022 and because of the ABK deal. I don't believe for a minute that Phil actually believes that.

The last part doesn't matter all that much because refunds are easy on Xbox. Unless you hit a certain amount within a year, they normally approve every refund request. Also, im pretty sure that Microsoft has an automatic cancellation process if they see someone is paying for Game Pass but the usage isn't there. I'm not 100% certain but I think this aspect is a three month duration.Not sounding like great value to you obviously isn't the same to someone that's into the Xbox eco-system. You obviously prefer Sony's business model and PlayStation so of course, you'll be very skeptical and cautious regarding Game Pass where as a regular person will calculate the cost and even if it's just $5 a year in savings, they would still be better off subscribing.

Actually MS already have $70 games; Psychonauts 2 had a physical release in September at $70 for at least PS5 and Series consoles. So they are already toying with the concept of increasing game prices.

You're right that no one's forced into GamePass...unless you sub to something like a Verizon mobile plan, and something like GamePass is baked in. You're effectively auto-subscribed in that case. But the thing about predatory pricing is that it enables a company like Microsoft to price aggressively low if they WANT to and feel there's a NEED to do so to beat out rivals. Since, again, MS wouldn't need revenue off the service nearly as much as a company like Sony or Nintendo would, and have other corporate divisions to bring in the money for them. They don't need the service itself to generate a reasonable amount of money on its own as if it were something they depended on to sustain themselves as a company, therefore they can price it aggressively low compared to rivals.

So I still genuinely believe there's a concern of predatory pricing involved with something like GamePass in particular, and I'm interested how that could see integration into discussions going forward from a groups of bodies.

FYI, there is no PS5 version for Psychonauts 2. On PS5, it's the PS4 version running via BC. And yeah, I know. As you typed this, Microsoft officially announced $70 games starting with their 2023 releases which im expecting them to all be current generation only.

I agree with the second part but only to an extent. While you may see an issue with aggressive pricing by Microsoft, I don't because they're simply not at the level of Sony and Nintendo and thus, should be offering their games and services at low prices because until their games start releasing and are as the PlayStation guys call them "bangers", they're simply not worth the equal cost or close to it. Also, they simply need to bring in more consumers into their eco-system and if your prices are the same as Sony's, they're not going to gain much if anything.

The real test will be is if Microsoft ends up having an excellent generation with some truly amazing games to where they don't need the extremely low prices going into next generation yet, still do it. Then I can agree with your point but as of now, nah. They're literally rebuilding all of their shit and they can't charge higher prices because of this and that, they're simply not at Sony's or Nintendo's level as of now.

I genuinely don't understand in what way a subscription service needs 10 years in "growth phase" to fully establish itself unless it is backed by a massive corporation which can afford sustaining revenue losses for that long just to drive sub counts up. Conversely, platform holders making console hardware would never describe a "growth phase" of 10+ years because those types of sustained losses for that long would make most any of them bankrupt (except for, again, a Microsoft thanks to the profits they generate from other divisions like Windows and nowadays Azure & Office to offset those kind of losses); I mean we saw Sony almost go bankrupt due to PS3's struggles and that was just in the span of a few years.

So that would suggest that sustaining a subscription service platform is inherently less expensive than a console hardware platform. I get that side of things, and theoretically would suggest that any company that can sustain a console hardware platform, can theoretically sustain a subscription service platform...but how many can do both simultaneously? I think that's the part of Sony's contesting to leaning so heavy into a sub model that some people don't understand; there are only a very small number of companies globally that can sustain operating BOTH models simultaneously and Microsoft is one of them, and that ability has NOTHING to do with their revenues or profits from the console gaming industry!

And that's before even getting further into it, like if for example it costs less (theoretically) to operate & sustain a subscription service model vs a console hardware model, why do some of the companies heavily pushing the former need to justify buying major publishers just to have regular content in a subscription service to keep sub numbers up? Is it because a subscriber can technically cancel their subscription, versus a console buyer whom after paying for a console, can't just "cancel" that payment as it's a single-time transaction? But then IMO that asks ANOTHER question: how many companies can realistically operate on a business model where the customer can choose to end payment any given month, let alone that AND simultaneously support a business model where billions of dollars have to spend annually on producing hardware at volume for customers to purchase? That one, of course, just feeding back to my idea that only a very small number of companies can do both simultaneously, Microsoft being among the few.

You can probably guess how this links back up to my ideas on such financial capability (which, let's not be meek here, was built up on a history involving at least in some capacity monopolistic and shifty business practices on Microsoft's part, to which current-day Microsoft continues to benefit from in numerous ways) can enable practices like predatory pricing, but no need in bringing that back up here.

I didn't mean subscription services in general need a decade even though that's usually how long they take to really grow and take off. The only exception is Disney which has so much family friendly and kids content plus like 50 years of history and nostalgia, that their subscription service took off. Disney's content will forever be in high demand.

This doesn't apply to Xbox. lol. If it was PlayStation Game Pass, this shit would be like double if not more already. You main factor is that it's not just the subscription that Microsoft has to grow, it's the brand and image of it which after Xbox One was badly damaged.

The revenue that Microsoft makes from Xbox isn't from the hardware but more so from the software and subscription services. Plus, they tend to sell a lot of controllers for some odd reason. This is how it's always worked. Sony is making a profit on their hardware with PS5 because first, the digital edition is pretty much non-existent and they've already scaled down the internals of the PS5 to where they were able to cut costs while Microsoft's internals can't be scaled down as of now so they're still losing money on the hardware.

The reason why Microsoft is acquiring publishers (with more to come) is simple - they want to own the vast majority of content that will be on Game Pass. They don't want to have to pay for licensing fees and whatnot. It's literally always better, cheaper and more effective to always have everything in-house so if a company like Microsoft can accomplish this, then of course, this is exactly what they're going to do and it's perfect business sense because this is ideally what every company wants - to own everything internally and not have to pay licensing fees and whatnot for content to be on their own subscription service.

As for Sony, I believe that they can afford to put their games in PlayStation Plus day one. They would make more money from a single individual for the year ($120 or $180 depending on the tier) compared to just being a $70 one and done. And even if you say two games for $140, if they're both physical, they're not internal (meaning digital or on their subscription) which means that Sony is paying for manufacturing, distribution, etc. for every copy shipped. Digital or subscription, they eliminate those costs that they accrue from physical sales. I also believe that PlayStation Plus would sky rocket. Hell, even if I had to stay subscribed for a year at $15 a month for $180 a year but I get at least 2 games, I would definitely subscribe because I know that im probably going to get at least one or two other AA first or third party titles releasing day one that would at the very least, even out the cost.

95% of subscribers don't do what I do in regards to signing up for a month, complete the game and then cancel. Plus, I do this with Netflix, Hulu, etc. I only subscribe to one at a time and once im done watching everything, I cancel it and move on to my next subscription service for a period of time.

Yeah, I can agree with the last part but at the same time, pretty much every company does fucked up shit to get to where they're at. No company is pure or innocent. They all have their fucked up history. Most of which we just don't know. Imagine if there was no internet and how much shit none of us would outside of probably a few handful of people would know? This is why I don't nuts with what companies do. Because I know none of them are "good" and as a consumer, I simply use what they offer me to best of my ability.


Right, and I'm asking you, how do you THINK they're able to eat the losses? I've already mentioned it several times: their other divisions (Windows, Azure, Office) make so many magnitudes more money than Xbox (both in revenue and certainly profit), that MS can sustain any losses on pushing/subsidizing GamePass and Xbox growth (simultaneously, not just Xbox the traditional console like it was in the past) and still be perfectly fine.

And, it's through that capability, why they can have the option to aggressively undercut rivals in the subscription services space (and even in the console hardware space) to the point where concerns of predatory pricing can be legitimately brought up. And all of this is empowered through financial and market gains achieved in earlier decades where companies like Microsoft absolutely engaged in at least some forms of questionable anti-competitive pricing, product/feature tie-in and exclusion, predatory pricing, shifty backroom corporate deals etc. that even though they may not do those things today (more or less), as they exist today is in thanks to what they as a corporation did in those prior decades. You can't just handwave that away.

Now at least on some of those, I'm not trying to designate a clear good/bad connotative argument. It simply is what it is. MS being able to heavily subsidize losses on Xbox & GamePass due to their revenue streams elsewhere is simply what things are, it's a benefit they have that they should leverage where sensible. However, getting into the why, of how they reached that particular point, especially when you go into their corporate history from inception and when they blew up with MS-DOS on the IBM PC, then yes we can start to quantify good/bad connotative arguments and I would personally quantify bad ones.

Does that act as a fair argument to enable some check on what limits companies like MS should have on them WRT business ongoings in markets today? Well, that's probably up for each individual to determine.

I understand your argument but at the same time, why shouldn't Microsoft be able to use their money to make Xbox better and more competitive? I'm assuming that you believe that Microsoft should just use the revenue and profits from the Xbox division for Xbox as opposed to revenue and profits from Microsoft for Xbox but in all honesty, I believe that's just fucking stupid because what business does that? None of them do that. Do you believe that Sony isn't taking some of their PlayStation money and putting towards others aspects of their company? Of course they are. Every company does this as they should because that's literally how you build a $2 trillion dollar company. You don't build that by only spending money on a division with the money that's made within the same division. That makes no business sense whatsoever.

I disagree with the pricing issues for consoles and subscriptions because nothing is stopping Sony from doing the same except greed. Sony was making a profit on the PlayStation 5 consoles BEFORE hey revised the internals and BEFORE they jacked up the price. They choose greed. Why should Microsoft be punished or looked at differently because Sony decided to go the more expensive route while Microsoft decided to go the cheaper route?

Also, the main reason why the argument doesn't hold any weight is because look at Rise of the Tomb Raider. Microsoft tried to do what Sony had already done for generations and continue to do this day in regards to paying for timed exclusivity and what happened? EVERYONE lost their shit. Even an Xbox fanboy like Ryan McCaffrey went nuts even though he and everyone else praised Sony for getting Final Fantasy XVI and many others.

There's literally a double standard in the industry where regardless of what Sony does, it's never looked at a bad or this or that. Nope. Just free passes one after the other. But with Microsoft, regardless of what they do, everyone cries and say it's not fair. Even you're saying it right now like, oh Microsoft shouldn't do this or that but why not? Because they have more money? Maybe if Sony made more intelligent business decisions in their history (good or evil) that they would be a trillion dollar company as well.

Another example is during the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 generation. Despite the vast majority including myself saying and believing that Xbox 360 was simply the better console and gaming platform for that generation, PlayStation 3 still beat out Xbox 360 in console sales. Granted, it was only by a few million and Microsoft gave up after Gears of War 3 but despite Sony's fucking horrible $600 launch and all of this other shit that they tried to get away with in 2006, they refocused, released a cheap $300 slim model (which is when I jumped in) in September 2009 and ended the generation with arguably the best game - The Last of Us.

Point being is that regardless of what Microsoft does in regards to Xbox, the fact is that PlayStation is a far bigger more powerful name brand and despite the shitty first half of the PlayStation 3 generation, they've been pretty much unstoppable and it's because of this as well as their dominance in regards to market share (where you could argue that they have the monopoly and engage in anti-competitive practices) that Microsoft despite all of their money barely makes a fucking dent.

This is why I don't see what Microsoft does as predatory or anything even remotely close to it because they're literally so far behind overall, it almost doesn't mater what the fuck they do. They could literally give away Xbox Series X consoles FOR FREE and I still don't believe that it would hurt Sony or the PlayStation brand in any meaningful way and until Microsoft is actually able to take away market share from Sony, I will never ever see what they're doing as predatory or anti-competitive or monopolistic because thus far, it hasn't mattered at all.

The only way I would ever see Microsoft being even remotely close to what you described is if they were all of a sudden to become number one and literally be where Sony is right now and then go out and buy Take Two Interactive or some shit. Then I would agree with you because as the number one dominant gaming company, you shouldn't be permitted to do that but as the number four gaming company that can't even dominate PC let alone console, then nah, no issues with what they're doing whatsoever.

The bottom line is that PlayStation fans/fanboys/extremists/whatever you want to call them are only pissed off for one actual reason - that they would have to do what so many Xbox fans have had to do if they want to play their first party games which is buy the other plastic box. This is the actual reality of the situation because legally, there's nothing wrong with what Microsoft is doing at all. The best part is that every argument Sony or regulators can come up with is literally "what if's" and "theories". Like really? How about some fucking facts? Oh wait, they don't exist because there aren't any. lol

At the end of the day, it's just one side being pissed off that it's not their favorite doing what Microsoft has been doing and they know that Sony most likely never will do what Microsoft is doing because they're simply not going to spend the money but if the roles were reversed, 95% of PlayStation fans would be celebrating in the streets, throwing PlayStation parties, I mean it would be insane. lmao

My honest personal opinion has always been that I don't care what Sony does business wise but they can't cry if all of a sudden instead of being the bully, the become the bullied because you bullied the wrong company for far too long. I also believe that any real actual fucking gamer that just cares about the games and wants to play them would own both an Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 to where they can just play whatever they want with no limitations or restrictions while at the same time, taking full advantage of what both platforms offer. Too many people on both sides worry about their revenue, their sales and this other shit without realizing that these companies don't know you're alive, only care about making money off of you and regardless of how anyone feels on forums or twitter or what have you, it doesn't matter because all the companies are gong to do what they want and that's it.

Microsoft's best year, or Xbox's best year in general? Best year... in what way? Number of games released? What if they all suck? Sales revenue? What if they all bomb? Reviews scores? What if they're non-genuine or just for promotion?

There are probably some Xbox diehards who would say 2004 or 2007 is MS's best year ever due to Halo 2 or Halo 3, for example. Singular games, but games with massive impact for them, and big impacts in general. If we're expanding to Xbox in general, then that 2023 lineup may only seem lukewarm to someone who say saw 2008's 360 lineup and thought it was amazing and still thinks it's amazing.

2023 on paper should be Microsoft's best year for Xbox game releases. In quantity and quality. Sales wise, outside of Starfield, I don't see high sales numbers. Microsoft didn't have high sales numbers for the vast majority of their games before Game Pass and would be even less now but that's not their focus or end goal.

Yeah, maybe. I owned the original Xbox for one game - ESPN NFL 2K5. Didn't play any other game on the console. For Xbox 360, while I had it in 2006 or 2007, I barely played it and didn't really get fully into it until 2010 to be honest. This of course, is completely subjective based on every individual person. I can say that for me, it should be the best year I have ever had for Xbox but at the same time, it remains to be seen.


29 Sep 2022
no... it just means all of them are anti consumer and you're taking it in the ass by 3 greedy corporations instead of just one or 2. none of them should be increasing prices on anything when all 3 are making record profits... especially microsoft who could buy out both Sony and Nintendo with money to spare

Just tank the fucking cost


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
There's literally a double standard in the industry where regardless of what Sony does, it's never looked at a bad or this or that. Nope. Just free passes one after the other. But with Microsoft, regardless of what they do, everyone cries and say it's not fair.

Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I don't know in which parallel universe this what you wrote is true.

Almost everything PlayStation does, is laughed off or criticized. This gen alone started with ridiculous claims like "8 tf, RDNA1.5, etc." bullshit, even before the consoles were released. Ignorants still believe this shit. VRR missing at launch, no expandable memory? Tragedy! How dare they release their console in such a mess!

Sony got (rightly) criticized for their cross-gen games price policies. Big outrages for... 2 games. GT7 and GoW: Ragnarök (and trying to do it with HFW).

How about the whole "anti-consumer Sony" narrative because of the "next-gen" tax or price increase for their console? Guess who already announced something similar?

Up to this day, people still talk about the 600 bucks PS3 or the PSN outage on that gen.

Hell there are people still blaming Sony for Sega's failure as a console manufacturer!

Yet good liar Phil, the savior of gaming and humanity, gets his back patted for claiming to finally release some games. Just wait for E3 though, it's around the corner. Or maybe the next one, you can't expect him to release something meaningful after only 15? years as head of Xbox!

Remember when Xbox introduced fees for online play? "You get what you pay for". Now everybody has to pay. But hey, at least they started to add some games for Gold members! FANTASTIC value for them in these past few years.... So much value, that they almost doubled the price for it!

The outcries whenever a japanese game, which would sell like shit on Xbox, is announced as (timed) exclusive for PlayStation. Moneyhat here, moneyhat there.
Don't you know Calisto Protocol runs worse on Xbox and PC, because it was sabotaged by Sony?

Yet the past 2 E3 presentations....I mean GP ads... contained more "console launch exclusives" (aka timed exclusives) than ever. No complaining heard, because that's different...
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I don't know in which parallel universe this what you wrote is true.

Almost everything PlayStation does, is laughed off or criticized. This gen alone started with ridiculous claims like "8 tf, RDNA1.5, etc." bullshit, even before the consoles were released. Ignorants still believe this shit. VRR missing at launch, no expandable memory? Tragedy! How dare they release their console in such a mess!

Sony got (rightly) criticized for their cross-gen games price policies. Big outrages for... 2 games. GT7 and GoW: Ragnarök (and trying to do it with HFW).

How about the whole "anti-consumer Sony" narrative because of the "next-gen" tax or price increase for their console? Guess who already announced something similar?

Up to this day, people still talk about the 600 bucks PS3 or the PSN outage on that gen.

Hell there are people still blaming Sony for Sega's failure as a console manufacturer!

Yet good liar Phil, the savior of gaming and humanity, gets his back patted for claiming to finally release some games. Just wait for E3 though, it's around the corner. Or maybe the next one, you can't expect him to release something meaningful after only 15? years as head of Xbox!

Remember when Xbox introduced fees for online play? "You get what you pay for". Now everybody has to pay. But hey, at least they started to add some games for Gold members! FANTASTIC value for them in these past few years.... So much value, that they almost doubled the price for it!

The outcries whenever a japanese game, which would sell like shit on Xbox, is announced as (timed) exclusive for PlayStation. Moneyhat here, moneyhat there.
Don't you know Calisto Protocol runs worse on Xbox and PC, because it was sabotaged by Sony?

Yet the past 2 E3 presentations....I mean GP ads... contained more "console launch exclusives" (aka timed exclusives) than ever. No complaining heard, because that's different...
The best is the fact that MS NDAs timed exclusive publishers, to the point where they aren't even allowed to say if the games might eventually come out elsewhere, which MS fanboys try to justify with incredibly insane logic.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
The best is the fact that MS NDAs timed exclusive publishers, to the point where they aren't even allowed to say if the games might eventually come out elsewhere, which MS fanboys try to justify with incredibly insane logic.

I think that's something which all of them do, and both MS and Sony have started to add the fact it's some kind of timed exclusivity deal in their announcements. Sony is partially going a step further by telling for how long their deal goes, but not always.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I think that's something which all of them do, and both MS and Sony have started to add the fact it's some kind of timed exclusivity deal in their announcements. Sony is partially going a step further by telling for how long their deal goes, but not always.
But forbidding the pubs to even acknowledge the game isn't a permanent exclusive is shady as fuck, and only MS does this.

Man, the cope from the hardcore shills on GAF is hilarious. One moron claims MS won't raise the GamePass price until they have 50 million subscribers. LMFAO


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
So he doesn't expect them to raise the price?
I guess so, because there's no fucking way they're going to hit that target. Even with all the aggressive promos and the loopholes, they can't make it to 30 mil.

DarkMage619 is having one hell of a rough day. You love to see it! Someone compiled all his sloppy BJs to Phil for not raising prices, even though he even quoted the interview where anyone with two brain cells could see the real answer was "Buy our shit now, because the price goes up after Christmas, dummies!"


21 Jun 2022
Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I don't know in which parallel universe this what you wrote is true.

Almost everything PlayStation does, is laughed off or criticized. This gen alone started with ridiculous claims like "8 tf, RDNA1.5, etc." bullshit, even before the consoles were released. Ignorants still believe this shit. VRR missing at launch, no expandable memory? Tragedy! How dare they release their console in such a mess!

Sony got (rightly) criticized for their cross-gen games price policies. Big outrages for... 2 games. GT7 and GoW: Ragnarök (and trying to do it with HFW).

How about the whole "anti-consumer Sony" narrative because of the "next-gen" tax or price increase for their console? Guess who already announced something similar?

Up to this day, people still talk about the 600 bucks PS3 or the PSN outage on that gen.

Hell there are people still blaming Sony for Sega's failure as a console manufacturer!

Yet good liar Phil, the savior of gaming and humanity, gets his back patted for claiming to finally release some games. Just wait for E3 though, it's around the corner. Or maybe the next one, you can't expect him to release something meaningful after only 15? years as head of Xbox!

Remember when Xbox introduced fees for online play? "You get what you pay for". Now everybody has to pay. But hey, at least they started to add some games for Gold members! FANTASTIC value for them in these past few years.... So much value, that they almost doubled the price for it!

The outcries whenever a japanese game, which would sell like shit on Xbox, is announced as (timed) exclusive for PlayStation. Moneyhat here, moneyhat there.
Don't you know Calisto Protocol runs worse on Xbox and PC, because it was sabotaged by Sony?

Yet the past 2 E3 presentations....I mean GP ads... contained more "console launch exclusives" (aka timed exclusives) than ever. No complaining heard, because that's different...
i wasn't much into gaming forums and conversation until like 3 years ago. i didn't have much of opinion about m$ or nintendo.
but man, fallacy from xbots and western media about Playstation is unparalleled. it is not even close. that you start don't like those people and platform.
Playstation isn't perfect, but compared to competition, it is close to perfection when you compare these corporation. but the hate they get on weekly basis is unmatched and looks like they are shittiest gaming company but in reality, it is opposite.
both m$ is like a cult.
oh man, i don't even go how PS games are rated in media and by non PS people.
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21 Jun 2022
But forbidding the pubs to even acknowledge the game isn't a permanent exclusive is shady as fuck, and only MS does this.

Man, the cope from the hardcore shills on GAF is hilarious. One moron claims MS won't raise the GamePass price until they have 50 million subscribers. LMFAO
oh yes, they did that with E3 announcements. they embargoed for 3 days some(or all) participants in m$ E3 to not to disclose that it was timed exclusivity or day and date on other platforms. like Wo Long and etc. this was new low.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I should have worded my post differently as my argument was centered around ROTTR and the outrage behind that for almost a year but when was the last timed exclusive game Sony paid for which resulted in even close to the same?

The rest I agree with you on. I simply should have worded my post differently but I didn't so that's on me. My mistake. It's really just timed exclusivity that was my argument. I never see any sites or anyone go nuts over Sony's games and even when there is, it lasts like 10 minutes and people move on. With ROTTR, felt like that shit was never going to end with everyone constantly asking Microsoft and Phil about the duration of the exclusivity yet I still haven't seen anyone ask about FF7R or FFXVI or any Sony timed exclusive. And that's where my double standard argument comes in.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I should have worded my post differently as my argument was centered around ROTTR and the outrage behind that for almost a year but when was the last timed exclusive game Sony paid for which resulted in even close to the same?

The rest I agree with you on. I simply should have worded my post differently but I didn't so that's on me. My mistake. It's really just timed exclusivity that was my argument. I never see any sites or anyone go nuts over Sony's games and even when there is, it lasts like 10 minutes and people move on. With ROTTR, felt like that shit was never going to end with everyone constantly asking Microsoft and Phil about the duration of the exclusivity yet I still haven't seen anyone ask about FF7R or FFXVI or any Sony timed exclusive. And that's where my double standard argument comes in.
Rise of the Tomb Raider was ridiculous on multiple levels, including the idiot who was in charge of Crystal Dynamics saying Tomb Raider was historically an Xbox series, when it was never as closely tied to a system as it was to the PlayStation. Then there was the whole idea of making a sequel exclusive to the platform that had only sold 1/3 as many copies as the one frozen out, the whole bullshit tap-dance Phil the Shill did about "The deal has a duration" while denying it was a timed exclusive, and the game itself performing like shit on the Bone when it was released anyway, in terms of sales.

And that's before the amount MS paid for it to be exclusive came to light, which you may recall was over $100 million for a single title.

If you think all that wasn't deserving of the amount of criticism it got, I have no idea what to even say to you. Sony has never paid a third-party to take a game associated most closely with XBox away from XBox players and tried to con people into thinking it was a permanent deal.

Sony also never ordered a third-party to remove a feature from an XBox game or be denied approval for it either, but MS has at least once, and that's on top of the "If there's extra content for the other guys, you aren't allowed to put it on the disc" rule that MS has had. But sure, people are too critical of MS. Yup. They're our pals, Phil is a HUGE gamer! That's why he has all those GREAT shirts!

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Rise of the Tomb Raider was ridiculous on multiple levels, including the idiot who was in charge of Crystal Dynamics saying Tomb Raider was historically an Xbox series, when it was never as closely tied to a system as it was to the PlayStation. Then there was the whole idea of making a sequel exclusive to the platform that had only sold 1/3 as many copies as the one frozen out, the whole bullshit tap-dance Phil the Shill did about "The deal has a duration" while denying it was a timed exclusive, and the game itself performing like shit on the Bone when it was released anyway, in terms of sales.

And that's before the amount MS paid for it to be exclusive came to light, which you may recall was over $100 million for a single title.

If you think all that wasn't deserving of the amount of criticism it got, I have no idea what to even say to you. Sony has never paid a third-party to take a game associated most closely with XBox away from XBox players and tried to con people into thinking it was a permanent deal.

Sony also never ordered a third-party to remove a feature from an XBox game or be denied approval for it either, but MS has at least once, and that's on top of the "If there's extra content for the other guys, you aren't allowed to put it on the disc" rule that MS has had. But sure, people are too critical of MS. Yup. They're our pals, Phil is a HUGE gamer! That's why he has all those GREAT shirts!
Who is too critical of MS, btw? For sure, neither gaming media nor youtubers...


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I don't know in which parallel universe this what you wrote is true.

Almost everything PlayStation does, is laughed off or criticized. This gen alone started with ridiculous claims like "8 tf, RDNA1.5, etc." bullshit, even before the consoles were released. Ignorants still believe this shit. VRR missing at launch, no expandable memory? Tragedy! How dare they release their console in such a mess!

Sony got (rightly) criticized for their cross-gen games price policies. Big outrages for... 2 games. GT7 and GoW: Ragnarök (and trying to do it with HFW).

How about the whole "anti-consumer Sony" narrative because of the "next-gen" tax or price increase for their console? Guess who already announced something similar?

Up to this day, people still talk about the 600 bucks PS3 or the PSN outage on that gen.

Hell there are people still blaming Sony for Sega's failure as a console manufacturer!

Yet good liar Phil, the savior of gaming and humanity, gets his back patted for claiming to finally release some games. Just wait for E3 though, it's around the corner. Or maybe the next one, you can't expect him to release something meaningful after only 15? years as head of Xbox!

Remember when Xbox introduced fees for online play? "You get what you pay for". Now everybody has to pay. But hey, at least they started to add some games for Gold members! FANTASTIC value for them in these past few years.... So much value, that they almost doubled the price for it!

The outcries whenever a japanese game, which would sell like shit on Xbox, is announced as (timed) exclusive for PlayStation. Moneyhat here, moneyhat there.
Don't you know Calisto Protocol runs worse on Xbox and PC, because it was sabotaged by Sony?

Yet the past 2 E3 presentations....I mean GP ads... contained more "console launch exclusives" (aka timed exclusives) than ever. No complaining heard, because that's different...
Peter is a good poster but sadly he (and all Xbox posters) always act like victims against Sony.

The reality is that it's Sony that gets hate and negative press everyday. Even today, after MS called Sony the next Blockbuster, everybody is still cheering for MS to acquire Activision and shitting on Sony for getting in the way.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I should have worded my post differently as my argument was centered around ROTTR and the outrage behind that for almost a year but when was the last timed exclusive game Sony paid for which resulted in even close to the same?

The rest I agree with you on. I simply should have worded my post differently but I didn't so that's on me. My mistake. It's really just timed exclusivity that was my argument. I never see any sites or anyone go nuts over Sony's games and even when there is, it lasts like 10 minutes and people move on. With ROTTR, felt like that shit was never going to end with everyone constantly asking Microsoft and Phil about the duration of the exclusivity yet I still haven't seen anyone ask about FF7R or FFXVI or any Sony timed exclusive. And that's where my double standard argument comes in.

The problem at that time with the deal was mainly because SE rebooted the series as a trilogy, and suddenly took the sequel away from their major fanbase.

Look at FF7R, was one year exclusivity, probably extended because of intergrade. But now it's over 2 years and no port in sight. You think Sony is fault? Or maybe SE decided that a port might not be worth it because games like that usually don't sell on Xbox?
And SE probably has a lot of data to back the decision off, as they had LOTS of timed and full Xbox exclusives during the X360 era.

The point remains, that both companies make deals for (timed) exclusivity, but there is always the other side accepting the deals.

And as said previously, Sony is always accused of moneyhatting, while Microsoft "needs to" in order to compete.


14 Jul 2022
Peter is a good poster but sadly he (and all Xbox posters) always act like victims against Sony.

The reality is that it's Sony that gets hate and negative press everyday. Even today, after MS called Sony the next Blockbuster, everybody is still cheering for MS to acquire Activision and shitting on Sony for getting in the way.

I saw that Blockbuster comment. It made me realize, more than ever, that I don't want to see MS handling more studios and IPs. When a company talks about "innovation" only in terms of how they deliver games, while putting releasing games on the back burner, it's a hint of how they'll impact the industry over the long term. Comparing Sony (with their consistent game releases, VR, etc.) to the now defunct Blockbuster just clarifies that.


4 Jul 2022
Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I don't know in which parallel universe this what you wrote is true.

Almost everything PlayStation does, is laughed off or criticized. This gen alone started with ridiculous claims like "8 tf, RDNA1.5, etc." bullshit, even before the consoles were released. Ignorants still believe this shit. VRR missing at launch, no expandable memory? Tragedy! How dare they release their console in such a mess!

Sony got (rightly) criticized for their cross-gen games price policies. Big outrages for... 2 games. GT7 and GoW: Ragnarök (and trying to do it with HFW).

How about the whole "anti-consumer Sony" narrative because of the "next-gen" tax or price increase for their console? Guess who already announced something similar?

Up to this day, people still talk about the 600 bucks PS3 or the PSN outage on that gen.

Hell there are people still blaming Sony for Sega's failure as a console manufacturer!

Yet good liar Phil, the savior of gaming and humanity, gets his back patted for claiming to finally release some games. Just wait for E3 though, it's around the corner.
Haven't read the whole post, but had stop and reply to this.

I don't know in which parallel universe this what you wrote is true.

Almost everything PlayStation does, is laughed off or criticized. This gen alone started with ridiculous claims like "8 tf, RDNA1.5, etc." bullshit, even before the consoles were released. Ignorants still believe this shit. VRR missing at launch, no expandable memory? Tragedy! How dare they release their console in such a mess!

Sony got (rightly) criticized for their cross-gen games price policies. Big outrages for... 2 games. GT7 and GoW: Ragnarök (and trying to do it with HFW).

How about the whole "anti-consumer Sony" narrative because of the "next-gen" tax or price increase for their console? Guess who already announced something similar?

Up to this day, people still talk about the 600 bucks PS3 or the PSN outage on that gen.

Hell there are people still blaming Sony for Sega's failure as a console manufacturer!

Yet good liar Phil, the savior of gaming and humanity, gets his back patted for claiming to finally release some games. Just wait for E3 though, it's around the corner. Or maybe the next one, you can't expect him to release something meaningful after only 15? years as head of Xbox!

Remember when Xbox introduced fees for online play? "You get what you pay for". Now everybody has to pay. But hey, at least they started to add some games for Gold members! FANTASTIC value for them in these past few years.... So much value, that they almost doubled the price for it!

The outcries whenever a japanese game, which would sell like shit on Xbox, is announced as (timed) exclusive for PlayStation. Moneyhat here, moneyhat there.
Don't you know Calisto Protocol runs worse on Xbox and PC, because it was sabotaged by Sony?

Yet the past 2 E3 presentations....I mean GP ads... contained more "console launch exclusives" (aka timed exclusives) than ever. No complaining heard, because that's different...
He is Just a dishonest xbox fanboy to writea lot of text to say the same stupid shit in a bucle
  • they're_right_you_know
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