Why does Xbox continue to beat the PS5?


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
For me personally, why I prefer ps5, is because of exclusives and controller features.
The only thing that I see as a pro for xbox is bc. Would be cool to have killzone and resistance.... but it would be even cooler to have the trilogies collections remastered!

Deleted member 417

Microsoft were on fire during the og xbox and 360 days. Then they threw it away for no reason. Phil Spencer should have been fired 5 years ago, and would have been if not for Microsoft buying the media off and paying for headlines praising whatever they do.


4 Jul 2022
Microsoft were on fire during the og xbox and 360 days. Then they threw it away for no reason. Phil Spencer should have been fired 5 years ago, and would have been if not for Microsoft buying the media off and paying for headlines praising whatever they do.
Yes, they actually had good exclusives paid or not. Then these exclusives eventually came to PS3 (Bioshock, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden 2, Lost Planet)... and then the well dried up for MS as they begun to focus on Kinect as the new paradigm and were sucked in by the fables of Peter Molyneux. Since then, MS has all been about huge promises and failed delivery just like Kinect was, just like Crackdown 3 was, just like Power of the Cloud was. Xbox always speaks like tyson but boxes like blankman.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Yeah, I'd say this guy is on GAF. I swear I saw the guy with the coo coo avatar in the youtube comment section of that video. He is some would be dev who never devved.....Some Gavin Stevens character I believe.. Coo Coo..
The UFO guy?


4 Jul 2022
The UFO guy?
There was a UFO guy? or are they one in the same?

Anyway, the guy in the video is stating numerous games that are multiplat as exclusive to XBOX, he even mentions Wolong too, we all know he is deluded, but man the hype I see for Starfield is unprecedented. Even more reputable youtube channels and media houses are calling it a forgone conclusion. People are already listing Starfield as GOTY material. If this does not deliver for MS, there will be lots of broken hearts out there.

Yet, MS needs to shape up. The guy spoke of State of Decay, yet all the studios bought in 2018 and not one game to show, studios who mostly deliver indie/AA games with lower production value, including the state of decay devs. It looks like MS is now wholly depending on their most recent acquisition Bethesda Softworks to bail them from this drought.

I actually do want to see how Starfield has shaped up, how Forza 8 has shaped up. Avowed has a nice trailer, but the game behind it may look like a Diablo Style game or Dragon Age or even Pentiment for that matter, we simply don't know..... Yet every time there is a delay with an MS game, it doesn't necessarily mean more polish, most of the times things are being scaled down from the lofty announcements and hype. Like Crackdown 3, like Halo Infinite with so many biomes, like Fable from Playground which was scaled down because the Forza Tech engine was not cutting it for the game. Like the Initiative which has been scaled down from an AAAA dev to an A dev (because they need help doing a remake of Perfect Dark for crying out loud)....And speaking of engine issues, now MS have bought Bethesda which has been known to have engine issues for decades ongoing, people can expect further delays in 2023, but whatever, XBOX fans will just say "wait till 2024".....Anyways, 2023 looks like a great year for PS and perhaps a slightly better one for MS... So Happy new year to all.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Deleted member 417


26 Jun 2022
Anyway, the guy in the video is stating numerous games that are multiplat as exclusive to XBOX, he even mentions Wolong too, we all know he is deluded, but man the hype I see for Starfield is unprecedented. Even more reputable youtube channels and media houses are calling it a forgone conclusion. People are already listing Starfield as GOTY material. If this does not deliver for MS, there will be lots of broken hearts out there.
There is a large group of people who are huge fans of Bethesda games, so by default that raises expectation levels. Hopefully they fixed their constant bugs and updated their graphics engine because I think MS burnt a lot of bridges with Halo inf., by supporting it youtubers did as well and Bethesta lost a lot of admiration with fallout 76.


4 Jul 2022
There is a large group of people who are huge fans of Bethesda games, so by default that raises expectation levels. Hopefully they fixed their constant bugs and updated their graphics engine because I think MS burnt a lot of bridges with Halo inf., by supporting it youtubers did as well and Bethesta lost a lot of admiration with fallout 76.
It's a hope that we have every time a new Beth game releases, but hope has not been kind to us. I wish they would use UE5.1 and ditch this old engine. Imagine, with this engine already bursting at the seams, if they try to retrofit raytracing in it, which they will because it's the new hot thing, performance will be below zero, literally.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
My favorite line Bethesda fans used for 76 is that it was “developed by the B team.”

This was a lie. A lie that still exists today.

Austin took over with the live game. BGS made the game and then moved onto Starfield.

This does in fact mean that Starfield is built on the launch 76 engine. So, all the years of bug fixes and polishing a turd that Austin did… will be absent from Starfield.


26 Jun 2022
It's a hope that we have every time a new Beth game releases, but hope has not been kind to us. I wish they would use UE5.1 and ditch this old engine. Imagine, with this engine already bursting at the seams, if they try to retrofit raytracing in it, which they will because it's the new hot thing, performance will be below zero, literally.
Thankfully I have not liked these games II do like the themes and how they are approached).

My favorite line Bethesda fans used for 76 is that it was “developed by the B team.”

This was a lie. A lie that still exists today.

Austin took over with the live game. BGS made the game and then moved onto Starfield.

This does in fact mean that Starfield is built on the launch 76 engine. So, all the years of bug fixes and polishing a turd that Austin did… will be absent from Starfield.

@thelastword not everyone is so hopeful. I thinks the hope is that MS will provide technical assistance to make things better (which would be reasonable, but can't be assumed).

I just hope reviewers will review the product, not whatever they promise it will be down the road.
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21 Jun 2022
There is a large group of people who are huge fans of Bethesda games, so by default that raises expectation levels. Hopefully they fixed their constant bugs and updated their graphics engine because I think MS burnt a lot of bridges with Halo inf., by supporting it youtubers did as well and Bethesta lost a lot of admiration with fallout 76.
0 chance they updated graphics. What you saw - that you get AT 30fps.
Bugs, glitches, broken game? It will be ignored by media and fanboys because it is Free on Gamepass.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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Deleted member 417

Microsoft best chance of success with starfield is to release it on PS5 6 months after launch with all of the bugs fixed.
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