Why does Xbox continue to beat the PS5?


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Starfield would need to grow Xbox install base significantly to get enough 10$ gamespass subs to make up anywhere near the potential ps5 revenue they lost… AND for it to do their best numbers ever on pc. It doesn’t help that gamespass will be having a downwards trend leading into Starfield as well. There are no major releases scheduled and haven’t been for months already.

I don’t even see how this is a working strategy anymore. At the end of the day their predatory practices needs to make money for their games division… not just hemorrhage it.

Deleted member 417

I believe that the Gamepass strategy only works if they offer games on gamepass and a competing platform.

Free games only on gamepass leads to the inevitable reduction in quality and increased demand in quantity - see Netflix as an example of this normal human condition.

However, offering games for free on gamepass that cost £70 on PS5 makes Gamepass' value skyrocket, as the average person sees that they are getting a £70 game for free, not a free game for free.

Microsoft have to offer all of their 1st party games on PC and PlayStation. It recoups their losses from purchasing Zenimax and maybe AB if the deal goes through, and by default increases the value of gamepass tremendously.

Just my two pence.
  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


4 Jul 2022
Microsoft best chance of success with starfield is to release it on PS5 6 months after launch with all of the bugs fixed.
If that happens, they will say PS5 had more time to iron out the launch issues and if this is not patched to XBOX day 1, Xbox fans will throw a hissy fit as usual. Yet, is this game launching on gamepass day 1? If so, what a money pit...7 billion and counting. Gamepass is not going to drive the numbers MS needs for profit, not this gen, not next gen.

My favorite line Bethesda fans used for 76 is that it was “developed by the B team.”

This was a lie. A lie that still exists today.

Austin took over with the live game. BGS made the game and then moved onto Starfield.

This does in fact mean that Starfield is built on the launch 76 engine. So, all the years of bug fixes and polishing a turd that Austin did… will be absent from Starfield.
Well, it shows, the bit of starfield shown by MS at their last show was the slowest slideshow I've seen from a big game in a while. Does the game graphics warrant the molasses framerate, not even close. That's only framerate though, bugs and glitches is the icing on a typical Beth game, so that should be a highlight. Not wishing it tbh, but the precedent set can't be denied. I guess at this point, it's only wishing that they focus on ironing out these issues, Fallout 76 should at least get them to prioritize solutions to their engine and QA problems.
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21 Jun 2022
Starfield would need to grow Xbox install base significantly to get enough 10$ gamespass subs to make up anywhere near the potential ps5 revenue they lost… AND for it to do their best numbers ever on pc. It doesn’t help that gamespass will be having a downwards trend leading into Starfield as well. There are no major releases scheduled and haven’t been for months already.

I don’t even see how this is a working strategy anymore. At the end of the day their predatory practices needs to make money for their games division… not just hemorrhage it.
game will be dead on xbox pretty fast. i already seeing it as being praise to heaven, but facts won't support that.
only relevant public as of now is just PC.

it would sell loads of copies on PS5 because PS people like that kind of games and paying for that kind of games. but Phil is more interested in making console wars and clout chasing than making actually sensible business decisions.


21 Jun 2022
You mean, like they did with Halo Infinite? You hope too much from gaming media.
because media is bought. you can clearly see that from goty through the years where xbox games are praised in reviews, but aren't nominated or win, because they are paid for reviews not gotys
  • they're_right_you_know
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4 Jul 2022
You mean, like they did with Halo Infinite? You hope too much from gaming media.
For some reason, i think they will be short of the pitched ambition of this game and the media will just say "Oh well they came close, they at least accomplished half of the things they set out for", framerate is bad and stuttery with many chokepoints, graphics are nothing to write home about, glitches galore....10/10. MS is back bay-bay........

A Sony game is ducked points because Deacon wears his hat back to front, because of some aliasing in Forbidden West, because a girl works out and is butch. Also, who cares about story, Starfield can have the most Zero story ever, who cares, but reviewers want to determine how every story in a Sony game should go, how dare the writers tell the story that they want to, in their own game.....

Deleted member 417

If that happens, they will say PS5 had more time to iron out the launch issues and if this is not patched to XBOX day 1, Xbox fans will throw a hissy fit as usual. Yet, is this game launching on gamepass day 1? If so, what a money pit...7 billion and counting. Gamepass is not going to drive the numbers MS needs for profit, not this gen, not next gen.
Starfield will be best on xbox and will be the best game of the generation according to the paid off media and blind fanboys. Just like how Microsoft won publisher of the year....

No matter what state starfield launches in, it will be the best game on xbox because it only has Halo as competition. The media and fanboys will spin it in a positive light, no matter what.

I believe it is launching on day 1 on gamepass. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it isn't loaded with MTX and cosmetic items to recoup some of the lost money. 7 billion for one new game is a bit pricey. That's before we add the cost of Perfect Dark, which is MIA
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21 Jun 2022
For some reason, i think they will be short of the pitched ambition of this game and the media will just say "Oh well they came close, they at least accomplished half of the things they set out for", framerate is bad and stuttery with many chokepoints, graphics are nothing to write home about, glitches galore....10/10. MS is back bay-bay........

A Sony game is ducked points because Deacon wears his hat back to front, because of some aliasing in Forbidden West, because a girl works out and is butch. Also, who cares about story, Starfield can have the most Zero story ever, who cares, but reviewers want to determine how every story in a Sony game should go, how dare the writers tell the story that they want to, in their own game.....
silent protagonist was masterfully done. he told more without words than anyone with words. this is new standard for open world games and storytelling.

cinematics, animations, voice acting, acting is just old and unnecessary thing which brings boredom and takes away imagination.


4 Jul 2022
Starfield will be best on xbox and will be the best game of the generation according to the paid off media and blind fanboys. Just like how Microsoft won publisher of the year....

No matter what state starfield launches in, it will be the best game on xbox because it only has Halo as competition. The media and fanboys will spin it in a positive light, no matter what.

I believe it is launching on day 1 on gamepass. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it isn't loaded with MTX and cosmetic items to recoup some of the lost money. 7 billion for one new game is a bit pricey. That's before we add the cost of Perfect Dark, which is MIA
That's the feeling I get too. Yet there are too many games that are coming in the first half of this year that will be polished to no end. Just watched Gameranx's upcoming games for the first half of this year and it's looking really good, no one has time for a buggy exclusive in 2023, by default exclusive games should be the most polished games on their intended platform.
silent protagonist was masterfully done. he told more without words than anyone with words. this is new standard for open world games and storytelling.

cinematics, animations, voice acting, acting is just old and unnecessary thing which brings boredom and takes away imagination.
For the newer open world IP's, Jin and Deacon were really well done, especially during the gameplay loop, just so satisfying. Witcher wished it had a satisfying gameplay loop like these games. These games had better combat, but somehow they scored less, they had some cinematics just like witcher, but somehow it's Sony games that are known just for cinematics, yet few games measure up to Sony's gameplay loop and combat, the actual thing that makes you play and enjoy a game for 50+ hours....and not get tired because the combat is that good...

Deleted member 417

That's the feeling I get too. Yet there are too many games that are coming in the first half of this year that will be polished to no end. Just watched Gameranx's upcoming games for the first half of this year and it's looking really good, no one has time for a buggy exclusive in 2023, by default exclusive games should be the most polished games on their intended platform.

There are loads of games for those who play in multiple systems or those who exclusively play PlayStation, PC or Nintendo. If you exclusively play Xbox then you have no games to play other than indies, third parties and whatever comes to gamepass. The choice of exclusives to pad the gaps between third parties is zero. Because of this, starfield and red fall will be welcomed with loving, open arms.

The mad part is that xbox fans are deluded and say it has never been better. Old xbox fans like me who point out how much worse xbox is now compared to 10 and 15 years ago get told how wrong we are.

Microsoft deserve their fans and their fans deserve the lack of quality and quantity of titles. Why the media haven't raked Phil Spencer or Xbox over the coals for releasing ONE exclusive in 2 years(!!!!) Show how much the media are paid off.

OT but I'm glad this place exists where we can talk positively about Sony's accomplishments, without shills and fanboys shutting us down.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
There are loads of games for those who play in multiple systems or those who exclusively play PlayStation, PC or Nintendo. If you exclusively play Xbox then you have no games to play other than indies, third parties and whatever comes to gamepass. The choice of exclusives to pad the gaps between third parties is zero. Because of this, starfield and red fall will be welcomed with loving, open arms.

The mad part is that xbox fans are deluded and say it has never been better. Old xbox fans like me who point out how much worse xbox is now compared to 10 and 15 years ago get told how wrong we are.

Microsoft deserve their fans and their fans deserve the lack of quality and quantity of titles. Why the media haven't raked Phil Spencer or Xbox over the coals for releasing ONE exclusive in 2 years(!!!!) Show how much the media are paid off.

OT but I'm glad this place exists where we can talk positively about Sony's accomplishments, without shills and fanboys shutting us down.
Well, USUALLY without anyone trying to shut us down.
  • Informative
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26 Jun 2022
0 chance they updated graphics. What you saw - that you get AT 30fps.
Bugs, glitches, broken game? It will be ignored by media and fanboys because it is Free on Gamepass.
My understanding is that most reviewers ignore technical issues on purpose to be "professional".

So we need to wait for Angry Joe and a few others that are not afraid of the big publishers.
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21 Jun 2022
My understanding is that most reviewers ignore technical issues on purpose to be "professional".

So we need to wait for Angry Joe and a few others that are not afraid of the big publishers.
we should add, Except Playstation games. because if those games has a bug, a glitch, or something weird going on, you have 100 articles about it.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Imagine if a game close to Days Gone quality was released on xbox (any xbox)... even without the patches it would be ailed as the return of xbox.
Phil would give his left nut for something like Days Gone, and the fanboys would be screeching about how amazing and original and deep it is for years.