It's time for Microsoft to pull the plug on Xbox.


22 Jun 2022
Heres the reality, these guys never learn and will continue to be abused by MS and Xbox. Once the next gen rolls around we will be right back to ground zero and the same tired as talking points from them along with the classic "this time will be different, because reasons" Again these people never learn and are loyal to the brand even at the cost of quality gaming. So while there might be outrage now, A few lip service words from xbox and they will be fine.


27 Jan 2023
Yes they should pull the plug but keep in mind this is what they wanted! Microsoft WANTED to kill the Xbox console business (and Sony in the process). That was the whole point of Game Pass and streaming future.

Phil sold that future to Nutella and their fans believed every word of it. All subscriptions, all digital, no more game purchases. Pay monthly. Even the console you can buy monthly with All Access.

They attacked Sony everyday about it. Called them Blockbuster. It's backfiring but that was the plan all along. Complete dominance in gaming and no one else can compete.

Microsoft needs to leave gaming ASAP. Good riddance!
Lol, talk about being delusional.
The Cell sucked and was pretty much what fucked the PS3. Had Sony just gone with some basic design like the 360 the PS3 would've sold about as much as the PS4. Sony was never able to match prices with the 360, a few years into the gen and you had a $199 360 and even by the end of the gen the PS3 never reached those prices.

It was the perfect storm for MS and all they managed was to end up in last place and completely nuke their internal studios out of existence. Absolutely no vision.

The Kinect ended up fucking MS later on but during the 360 gen it actually considerably boosted their sales.

Miss me with the arrogant Sony talk, MS has been arrogant for decades and hasn't done shit. Sony fucked up with the PS3 hardware and that's about it, they turned things around within 3 years and set up what would become more than a decade of complete dominance. It's not like Sony planed for the PS3 to not justify it's price, the expectation was to release a premium console that would perform that way.
You've made it plainly clear you have this hatred towards xbox.
Xbox had it going good with the original xbox and 360 but for some reason you are being delusional about it, kinda pathetic, tbh lol.


25 Mar 2023
You've made it plainly clear you have this hatred towards xbox.
Xbox had it going good with the original xbox and 360 but for some reason you are being delusional about it, kinda pathetic, tbh lol.
I disagree, I had a 360 and still felt the need to buy a PS3, something like that never happened when I went first with a PlayStation.

Stop attaching sentiment to this stuff, the PlayStation is just a better product and it could't be more obvious. All that the Xbox does for me is take games and resources away from the PlayStation, if it dies because the market completely rejected, so be it, not my problem.

Give me a top 10 best Xbox games of all time and lets see if you show up with a convincing list, I very much doubt it. What I find truthfully pathetic is for people to be fan of a video game brand that is not good at making games. Why are you a MS fan?

If Xbox was the only console I would own no console and just play on PC, that's how much I value Xbox.

There is no parity between Xbox and PlayStation, PlayStation is just much better.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I do think Microsoft needs to do some serious adjustments if they want to stay in the gaming space.

Releasing Redfall in its current form is a Massive No, there is absolutely Zero quality control in that product.

I would hope that all gamers, regardless of platform should look down at the state in which the game was shipped, in my eyes its a personal insult to their fanbase.

If people start defending this practice, with "Oh it's fine it's on Game Pass" mentality, then yes I want Microsoft to be removed from the gaming sector as soon as possible.

Our standards should be higher?


8 Jan 2023

Bootleg Jez saw our posts! I wonder if we’ll get an influx of Xbox shills now that he’s given iconera some visibility?

We'll probably get a small surge of people joining just to argue and call everyone ponies, lol.
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Lol, talk about being delusional.

You've made it plainly clear you have this hatred towards xbox.
Xbox had it going good with the original xbox and 360 but for some reason you are being delusional about it, kinda pathetic, tbh lol.
How is losing $12 billion and being a distant second place “going good”?
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Imagine if all that Xbox has for the showcase is a bunch of promises and concept trailers to go along with 30fps Starfield gameplay.

With the momentum that they have they'll be eaten alive.

Will they have to do the customary 'We're sorry' and 'We hear you' routine?

I can't wait to hear that one again...

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023

Bootleg Jez saw our posts! I wonder if we’ll get an influx of Xbox shills now that he’s given iconera some visibility?

A business that hasn't made a profit in more than two quarters over 20 years. Yes, pull the plug.

The recent revenue growth is almost entirely attributable to the new businesses they bought, like Bethesda, which earn most of their revenue on other platforms.


25 Mar 2023
Will they have to do the customary 'We're sorry' and 'We hear you' routine?

I can't wait to hear that one again...
Sony should do their showcase a few weeks earlier this time and force Xbox into more mistakes.

Xbox has no answers to anything Sony is doing, they'll just dig a bigger hole by promising what they can't deliver.
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