Phil Spencer admits defeat in console space, and doesn't think great games would help Xbox's market share.


25 Mar 2023
They should do to Redfall what Sony did to improve Destruction All-Stars, just recognize it ain't it and move on.

Redfall isn't worthy of any more dev time, move on to the next game and come back in 5 years with something drastically better.
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28 Jun 2022

Borrowed from gaf

"Willing to "take full responsibility for launching a game that needs to be great". Not shipping 60 fps per second was a "punch in the chin". Won't "push against creative aspirations of his teams". Redfall didn't hit Arkane's "internal goals" and another delay wouldn't have made a difference."
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21 Jun 2022

As usual, what he says sounds great and reasonable. But we know Philnocchio Spencer lies more than he speaks.

So maybe the game went wrong because MS forced them in a direction they didn't want to go (as could be to go more like in a Left 4 Dead MP GaaS focus than following Arkane's style) or needed more development time to improve and polish but MS didn't want to give it to them because had to release something around these months.

And well, he says that they'll keep supporting the game for a long time, so probably this means that as soon as they release the 60fps patch they'll stop working in the game.
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John Elden Ring

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
Spencer basically says there's no way the Xbox can compete with Sony and Nintendo, and then goes on to say that making great games wouldn't help Xbox compete. He also says people arent going to sell their PS5s to play Starfield, as there's no way the game is going to be an 11/10:

"We're not in the business of out-consoling Sony or out-consoling Nintendo. There isn't really a great solution or win for us, and I know that will upset a ton of people, but it's just the truth of the matter.

When you're third place in the console marketplace, and the top two players are as strong as they are, and have, in certain cases, a very discrete focus on doing deals and other things that make being Xbox hard for us, as a team.

I see commentary that if you just build great games, everything would turn around. It's just not true that if we go off and build great games, all of a sudden you're going to see console share shift in some dramatic way. We lost the worst generation to lose in the Xbox One generation, where everybody built their digital library of games. So when you go, and you're building on Xbox, we want our Xbox community to feel awesome. But this idea that if we just focused more on great games on our console, that somehow we're going to win the console race, I think doesn't really lay to the reality of most people.

There is no world where Starfield is an 11 out of 10 and people start selling their PS5. That's not going to happen."

-- Phil Spencer


28 Jun 2022
With him complaining about "competitors making a very discrete focus on doing deals and other things that make being Xbox hard for us, as a team." I wonder if its more than final fantasy that hes upset about? Like i wonder if sony has some pretty big gets weve yet to see?


16 Jul 2022


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022

How can their fanbase be pleased with such mentality?

People had no second thoughts dropping their Xbox legacy to jump on the PS4 bandwagon BECAUSE of how Sony proved times and times again that it's all about good games.

And why do people need to sell their owned consoles instead of having a further one?


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
This sounds like a serious matter. Nadella is probably not amused that they won’t get Activision Blizzard. This may have been the last opportunity to turn around the tides but that’s likely the end for Xbox. I think that Microsoft will announce they will quit the console business after the Activision Blizzard officially fell through. There is no more scenario where it would make financially sense for Microsoft to pursue a dead business for them. Console wars is over and I believe they will become a 3rd Part Publisher even before the generation ends!