Helldivers 2 will require Steam players to sign in with PSN account, led to review bombing games & refunds. |UP| Gamers organizing to revert reviews.


21 Jun 2022
So far 159K positive reviews today, more than compensating the 155K negative reviews that the game got yesterday:

The score is back to 62.45%
24 Jun 2022
Any publicity is good publicity? Oh my, it's all just been a 4D chess marketing stunt. 😂

No. For me at least it's caused some irreputable damage in SIE's leadership and sensible communications/optics handling ability. Not to mention their ability to stand firm on decisions and exude confidence.

That's not even to mention the optics of buckling to a rabid part of the Steam userbase while lagging significantly behind in bringing useful Steam/PC-like features to the console QOL user experience (and increasingly using their console fanbase as paypigs who shouldn't balk at anything they do whatsoever).

My confidence in this brand is at an all-time low and so too is my interest in future initiatives from them. I will still be curious, and my interest could be restored obviously. But that comes down to 1: The games, and 2: showing with action that the console experience is still what they treasure.

Until then, they've earned this L in my book.
24 Jun 2022
Yes, review bombing is retarded.

Regarding people voting with their wallets, it's the main thing customers do everywhere: they put their money where they want, and later when companies analyze the market or results -mostly defined by these "votes" because at the end we're in a capilalist market- they take note and act accordingly.

In this case Sony sees that regarding wallet votes their console is performing better than everna and keeps increasing their market share. And in the particular case of game subs they are at record revenue levels and increasing their revenue. So they keep doing the same strategy.

They also see that GaaS/MP games receive the majority of these wallet votes, so they pushed to grow their 1st party in this area while also growing in the non-GaaS one.

They also saw that PC and mobile gaming generate more revenue (wallet votes) than PlayStation so they are working to grow there while also growing in console.

Hold up I got the perfect new avatar for you:


Just choose any of them because you all sound the same 😂


21 Jun 2022
now, few more days and remove Review button from them :D
Yes, I asume in a day or two they will have completely recovered from the review bombing.

And who knows, maybe they end turning some previous negative reviews from earlier (due to server issues or something like that) to a positive one, ending even with a better user review score than the one they had before the review bombing.

That would be funny because these xboxers, anti sony haters, retarded drama queens and the rest of entitled childish whiners who pushed for the review bombing would end getting the opposite result.

I could even see people from this forum even crying and trying to stop the user review score recovery.
Hold up I got the perfect new avatar for you:


Just choose any of them because you all sound the same 😂
I think this would be a better suit for you:
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
When Starfield came out people were posting a Steam graph with the amount of refunds the game was getting.

Can we do that with Helldivers? I want to know who refunded 😒
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Well-known member
28 Jan 2023
I have to say I really respect steam fans good for them actually 👍
I wish playstation fans voiced there anger when Sony announced the pay to play online back in e3 2013
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷

Probably most of them.
Because the VOCAL RAGE was really a small part of the base.

Just think about a bit... how much the game sold on PC? If 500k users were mad it was still less than 10% of the PC users.
I don't know buy I'm guessing bu the number of bad reviews it was like 60-80k users being mad.

Edit - Maybe not shocking users in Countries not supported by PSN were the ones that didn't give a chip because they always had to create accounts with US countries to play games :D


21 Jun 2022
Steam: TOP SELLERS Global


Helldivers 2 continues to fall down the charts

Last week it was top 6, top 2 if we only look at paid games:

Right now it's top 9, top 4 if we only count paid games (due to a couple of recent successful new releases who in a few days may have been way lower in the ranking):

When Starfield came out people were posting a Steam graph with the amount of refunds the game was getting.

Can we do that with Helldivers? I want to know who refunded 😒
There are no public graphs of refunds. The Helldivers 2 one would be a totally made up one, like the Starfield one.
  • brain
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8 May 2023

That's alot of words to say absolutely nothing 🤣

"We also need to REALLY have a talk about the influencer side of this. We need to stop propping up folks on that side whose misinformed ideas about the space drive so much of the moments we see happen."

This guy literally regularly interacts with ColtEastwood, Destin Legarie, Parris Lily, Jeff Grubb, Ryan McCaffrey, etc. Some of the most toxic clowns that spread a ton of misinformation....