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  1. Hatefield

    Xbox Avowed Runs at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S, Obsidian Confirms

    Must suck for people who thought it would be 60, whoever they are.
  2. Hatefield

    News Concord Review Thread

    Review was nice. You smelling your own farts, not so nice.
  3. Hatefield

    News Indiana Jones coming to PS5 Spring 2025 | Releasing December 9 Xbox - PC

    You what. I agree with this broomstick. No one can play these games so they should come to xbox and sony has no other games coming out ever again. Now excuse, I need to finish drilling another hole in my head.
  4. Hatefield

    Discussion Why the lack of attention to what Nintendo is up to?

    People are waiting for the switch 2. No one cares what games the 1st switch has anymore.
  5. Hatefield

    Playstation What may PlayStation look like in the future sans Xbox competition

    It's been 10 years sans xbox. What's 100 more?
  6. Hatefield

    News Armored Core series by Secret Level coming on Prime Video December 10

    Not anime. Cgi. No clue but the trailer showed kratos
  7. Hatefield

    Discussion Is the reason the PlayStation 4 sold worse than PS3 in Japan is because it had the number "4" in it?

    Yeah buts it's a stupid thing to say when before the 4 there is playstation.
  8. Hatefield

    News Indiana Jones coming to PS5 Spring 2025 | Releasing December 9 Xbox - PC

    The fact they said months before the game comes out is shocking. You couldn't wait a week after launch to do this? Pretty much made sure no one buys or buy am xbox for it.
  9. Hatefield

    Discussion Is the reason the PlayStation 4 sold worse than PS3 in Japan is because it had the number "4" in it?

    Colin is projecting cause x means death in japan, not 4.
  10. Hatefield

    News Xbox Social Media Manager wears PlayStation gear

    Tbf it's a nice shirt. The xbox apareal is a bit tacky.
  11. Hatefield

    Rumor Rumor: Xbox Reportedly Reviving Old Marvel Activision Games

    Pretty much tells me they are not spending money to make new games. It's likr a few thousand bucks to renew a license.
  12. Hatefield

    Leak Bully rated for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Taiwan

    Oh good. Grove Street studios about to butcher another ps2 classic.
  13. Hatefield

    Discussion Activision is finally doing something about Call of Duty’s giant downloads

    This tells me the level design is going to become borderlands-ish