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  1. Contra

    Discussion dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

    Nice. A mod warning. Good luck growing this forum. It's earned the Era namesake and rep for sure. Peace out everybody.
  2. Contra

    Discussion dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

    I have no problems accepting opinions. It's my own opinion that this forum is clearly a huge, needlessly biased hug box for console war shit throwing. I honestly don't know why I signed up to it to try to make any points here. Getting told to "stop lying" about points to PC gaming pros and...
  3. Contra

    Discussion dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

    Xbox games like the Forzas are some of the best in their genre, Epic is great when they aren't shitting up Windows with their janky installer. Potato PCs are more powerful at legacy gaming than consoles and it's a point to their favor, not a detriment. Gaming PCs cost more up front, and yet...
  4. Contra

    Discussion dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

    While also having all the Xbox games, PC exclusives, multiple stores, emulation freedom. etc. Powerful choices, and to ignore them is not too swift.
  5. Contra

    Discussion dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

    You're arguing about lowering discourse, and dropping "Mustard race" in the same sentence; before laying out a manifesto that sounds like it was written by (insert insult here) You should probably stop dreaming before you hurt yourself.
  6. Contra

    Discussion dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

    There's a point to be made that the PC is premium in how it gives you liberty to use multiple stores, and multiple vendors for parts and features. You can still do things on PC that no console can give you. More updated and advanced VR options being a recent example. Now you can play AAA console...