Just Nevermind dude, Come as You are inside my Heart Shaped Box and lets talk About Girl, forget those guys they just Drain You, they're All Apologies and Dumb. Save yourself an Aneurysm.
Well they split the darkzones into 3 different areas on the map, the PVP was always changing from one area to the other, darkzones got blocked out of nowhere even after I was there the previsous day, also they were a lot smaller, not as fun.
Because that's not how things work. My closest friends all have the PS5 and we play on it together almost everyday. All of them, including myself own very powerful PC's, yet we play on the Playstation, or Xbox or whatever. The ones that prefer consoles will always game on consoles, and the ones...
I'm pretty sure there will be some full exclusives, but not because they think they wanna keep something for the crowd, but just because it wouldn't be financially viable to do so.
I still think PS5 only game are years off from the PC market, except maybe Returnal or Sackboy that didn't sell...
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