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  1. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    Yeah, it's hilarious, dawg. Now, until you actually back your positions up with facts and manage to name any of those alleged argumentative fallacies, I'll continue treating you like a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect. =]
  2. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    And you believe this is somehow specific to women? I hate to burst your little misogynistic drool bubble, but this is equally false as the belief that men are more rational/less emotional than women. All one has to do is scroll through a couple of pages in this thread to see a bunch of...
  3. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    I just took the whole 10 minutes to look things up before engaging with the topic. You'd be surprised how much more effective being informed is when compared to just running your mouth.
  4. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    Current gen console piracy still exists. PC game piracy is low in the EU and the US. I've already folded your uninformed arguments. Your sad attempts at discrediting me won't change that. As for the rest of his post, I cannot imagine being so entirely devoid of self-awareness as to attack...
  5. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    And you're right, I am new, so I kept it pretty much facts only until a bunch of low-IQ dipshits like Johnic over here started with the personal attacks.
  6. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    It's a forum. People debate and argue in forums. As for respect, respect is earned — what exactly am I supposed to respect when someone comes at me with barely literate misogyny?
  7. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    lmao 'Stop being women "mind"... ok, dawg =]
  8. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    lmao, you wanna take another crack at that word salad and make it make sense?
  9. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    All this implied "pc GAmERs aRE ALL pirATes" rhetoric is pretty unkind, dawg — on top of being wildly nonsensical, I mean.
  10. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    What actually brought me here is finding out on Reddit that a bunch of whinging dipshits are crying that some games will be shared with others. And what kind of gamer hates on DOOM? lmao
  11. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    My dude, if you're only 2 years younger than me, it would serve you to develop the ability to conceptualise and empathise with perspectives outside of your own. For example, the perspective of the 50-60% of PS players who are still on a PS4. So it really does matter, because only a fraction...
  12. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    I get nuance and other perspectives are difficult concepts for people in their teens are twenties but looking things up a bit would spare you from having wrong opinions. PS5 is still considered a new platform and thus only about 35-40% of the active PlayStation user base has one. Over half of...
  13. theolreverend

    Discussion PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business

    Oh man, is that true? That's crazy! So how you gonna explain the rampant console game piracy in Southeast Asia, China or India?