PlayStation co-CEO Hideaki Nishino says consoles will remain the core of their business


15 Sep 2024
You are new here. At least show some respect or you will be shown the door.
You don't barge into someone's house and start arguing...
It's a forum. People debate and argue in forums.

As for respect, respect is earned — what exactly am I supposed to respect when someone comes at me with barely literate misogyny?


15 Sep 2024
You are new here. At least show some respect or you will be shown the door.
You don't barge into someone's house and start arguing...
The console piracy stopped being a major issue when the PS3 launched. Source: The country I live in.

Damn, man. You PC players are coming out of the woodwork. A piece of plastic really shook you to the core. Must be miserable having a piece of plastic be your entire personality and life. Imagine taking a picture with your plastic box and using that as your profile pic. Pathetic creature.

And you're right, I am new, so I kept it pretty much facts only until a bunch of low-IQ dipshits like Johnic over here started with the personal attacks.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
.... yeah. Just like PC pirates. A good chunk of pirates either were never planning to buy the game anyways, or were going to buy after playing the pirated version (it serves as a demo)

.... what country?? We have no clue where you live. Seems like a source from more than anything
A country that doesn't enforce piracy laws and where 99% of games are pirated. And several other neighboring countries. Up until the PS3 launch, you couldn't even buy legitimate copies as shops sold pirated ones. With the PS3 that went away because it was harder to pirate for and that continued like that until today.

The government also started cracking down on shops selling pirated copies after the PS2 era, even though downloading them or anything else is not an issue even today.

It's also why PC gaming is popular here, as it's cheaper compared to consoles (shit tier PCs) and you can easily pirate for it.


15 Sep 2024
But @Johnic is 100% right. ps3 killed piracy for the most part. Rest of his post is also correct
Current gen console piracy still exists.

PC game piracy is low in the EU and the US.

I've already folded your uninformed arguments. Your sad attempts at discrediting me won't change that.

As for the rest of his post, I cannot imagine being so entirely devoid of self-awareness as to attack someone for using a DOOM Slayer helmet as their PFP on a gaming forum.

But do go on, keep embarrassing yourselves.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
Current gen console piracy still exists.

PC game piracy is low in the EU and the US.

I've already folded your uninformed arguments. Your sad attempts at discrediting me won't change that.

As for the rest of his post, I cannot imagine being so entirely devoid of self-awareness as to attack someone for using a DOOM Slayer helmet as their PFP on a gaming forum.

But do go on, keep embarrassing yourselves.
There is no piracy on current gen consoles.
On previous gen it was marginal, not worth considering.
And nobody here hates on doom lol wtf.

and all the piracy talks only makes me think you are a pirate yourself if you supposedly know so much about it.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Umar and Landiri


15 Sep 2024
There is no piracy on current gen consoles.
On previous gen it was marginal, not worth considering.
And nobody here hates on doom lol wtf.

and all the piracy talks only makes me think you are a pirate yourself if you supposedly know so much about it.

I just took the whole 10 minutes to look things up before engaging with the topic.

You'd be surprised how much more effective being informed is when compared to just running your mouth.


8 May 2023
Console piracy is less prevalent than pc but it still exists. PS built its global reputation by allowing pirated SW en masse in developing countries playing the long term game. That decimated any competition while acheaving pseudo monopolistic brand awareness. Specially during the PS1, PS2 and PSP eras. SW sales from rich counties financed the loss. Also Sony had a stronger financial backbone back then.

Why do you think lots of third parties struggled during the 7th generation. The official story is the jump to HD. But in reality, there were lots of popular games that didn't have big sales numbers. Wonder why?

There's the option of buying used games which the self appointed paladins of gaming typically champion. At the end of the day, the result is the same. No money goes to the devs as games change hands.

Better to buy them on a steam sale.


Active member
30 Jan 2024
But @Johnic is 100% right. ps3 killed piracy for the most part. Rest of his post is also correct
In Eastern Europe (I can speak about Ukraine and partly Poland), the PS3 was an object of hatred because it was partially hacked only at the very end of the generation, and the process of hacking was not the easiest.

The X360 was hated much less, because it was hacked quickly, and pirated games for it were very cheap, about $8-10, and many people could download and burn the game to a DVD by themselves.

In general, the cult of hatred for PlayStation came to Eastern Europe from russia, where even before the well-known PCMR appeared, there was a “PC only and Forever” movement that opposed the PS1 and other consoles.
  • they're_right_you_know
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...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
In Eastern Europe (I can speak about Ukraine and partly Poland), the PS3 was an object of hatred because it was partially hacked only at the very end of the generation, and the process of hacking was not the easiest.

The X360 was hated much less, because it was hacked quickly, and pirated games for it were very cheap, about $8-10, and many people could download and burn the game to a DVD by themselves.

In general, the cult of hatred for PlayStation came to Eastern Europe from russia, where even before the well-known PCMR appeared, there was a “PC only and Forever” movement that opposed the PS1 and other consoles.
This is exactly true!


17 May 2024
"Stop being women-mind"
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Reactions: theolreverend


21 Jun 2022
Most pirates are in the Eastern Bloc, Asia and India. You said it yourself: they were never going to buy anything to begin with. The part you forgot is that this is just as true for PS games as it is for PC.
Independently of if they pirate or not, around a quarter of the game revenue comes from PC. A chunk somewhat similar to the whole console market. Some may pirate, but a lot of people pays.


Regarding regions, almost half of the global game revenue comes from Asia Pacific. So many people in Asia pirates, but they also pay for games. Around the same than EU and NA combined:


Inside Asia, particularly in China & East Asia (India is growing a lot but its revenue is still super low proportionally to their userbase):

Regarding Eastern Europe, I don't remember where I have the chart but I had a list of the European revenue split by contries. The one in the top are Germany, UK, France, followed by Spain and Italy. As I remember most of the eastern ones were in the lower part.

Knowing PC is around a quarter of the total revenue and that Steam dominates a big majority of the PC market, the Steam stats may be useful to know how userbase is split there even if language doesn't equate countries and userbase doesn't equate revenue:
Last edited:
  • Heart
Reactions: theolreverend
24 Jun 2022
Console piracy is less prevalent than pc but it still exists. PS built its global reputation by allowing pirated SW en masse in developing countries playing the long term game. That decimated any competition while acheaving pseudo monopolistic brand awareness. Specially during the PS1, PS2 and PSP eras. SW sales from rich counties financed the loss. Also Sony had a stronger financial backbone back then.

You say this like Sony had some '80s movie villain, mustache-twirling evil scheme in the works purposefully leveraging this to undermine SEGA and Nintendo. When at the end of the day, piracy was just something that happened (SEGA and Nintendo had to deal with piracy, too, even on Genesis & SNES) and any pirated game meant one less officially sold game.

Seeing how Sony didn't sell PS1s and PS2s for big profit margins, and relied on cuts from 3P sales, it should be assumed they weren't relying on piracy as a way to grow in developing markets. Yes piracy happened there and was most prolific in those places, but probably not as much as you think. After all, Sony were really one of the first platform holders to cater to those markets in terms of an official presence; the reason older systems were pirated a lot is because those companies didn't even bother with those territories. Sony started to change that, and that helped 3P to target software in those regions as well.

Why do you think lots of third parties struggled during the 7th generation. The official story is the jump to HD. But in reality, there were lots of popular games that didn't have big sales numbers. Wonder why?

Well first off who are the "lot of 3P" who struggled in 7th gen? And by what sales metrics? Most of the Western 3P did very well in 7th gen, particularly in NA and UK and particularly on 360. Yes the typical game wasn't doing 10+ million per entry but they didn't need to, either, even for the AAA titles.

Actually it was Japanese 3P on the 360/PS3 who were struggling through the 1st half of 7th gen, and that was partly due to cost of development increases from 6th gen to 7th gen. But it was also due to PS3's slow start, combined with lots of Japanese 3P "Americanizing" their games, usually in pretty embarrassing ways. But even for some games that were considered critical letdowns like RE5, they became among the best-selling installments in the franchises up to that point. Same with SF4 (also Capcom).

There's the option of buying used games which the self appointed paladins of gaming typically champion. At the end of the day, the result is the same. No money goes to the devs as games change hands.

Used game purchasing habits have dropped massively over the past 8 years or so, due to growing shift to digital and lesser trade-in incentives for physical copies at stores.

Better to buy them on a steam sale.

Which is probably one reason why despite the growth, Steam still contributes on the lower end towards game B2P and even MTX sales revenue, compared to PlayStation, Nintendo (for specific 3P games), and in some cases even Xbox.


27 Jun 2023
If you're a CEO of a company and you don't prepare your company for very possible if not probable changes to your industry, you're not doing your job.

That's the reality that you and other Sony doomers don't realize.

If/when you're wrong, there's no penalty for it. You just go on to the next post, likely wrong about that as well.

Sony has to live with it.
Feels like people said this about Xbox back in 2015 & all of Xbox pivots failed & caused irreparable damage that killed the platform/hardware/storefront & business


15 Sep 2024
It means, whatever someone says in general or most cases, don't internalise and apply to yourself or all and then project.

And you believe this is somehow specific to women?

I hate to burst your little misogynistic drool bubble, but this is equally false as the belief that men are more rational/less emotional than women.

All one has to do is scroll through a couple of pages in this thread to see a bunch of ego-driven, fragile little boys.

Some need to put others down because it's the only way they can feel good about themselves.

Some are even in their mid 30s.

Others boast about their imagined intellectual superiority; entirely oblivious to their inability to articulate simple ideas.