all the PS4 and PS5 first party games should be ported to Switch 2 to improve Sony's margins

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27 Jun 2023
that's all that matters, their margins, Switch 2 can provide dozens of millions of copies sold for these games, since Sony themselfs doesn't care about exclusivity anymore and want to bring their games to more people to "entice" them to purchase a PS5, why not? as long as its not day one like many say here, it won't affect console sales, right?


27 Jun 2023
start with Horizon Zero Dawn, since now Switch players will be exposed to the Horizon IP, i'm sure Guerrilla Games must be very interested in having their games on the console that'll very likely be the biggest in installed base this gen + the mobility it would offer, we already have it with the Steam Deck, but having it on an proper optimized console would be way cooler


27 Jun 2023
Please stop with this nonsense
It’s not nonsense. It’s reality.

Sony is porting there games to PC loosing there competitive edge & diminishing the need to buy PS console to play PS games.

In 2023 & 2024 Sony release more PC games then PS console exclusive games from Sony own PS ip/studios. And if we look at singleplayer games either AA or AAA we got 1 in 2023 (SM2) & in 2024 (Astro Bot).

If PS is gonna port there games to PC they might aswell port games to Nintendo for the same reason. That reason being “expanding audience” + gaining extra profits. Why is R&C rift apart not on Nintendo Switch? It can be played on Steam 1 of PS direct competitor & it can also be played on the Steamdeck which competes w PS hardware. It also contradicts PS future plan if PS like the rest of the gaming industry move from traditional consoles to hybrid handhelds.

Astro Bot, R&C rift apart, Sackboy, Returnal should all go to Nintendo Switch 2. I mean the rumor GOW1 remake, Uncharted 1 remake & Gravity Rush remake are only being remade so that they can release on PC why not Nintendo? If anything there’s more reason to release on Nintendo then PC
  • fire
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
It’s not nonsense. It’s reality.

Sony is porting there games to PC loosing there competitive edge & diminishing the need to buy PS console to play PS games.

In 2023 & 2024 Sony release more PC games then PS console exclusive games from Sony own PS ip/studios. And if we look at singleplayer games either AA or AAA we got 1 in 2023 (SM2) & in 2024 (Astro Bot).

If PS is gonna port there games to PC they might aswell port games to Nintendo for the same reason. That reason being “expanding audience” + gaining extra profits. Why is R&C rift apart not on Nintendo Switch? It can be played on Steam 1 of PS direct competitor & it can also be played on the Steamdeck which competes w PS hardware. It also contradicts PS future plan if PS like the rest of the gaming industry move from traditional consoles to hybrid handhelds.

Astro Bot, R&C rift apart, Sackboy, Returnal should all go to Nintendo Switch 2. I mean the rumor GOW1 remake, Uncharted 1 remake & Gravity Rush remake are only being remade so that they can release on PC why not Nintendo? If anything there’s more reason to release on Nintendo then PC
Sorry the thread and the context, the title is all nonsense. It's literally just here to farm reactions and annoy people. I am open to criticism of PlayStation but we don't need to drag down the forum in the process with unoriginal garbage threads... Especially when we had a thread like this 2 weeks ago.

Anyways.... Guess what's happening tonight??

CONCORD Previews are coming out 🤤


27 Jun 2023
Come on you think Sony hasn't thought of putting games on Switch already? We have Lego Horizon. They won't ever put the main games on there though.
if there is something i learned about Sony in the past 5 years is you can never say “they’ll never put games on other plaform/platforms”, at the time they were promoting Only On PlayStation people used to say the very same thing when it came to PC releases and look now, not even 5 years later, most of their franchises are on PC 💀 it’s time for y’all to accept PlayStation is just another place to play games? there is no longer nothing unique and special about it
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Neversummer


27 Jun 2023
first it was: they’ll never put games on PC (then they put games on PC)

then it was: they’ll never put games day one on PC (then they’re putting LEGO Horizon Adventures and Until Dawn Remake day one on PC)

it also was: oh, but PC is a different thing, they’ll never put games on other consoles (then they put LEGO Horizon Adventures and MLB The Show)

soon the goalpost will be moved to: oh, but they’ll never put games day one on other consoles

don’t you guys get tired of moving goalposts? accept PlayStation is just another platform to play games on, there are no exclusives anymore, everything will go to PC no matter what, the box is irrelevant already
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27 Jun 2023
btw: there is no Horizon game exclusive to PlayStation consoles, in the next few months there’ll be no God Of War and The Last Of Us game exclusive to PlayStation cause PC versions of GOWR and TLOUP2 are coming, in fact, on PC you can play all GOW games, on PS5 you can only play 3 games of the franchise
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