As Dusk Falls has potential to be GOTY 2022 sleeper hit

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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I can see this winning one of those arty awards, but i am not even sure if you can call this a game, as where is the GAMEplay.



Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I can see this winning one of those arty awards, but i am not even sure if you can call this a game, as where is the GAMEplay.


Watch the trailer, by close to the end it shows the branching out actions, which advances the story just like Detroit Become human, until Dawn. This is just done in presentation wise differently.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Here you go gameplay

yer that's a no on the gameplay for me, the frame skipping into another frame movement is a no for me, i would prefer actually characters that move and walk around like Detroit. Also, that flashing bullshit when you make a choice, a cheap way to induce how important a choice is, to add tension etc, they need to remove that crap.

It does look well made, but for me this is too niche, arty award fits it perfectly.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
i just want to clarify, because i see people comparing this to tell-tale,supermassive, and quantic dream games…this is not as interactive as those games. You are not really controlling a specific character, walking around and investigating stuff. You also don’t have a lot of interactive prompts throughout the game like those that tend to get very action heavy and require you to hold on to the controller.

This game is 100% narrative focused, meaning you lack very little agency over the characters movements and the environments they are in. The way the game is made is by illustrating over pictures which transition more like a motion comic. Anyone thats played the psp metal gear games will have more of an understanding on what I mean. There are no 3d character models or in-game 3d rooms, it is solely moving pictures. You choose what you want to happen, more like a choose your own adventure.

so, it’s far less ‘gamey’ then what its being compared to and people should set their expectations for that. This is the kind of game that is striving for best story telling or art direction not GOTY
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Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
i just want to clarify, because i see people comparing this to tell-tale,supermassive, and quantic dream games…this is not as interactive as those games. You are not really controlling a specific character, walking around and investigating stuff. You also don’t have a lot of interactive prompts throughout the game like those that tend to get very action heavy and require you to hold on to the controller.

This game is 100% narrative focused, meaning you lack very little agency over the characters movements and the environments they are in. The way the game is made is by illustrating over pictures which transition more like a motion comic. Anyone thats played the psp metal gear games will have more of an understanding on what I mean. There are no 3d character models or in-game 3d rooms, it is solely moving pictures. You choose what you want to happen, more like a choose your own adventure.

so, it’s far less ‘gamey’ then what its being compared to and people should set their expectations for that. This is the kind of game that is striving for best story telling or art direction not GOTY

But if you watched the trailer from the looks of it, has branching paths for narrative that you choose which is the main point of Detroit, HEavy rain, Until dawn.

Interactive narrative similar to Tell tale more than Until dawn. A lot of the tell tale stuff is on rails, just certain narrative/character moments you choose what to say/do.

Thats what this is I believe. Just that it plays out like a film.
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Reactions: Bryank75


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
I understand it's basically a quantic dreams game but I can't get over the terrible cheap comiclike animation


2 Jul 2022
Xbox is not right platform for these types of games. It's similar to Quantic Dream and Supermassive. They both made exclusives for Sony and they were very popular. Man of Medan and Little Hope are also on PS+.

They will talk about it for 2 days because of the usual GP evangelism but it's too niche. Only 127k views for the trailer.
See this is the problem with this type of thinking. The only reason it's believed that Xbox is not the right type of platform for these things is because the infrequency of their releases.

The same goes for Japanese games. If these type of things were released frequently an install base would gradually be formed which would purchase them in large quantities. Stuff like this and Japanese games need to release more often and then there wouldn't be a problem.


8 Jul 2022
I understand it's basically a quantic dreams game but I can't get over the terrible cheap comiclike animation
It like a Quantic Dream game without any of the qualities of a Quantic Dream game like the high production value. Hey, on the bright side, at least David Cage didn't write it.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Have not played or watched it but the explanation makes it sound like an interesting twist on an old idea.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
See this is the problem with this type of thinking. The only reason it's believed that Xbox is not the right type of platform for these things is because the infrequency of their releases.

The same goes for Japanese games. If these type of things were released frequently an install base would gradually be formed which would purchase them in large quantities. Stuff like this and Japanese games need to release more often and then there wouldn't be a problem.
It's too late for that. It's already their fourth generations. Niche or Japanese publishers are not making any money on Xbox. All their moneyhats failed to get an audience (Square RPGs, Tecmo, Bandai Tales etc). Episodic exclusive D4 Dreams was a massive flop.

The sales are even worse now with Game Pass. They only port if they get a bag.

Maybe all these new customers on Samsung TVs will play them?
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