Bend Studio’s Next Game, linkedin job advertisement. Definitely looks to be "Live Service".


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21 Jun 2022
It doesn't make sense to leave 2 with a massive cliffhanger and then just stop, but Bend did the same with Days Gone so who am I to judge.

Dont have to leave it just come back during the PS6.
There making Horizon 3 anyway, pretty sure they confirmed it


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
There is just such a long and bad history inside Sony of studios being shut down after they struggle with GaaS/multiplayer releases.

- London Studios was allegedly working on a live service game before being shut down.
- Driveclub online issues killed Evolution Studios.
- Guerrilla Cambridge was shut down after RIGS.
- Incognito Entertainment.
- SOE.
- Zipper Interactive.
- Psygnosis/Studio Liverpool
- Dreams was completely held back and pretty much sabotaged by Sony and Media Molecule now does not seem long for this world.

Sony pivot to live services seems way too reactionary and goes against all their previous moves.
I think out of those only London Studio was making a live service.

Alot of studios make online or MP games and were fine, Insomniac with Resistence, Guerilla with KillZone, ND's factions 1 and Uncharted 2/3 MP were all amazing.

Ghost of Tsushima had surprising great MP mode.
Games like Warhawk and Motorstorm.

I think Sony has management problems because of Hermen and Jim not because of multiplayer games. P

Media Molecule is still alive but who knows for how long. They choose to make it, Sony didnt force them. LBP's online was a driving force for the game to succeed, without it, it would be nothing.

Out of all the games Dreams was the only one that made sense to go to PC
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