Yeah the graphics are already top notch load times are abysmal though so instant loading with SSD & dualsense features would be great
So they did a PC release to leverage better load times but never patched it for their new console to leverage its SSD? Smells like a whiff of second-class citizenry to me.
Just waiting for people to remember that Sucker Punch is also working on what sounds like a live service game.
Hopefully Ghost of Tsushima isn't the last samurai game we see from them
As usual I'd wait for more details but the bits & pieces of circumstantial evidence all seem to be pointing towards a certain direction.
Not that I care too much anymore. I've said what I felt would be best for these companies so much that at this point just feels like I'd be repeating things over again. They're gonna do what they're gonna do. And I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do, what's best for me.
The only unfortunate part there is, that increasingly seems like it won't involve certain platforms nearly as much as I'd of preferred.
PlayStation now has the bulk of their workforce working on GaaS at this point, there is no going back and for every Helldivers 2 (a game that was already happening regardless of their recent pivot) there are going to be 10 fops and canceled projects.
Their gaming pipeline is now completely different from what it was during the PS4 generation and if not for the Insomniac acquisition/productivity and the Final Fantasy deals everyone would've realized at this point that it has been a complete disaster.
It's funny to bring up the FF deals because everyone would have you think Sony are locking up timed exclusives for every major 3P game under the sun when in reality it's "just" mainline Final Fantasy games. Ever Crisis? Day 1 multiplat. All of S-E's non-mainline FF games have been multiplats Day 1. SF6? Day 1 multiplat. Avatar? Hogwarts? Elden Ring? Alan Wake 2? Tekken 8? RE4 Remake? I could go on and on, all of them Day 1 remakes.
It makes Irman Khan's BS rumors from back in 2020 look even worst today because you'd
THINK we'd of seen at least one or two of those games, especially Japanese ones, have skipped Xbox if that rumor were true. But outside of FF XVI and VII Rebirth, the only other "notable" 3P exclusives Sony've had this gen in terms of big well-known IP were just Bethesda games, and not even established IP, but new games like Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo. Both of which I'd classify as high-production AA games at most.
So yeah if you take away XVI and VII Rebirth, and Insomniac, exclusives-wise for PS5 you are left with cross-gen 1P AAA releases, a single 1P AAA that's a remake, a single 1P high-production AA new IP, a remake to a game that was already remastered on PS4, a remaster of a game that launched the same year of PS5's release, and a small handful 3P AA indie games.
For the first four years of a likely eight-year console generation....
not the content itself that's been an issue, but the
balance of content. The balance and quantity issues are just exacerbated console-side with the PC ports, since there hasn't been nearly enough new coming in for the console to balance out once-exclusives now getting ported to other, increasingly competitive platforms.
I'm just observing the trend and I'd like to think it's being reversed but there is absolutely no way I'm going to say that with my chest until it's publicly stated and
shown. When actions meet words.