Biggest gaming disappointment?


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
For some reason I believe a thread like this already exists here but I couldn't find it. If it does, please merge.

As the title goes. A lot of us here have been gaming for quite some time and we were bound to run into games that disappoint us. What was yours?

Mine was MGSV. As a huge fan of the franchise, MGSV was my most anticipated game ever. Kojima was working on all those hype trailers that painted the game as the ultimate MG. Not only that, it looked like it was going to be the darkest story wise and finally come a full circle.

And then the game released. I'm pretty "allergic" to spoilers to the point that when I decide to get a game I refuse to even see screenshots before playing it myself. A few hours into MGSV, I was so disappointed that I had to go to a forum to see if the game picks up.

While I enjoyed gameplay the story was incredibly lacking. Poor pacing, poor character development and just overall poor storytelling. While I have over 500 hours in that game, it's still the most disappointing game I played. Gameplay is that good to me.

On top of all that, the hardcore Kojima fans started this whole "Fuck Konami" campaign. Shortly before release, Konami and Kojima split so they blamed Konami for the state of the game. It somewhat tainted the entire MG fanbase to me because they refused to believe Kojima had anything to do with it. Only for him to come out years later and say that the story was presented exactly how he wanted it, meaning he's the one who screwed that part of the game. And for me, it's the most important one.

Anyway, fire away.



Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
TES: IV Oblivion. I was a newly minted adult at the time and did not yet know that marketing was bullshit. The stuff they were promising with Radiant AI isn't even possible today, lol, what a let down...

Also, the game world suuuuuucked and had a bunch of negative changes to lore and mechanics.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
All the Star Wars games since PS4. Underwhelming...and Jedi Survivor and the previous one were only serviceable but had no really fun powers and made even worse with the tiny force bar that runs out after doing 2 or 3 tiny things.

MGSV as mentioned above by @Johnic

TLOU2, I know most like it on here...but I think the story sucks and revenge has been done much better by movies in a million different ways.

Every COD since MW2.

The Crash games after 3.... but the last one was good.


8 Jan 2023
For some reason I believe a thread like this already exists here but I couldn't find it. If it does, please merge.

As the title goes. A lot of us here have been gaming for quite some time and we were bound to run into games that disappoint us. What was yours?

Mine was MGSV. As a huge fan of the franchise, MGSV was my most anticipated game ever. Kojima was working on all those hype trailers that painted the game as the ultimate MG. Not only that, it looked like it was going to be the darkest story wise and finally come a full circle.

And then the game released. I'm pretty "allergic" to spoilers to the point that when I decide to get a game I refuse to even see screenshots before playing it myself. A few hours into MGSV, I was so disappointed that I had to go to a forum to see if the game picks up.

While I enjoyed gameplay the story was incredibly lacking. Poor pacing, poor character development and just overall poor storytelling. While I have over 500 hours in that game, it's still the most disappointing game I played. Gameplay is that good to me.

On top of all that, the hardcore Kojima fans started this whole "Fuck Konami" campaign. Shortly before release, Konami and Kojima split so they blamed Konami for the state of the game. It somewhat tainted the entire MG fanbase to me because they refused to believe Kojima had anything to do with it. Only for him to come out years later and say that the story was presented exactly how he wanted it, meaning he's the one who screwed that part of the game. And for me, it's the most important one.

Anyway, fire away.

Ground Zeroes > TPP

Too bad V isn't a compact game, but two boring deserts. Still, the open world in Death Stranding worked for me.

The hype was crazy...

  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Johnic

Summer Nightmares

Icon Extra
12 Jan 2023
There are two really big games that disappointed me because the praise around them was great and I came in late:

The Last of Us:

This is one of the first games I installed when I got my PS5 this year being a pc gamer for more than 20 years, it was an exclusive, one of the best games of all time so I was pretty hyped about it and... it was quite boring. I didn't know that a lot of the praise was because of the story (wich I don't think is notoriously good) and the actual gameplay feels below average. The game also makes a great emphasis on stealth (something that I usually dislike) but so far the bow is so op that it doesn't matter that much.

Red Dead Redemption 2:

My god... this one was THE disappointment for me. I love everything about cowboys, the wild west, etc. I was not ready for this to be such a simulator, I was expecting a more arcade gameplay that did not compromised fun in order to be realistic. Not to mention the most boring introduction to a videogame that I played in 26 years.


8 May 2023
Final Fantasy 15…. the most hyped up game of all time. Especially as a big Kingdom Hearts fan, seeing those FF Versus 13 trailers back in the day made me even more excited. 😔😔😔

The final product was obviously a dud…but at least the DLC was good.

Watching those trailers these days still hurts, just makes us think of what could’ve been.
24 Jun 2022
Xbox Series X

Awesome reveal, great early messaging...then Series S happened. Then May 2020 happened, with cracks beginning to show. Then the multiplat comparisons happened. Then Halo Infinite happened. Then 2022 happened. Then RedFall happened. Then 30 FPS 1296p Starfield happened (most likely due to Series S).

A system with a lot of potential, being hamstrung by a stopgap entry-level system and inconsistent 1P. Maybe the latter hopefully starts to change for the better with Starfield (should be a pretty solid game, not GOTG-tier by any means though), but the former will always be something of an albatross.

Perhaps MS buckling on parity for Baldur's Gate 3 signals that could change, though. It would be for the best, potential class-action lawsuit aside.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
For some reason I believe a thread like this already exists here but I couldn't find it. If it does, please merge.

As the title goes. A lot of us here have been gaming for quite some time and we were bound to run into games that disappoint us. What was yours?

Mine was MGSV. As a huge fan of the franchise, MGSV was my most anticipated game ever. Kojima was working on all those hype trailers that painted the game as the ultimate MG. Not only that, it looked like it was going to be the darkest story wise and finally come a full circle.

And then the game released. I'm pretty "allergic" to spoilers to the point that when I decide to get a game I refuse to even see screenshots before playing it myself. A few hours into MGSV, I was so disappointed that I had to go to a forum to see if the game picks up.

While I enjoyed gameplay the story was incredibly lacking. Poor pacing, poor character development and just overall poor storytelling. While I have over 500 hours in that game, it's still the most disappointing game I played. Gameplay is that good to me.

On top of all that, the hardcore Kojima fans started this whole "Fuck Konami" campaign. Shortly before release, Konami and Kojima split so they blamed Konami for the state of the game. It somewhat tainted the entire MG fanbase to me because they refused to believe Kojima had anything to do with it. Only for him to come out years later and say that the story was presented exactly how he wanted it, meaning he's the one who screwed that part of the game. And for me, it's the most important one.

Anyway, fire away.

I tried that game, two times in fact, I really just could not get into it.

Everything about the game felt like a slog or a chore to me,

As for the game i was most disappointed in, it was a toss-up between Bioshock Infinite and control.

Bioshock Infinite was just not a Bioshock game to me and as for Control, the gameplay was good but i felt that the world was sterile and beyond boring. It basically felt like a glorified a tech demo to me.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Kingdom Hearts 2

Absolutely loved the first game when i was 6 years old, was so hyped for the sequel which felt like it took forever to come out. Kh1 came out in 2002 and kh2 in 2007 here in Australia (we got it really late)

It had none of the magic of the orginal, the story was a huge downgrade, it became too "anime" if you know what i mean.

The combat went from a somewhat more grounded and heavy system to a completely different one. Sora became a time warping ninja that teleports around enemies, he also had some homing attack so you went from enemy to enemy.

The game was also a massive step down in terms of world design, you had these great multi layered levels with tons of environmental interactibility to narrow and lifeless corridors.

I was so disappointed in this sequel


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I loved MGSV lol. Most time Ive spend in an MGS game and I love them all.

Hmmm, for me, Id say FF13, FF15, The recent Star Wars games. Every WWE game since No Mercy lol. RE6. Days Gone. KillZone Shadow Fall. Infamous 2nd Son. Mario Galaxy 1-2. Pillars of Eternity. Halo 4. AC games Origins and forward

And recently. RE2 Remake. Dont get me wrong, I loved it. But I also hated some parts and was disappointed overall from what it could of been. It was amazing until Mr X appears. I hate the stalker element, they should of left that for scenerio B. And I feel they could of done more in the police station and other parts in the game, some places were left out


4 Jul 2022
There are two really big games that disappointed me because the praise around them was great and I came in late:

The Last of Us:

This is one of the first games I installed when I got my PS5 this year being a pc gamer for more than 20 years, it was an exclusive, one of the best games of all time so I was pretty hyped about it and... it was quite boring. I didn't know that a lot of the praise was because of the story (wich I don't think is notoriously good) and the actual gameplay feels below average. The game also makes a great emphasis on stealth (something that I usually dislike) but so far the bow is so op that it doesn't matter that much.

Red Dead Redemption 2:

My god... this one was THE disappointment for me. I love everything about cowboys, the wild west, etc. I was not ready for this to be such a simulator, I was expecting a more arcade gameplay that did not compromised fun in order to be realistic. Not to mention the most boring introduction to a videogame that I played in 26 years.
Wtf xD


Active member
25 Apr 2023
Shenmue 3. I was devastated man. I loved shenmue 1 and 2 so much as a kid. And so did a friend of mine. We were so happy when shenmue 3 was announced during E3 and bought the game day 1.

My friend managed to force himself to finish the game but I stopped when I got to the second island. I couldn't tolerate it anymore.

What the fuck did Yu Suzuki do?


Active member
8 Jul 2023
The overall realization that most video game stories kinda suck(straightforward or weak plots, poor characterization, bad character development, lack of suspense etc), and the writers are still trying to ape other forms of media instead of leaning into aspects that make video games unique.


8 May 2023
Xbox Series X

Awesome reveal, great early messaging...then Series S happened. Then May 2020 happened, with cracks beginning to show. Then the multiplat comparisons happened. Then Halo Infinite happened. Then 2022 happened. Then RedFall happened. Then 30 FPS 1296p Starfield happened (most likely due to Series S).

A system with a lot of potential, being hamstrung by a stopgap entry-level system and inconsistent 1P. Maybe the latter hopefully starts to change for the better with Starfield (should be a pretty solid game, not GOTG-tier by any means though), but the former will always be something of an albatross.

Perhaps MS buckling on parity for Baldur's Gate 3 signals that could change, though. It would be for the best, potential class-action lawsuit aside.
How could you be excited when Phil was still the CEO? 🤣 until that clown is gone, don’t expect anything to ever improve for Xbox


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Game: back4blood (honorable mention zelda botw)
Console: Nintendo Switch

the reason microsoft-related stuff doesn't make this list is because in order to be disappointed you have to have expectations in the first place


28 Jul 2023
Assassin's Creed 3: My hype level was off the chain for this game. American Revolution setting where you in control of a badass looking Native American tomahawking fools left and right and one of the coolest box art cover out there. So what could go wrong? Well for starter, Ubi Soft jumped the shark with the story with this one setting the precedent for the story of the franchise moving forward obsolete (made you not care anymore). The biggest issue though was the gameplay. Gameplay was mind boggling linear it was awful. It was like Ubi Soft saw COD level design and said, "let's do that!" The game gave you tools like the rope dart and abilities like blending in with the crowds/guards yet you never used these things cause of the linearity of the missions it didn't allow for it. The game just felt different from the first AC game and the Ezio games. AC3 just felt bland in many areas.

Mass Effect 3: Now this is a tricky one. I think Mass Effect 3 is still a really good ME game. The disappointment lies within the obvious choices and consequences of your actions and how those things were not implemented to how the game ends. This is a game where Bioware needed more time and is a prime example along with Dragon Age 2 of EA treating Bioware like dirt. Mass Effect 3 didn't take away from my enjoyment of the ME trilogy as a whole. The way I see it Mass Effect 3 is basically the Dark Knight Rises of the Mass Effect trilogy.

MGSV: Gameplay was very good. Everything else was a big middle finger to MGS and Kojima fans. The lack of story and cutscenes that makes a Kojima's MGS game so memorable and fun was a crime on gaming. It was like Konami listened and attempted to appeal to the clowns that always bitch bout too many cutscenes in MGS yet only to received backlash from reviews criticizing the lack of story and scenes in the game. Also, I felt the FOB mechanic was annoying and could have been done better.


8 May 2023
Crash 4: I didn't like the idea of "Crash is the Dark Souls of Platformers" that was not the case when the games originally released. They were fun, accessible platformers with difficulty spikes on some sections, in order to grab coloured gems or to 100% it. Crash 4 just added too much stuff that ended up being incredibly annoying.

GTA Trilogy Remaster: Should have been up there with REmake and System Shock remake as the greatest of all time. 3 of the greatest games of all time in one package.... I can't believe they dropped the ball so bad.

RDR Remaster: 30 FPS, No PC version, no graphics improvements or first person view. Pretty lazy port but Switch fans are eating it up. Make no mistake, this was a Switch release first and foremost.

RE3Make: They should have spent more time with this one. Such a great game deserved much better.
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