Biggest gaming disappointment?


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
TLOU2: The execution (pun not intended lol) and pacing of the story.

Front mission 4 and especially 5, after Front Mission 3 one of my most favorite games of all time.

Cyberpunk 2077: the first (and probably last) game that I preordered.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
Recently Callisto protocol. Terrible combat, not scary, tons of backtracking, ends with a cliffhanger…. I felt offended.

Duke nukem forever 2011. It was so bad. Beyond bad. Especially tragic considering how AMAZING the leaked 2001 build is. Just madness to ruin such a game.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I had nothing for this thread and then I read TLOU2 and yeah...for me too.

Absolutely hate what they did with the story and Abby. Lots of nonsense, cheap revenge story and awful new cast. The gameplay is the GOAT but I feel like skipping everything else.

I'm 100% sure Neil regrets it after the success of the TV Show and Pedro Pascal. Replace Dina with Joel and the game/season 2 would be much better with zero backlash.
They could always just change the story. Adaptations do it all the time and zombieshit isn't exactly high art.
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21 Jun 2022
They could always just change the story. Adaptations do it all the time and zombieshit isn't exactly high art.
They didn't kill Dina at the time because of the "Bury your gays" trope. There was some backlash when she was revealed. I don't remember if it was confirmed or it was just a rumor that they changed it because of that.

Worst decision ever for the franchise.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022

I would have to be interested in the game to begin with so I’m not going to include games i gambled on and just didn’t like such as TLOU2 (dogshit gunplay) or Nier (weeb game) etc..

But for those I was looking forward to in recent memory…

Final Fantasy 16. My thoughts and journey on this are well documented. I sorta can’t believe they shipped such a midtier quality game like this for their premier IP.

Halo 5. Worst AAA budget shooter of all time. Trash level design. Bad new enemy types and weapons. Same braindead boss fight 5 times over.

I love MGSV. 2 and 4 are the bad ones.


28 Jun 2022
Basically, Breath of the Wild: The Thread.

It wasn't as boring as the Fallout games, so I managed to play it to the end, but only because I hacked my Switch to have unbreakable weapons and item duplication.
I forced myself to finish tht boring shit. The divine beasts were trash bosses and the fake, repetitive dungeons were just filler bs.
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28 Jun 2022
Red Dead 2.. Played it for like 8 hours but couldn't go on, the clunky and bs controls/combat were shut top tier garbage for me and if I don't like the combat/controls a game is doa to me.

Also Halo 5 mp or whatever was on Xbox One. I bought my son an Xbox and one month of game pass at the time and I was hype because I never played a Halo mp and hearing all the hoopla I said "yes, ima love this". Brooooo the most generic, boring, mp I ever played. I enjoyed Gears mp more than that even though that was static and subpar asf. I mean Halo In it's inception may have introduced and innovated in the mp space but now it felt like an old, dated version of a lackluster mp. Idk how ppl could have tried Killzone mp, Resistance, Destiny, etc abd even get into Halo.


22 Jun 2022
Agree about TLOU2. Huge disappointment for me.

A bloated mess of a game full of unnecessary walks through museums, aquariums, playing the guitar and even herding sheep back to a barn.

Knowing full well the game was already huge with 2.5 campaigns.

Remember creating a thread on another forum after finishing it and some posters here going after me saying I didn’t understand the message of the game.

Uncharted 4 also had similar pacing issues but on a smaller scale.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
IIRC Crash 1 had some heinously difficult areas after the halfway point in the game, and those were just the normal levels.

Technically if you want the "Dark Souls of Platformers" there are games like Little Ralph and Skullmonkeyz that fit the bill. Wish Skullmonkeyz would get a modern-day re-release.
That dlc level stormy ascent is ridiculously difficult


29 Jun 2023
Oh yea, I forgot about Assualt Horizon and Infinity.

Don't really understand wtf were they smoking with those turds.


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
Oh yea, I forgot about Assualt Horizon and Infinity.

Don't really understand wtf were they smoking with those turds.
discussion wolf GIF

I was also disappointed in AC 6. The holy trinity (4,5 and 0) are my favorites.


29 Jun 2023
discussion wolf GIF

I was also disappointed in AC 6. The holy trinity (4,5 and 0) are my favorites.
AC 4 5 0 was great, but AC 6 was the most fun to play for me, also the most expensive one because uh, you know.

PS1 games are pure nostalgia for me, games like AC RR Wipeout GT are my childhood.
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