Bluepoint: "Still working on original title"


21 Jun 2022
Does it cros your mind that they can make their own game ( demon souls remake)

Become support studio in gow ragnarok

And then going back making their own game again?🤷‍♂️

Demon's Souls remake was a project where Japan Studio (their XDEV Japan team) published it and -in addition to do some minor development- managed a lot of internal and external teams who worked on it, being the main team the external Bluepoint.

So yes, it could be said it was Bluepoint's own project, but also that they were a partner/support team, in the same way that happens in any port/remaster/remake project handled by an external team.

But in the OP you have their head of technology saying they are working on an original title, which means they are not working now on a remaster or remake (so they aren't working on Bloodborne/MetalGear/Knack remaster or remake). Means they are working on an original title, as they did in GoWR.

And I posted twice the slide of Sony that says they are a partner/support team. Crossing both, they're a partner/support team working on an original title.

If Sony and they want, some day they could work on another remaster/remake, but facts say isn't the case and their boss said they prefer to work on "original content" instead, which is what they are doing.

Regarding them leading their own game/IP, they may do it in the future if they grow enough to have a team who can do it, but as of now seems they are a partner/support/codevelopment team who works for other studios, as was SSM in GoWR. They could repeat with SSM or the next one could be ND, Bend, Sucker Punch, Bungie, Haven, Firewalk, etc.

the problem is that gavin moore, the game director for DSR, left Sony. Bluepoint doesn't have anyone for game design or direction that we know of.
Gavin Moore was a Japan Studio employee, not a Bluepoint one.

Gavin also directed Puppeteer, and before that was animator on Siren, Forbidden Siren 2 or Siren: Blood Course.

Between the Siren titles and Puppeteer he appears in the special thanks of Concrete Genie and the Japan Studio games Charge! Tank Squad!, Finger Connection, Busy Sweets Factory and Rain.

Considering the 7 years gap between Puppeteer and and Demon's Souls maybe he worked on a cancelled game or two between them.

I just saw that after Demon's Souls he moved to Los Angeles and became the Vice President Creative of the mobile game dev and publisher Scopely.

A few years ago once I met a former coworker in a pub to share some beers and she was with several Scopely coworkers, including some top bosses from USA who were visiting them. Maybe Gavin was one of them and I didn't recognize him, which would make me super sad because I loved Puppeteer.
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30 Jun 2022
the problem is that gavin moore, the game director for DSR, left Sony. Bluepoint doesn't have anyone for game design or direction that we know of.
Its just 1 person left that can be replaced with somebody else

Bluepoint studio said theyre making their own game ip for the first time ( rumours bloodborne 2). Same report from colin moriarty

Il trust those two over Yurinka


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Its just 1 person left that can be replaced with somebody else

Bluepoint studio said theyre making their own game ip for the first time ( rumours bloodborne 2). Same report from colin moriarty

Il trust those two over Yurinka
They dont have any combat designers, writing or narrative directors, their game design team is basically just 2 dudes, the lead hasn't ever worked on game design as a lead of a full game/non remake. They are basically a studio filled with technical artists and game engine devs and would need to hire out and staff up at least 2 departments to work on their own game.


31 Jan 2024
Another PlayStation studio working away at an original game. See, the first party games are coming. They're not going to announce them before they even know what they are like Xbox has done. So just chill.
  • Shake
Reactions: 2spooky5me


21 Jun 2022
Its just 1 person left that can be replaced with somebody else

Bluepoint studio said theyre making their own game ip for the first time ( rumours bloodborne 2). Same report from colin moriarty

Il trust those two over Yurinka
Bluepoint (or people from there) never said that they are/were working on their own game (being them lead studio) and they never said that they are working in their own IP.

You just made this up, where are your receipts? You shouldn't trust me, you should trust the facts and legit sources like the ones I provided. Not a random rumor from 4chan or gaming "journalist" saying they are making Knack 3 or whatever.

Btw, Moriarty also said they were working on Bloodborne Remaster and later half backpedaled.

Sony and Bluepoint said multiple times they moved on from remasters and remakes and to work now in "original content/game/titles".

Which doesn't implies to be the lead studio of their own game, and is compatible with doing the support codevelopment we saw them doing in GoWR and being a "partner studio" as Sony says in the slide I provided.


21 Jun 2022
Its just 1 person left that can be replaced with somebody else

Bluepoint studio said theyre making their own game ip for the first time ( rumours bloodborne 2). Same report from colin moriarty

Il trust those two over Yurinka
Bluepoint (or people from there) never said that they are/were working on their own game (being them lead studio) and they never said that they are working in their own IP.

You just made this up, where are your receipts? You shouldn't trust me, you should trust the facts and legit sources like the ones I provided. Not a random rumor from 4chan or gaming "journalist" saying they are making Knack 3 or whatever.

Btw, Moriarty also said they were working on Bloodborne Remaster and they aren't because "still working on original titles" according to their head of technology.

They said they moved on from remasters and remakes and to work now in "original content/game/titles". Which doesn't mean to be the lead studio of their own game and is compatible with doing the support codevelopment we saw them doing in GoWR and what Sony says in the slide you provided.


30 Jun 2022
Bluepoint (or people from there) never said that they are/were working on their own game (being them lead studio) and they never said that they are working in their own IP.

You just made this up, where are your receipts? You shouldn't trust me, you should trust the facts and legit sources like the ones I provided. Not a random rumor from 4chan or gaming "journalist" saying they are making Knack 3 or whatever.

Btw, Moriarty also said they were working on Bloodborne Remaster and they aren't because "still working on original titles" according to their head of technology.

They said they moved on from remasters and remakes and to work now in "original content/game/titles". Which doesn't mean to be the lead studio of their own game and is compatible with doing the support codevelopment we saw them doing in GoWR and what Sony says in the slide you provided.
Youre trying too hard man dissing known videogame insider credentials like shinobi, duskgollem, colinmoriarty, that ubisoft leaker jonathan etc

And constantly declare youre the right one when youre wrong most of the time

What are you trying to acomplished by doing this? Fame? Self recognition ?

No one here care with that status man people here just want to play games


21 Jun 2022
Yes, as I said Sony and Bluepoint never said that Bluepoint is leading the game they are working on.

And the tweet in the OP debunks again that "rumor" portion of Bluepoint working on the Bloodborne remaster.

Because -as the tweet in the OP says and as they said multiple times before- they are working on an original game, meaning they aren't working on a port/remaster/remake.

Their studio boss said when acquired that they moved away from remasters and remakes to go an step further and work on original content instead.

Them being working now in Bloodborne 2 as a support codevelopment team is compatible with everything they said. But being the other part of the rumor a lie, I wouldn't bet on it.

Youre trying too hard man dissing known videogame insider credentials like shinobi, duskgollem, colinmoriarty, that ubisoft leaker jonathan etc

And constantly declare youre the right one when youre wrong most of the time

What are you trying to acomplished by doing this? Fame? Self recognition ?

No one here care with that status man people here just want to play games
I don't care about you what think about me. I just help you see that you shouldn't believe everything some people says just because sometimes in the past they were right with some guess, quoting somebody else's leak or leaking themselves something.

I highlight cases where they were proved wrong to let you see that you have to take what they say with a grain of salt, avoiding you to get dissapointed if they get proven wrong.

In this case Colin said Bluepoint were working on a Bloodborne Remaster and that was a lie debunked -again- in the OP. They aren't working in any remaster or remake, they are working on an original title. As they did in GoWR.

Why do you believe that what Colin says is right and that the head of Bluepoint and their head of technology lie? It is some sort of religion?
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25 Mar 2023
Another PlayStation studio working away at an original game. See, the first party games are coming. They're not going to announce them before they even know what they are like Xbox has done. So just chill.
So they don't even know what they are? Wow.


Icon Extra
29 Jun 2022
Yurinka is obsessed with this angle

Bluepoint keep saying over and over again they are working on an original title. Not a new remake. Not supporting other studios titles. They don't even talk about the support studio work they've done publically. I don't think they could be more black and white about it
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Airbus and JAHGamer


31 Jan 2024
So they don't even know what they are? Wow.
That was the case when Xbox showed the first trailer for Rare's Everwild. A Rare dev was quoted saying they were still playing around with gameplay ideas after that initial trailer was shown.
“We learned a lot from Sea of Thieves,” Duncan said. “At its heart, we love the idea of Sea of Thieves [and] players creating stories together. I think with Everwild, Louise [O’Connor] and her leadership team are really passionate about giving players a world that they can just lose themselves in — you know, a lot of nature feels magical. So the notion of, ‘What does it mean to nurture a world? What does it mean to be in nature?’ Part of the reason we haven’t talked a lot about Everwild is because we’re still feeling a lot of these things out. We’re still playing around with gameplay ideas. We’ll have plenty to say in the future on that, but ... we have an idea we feel really passionate about, and we think there’s something special. I have a team of people that wake up every morning with the desire to make this game that they’re really, really passionate about.”


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Yurinka is obsessed with this angle

Bluepoint keep saying over and over again they are working on an original title. Not a new remake. Not supporting other studios titles. They don't even talk about the support studio work they've done publically. I don't think they could be more black and white about it
Cool, who's on the writing team? Level design? Combat design? Who's the narrative director? Who's the scenario writer?


25 Mar 2023
That was the case when Xbox showed the first trailer for Rare's Everwild. A Rare dev was quoted saying they were still playing around with gameplay ideas after that initial trailer was shown.
I know that, my point was if Sony was waiting to find out what their games were before announcing then they are taking a long ass time to find out.


30 Jun 2022
They dont have any combat designers, writing or narrative directors, their game design team is basically just 2 dudes, the lead hasn't ever worked on game design as a lead of a full game/non remake. They are basically a studio filled with technical artists and game engine devs and would need to hire out and staff up at least 2 departments to work on their own game.
Yal saying the studio who made this only have 2 dudes left as game designer



Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Yal saying the studio who made this only have 2 dudes left as game designer

Demons Souls wasnt made by them lmao, go check out interviews. They literally overlaid their graphics engine on the game mechanics from the original game, then added qol


8 May 2023
I'd rather have Infamous and Ratchet and Clank remastered collections from them over a new Uncharted spin off...

I hope it's an actual new game and not just a spin off of another PS IP


21 Jun 2022
They said that in 2020 and now they confirmed what they said and what we understood.
Yurinka is obsessed with this angle

Bluepoint keep saying over and over again they are working on an original title. Not a new remake. Not supporting other studios titles. They don't even talk about the support studio work they've done publically. I don't think they could be more black and white about it

Lies, show the receipts if you really think so.

They absolutely never said that after Demon's Souls they were leading their own game or that they were making their own IP. They absolutely never said they weren't supporting a game.

What they said instead back then was that they moved away from remasters and remakes to work on original content instead.

And we later knew that this original content was to codevelop GoWR in a support role. And now more recently Sony labeled them as support team next to Nixxes and Valkyrie. In the tweet of the OP they mention that are working on an original title, which isn't the same that saying that they are leading their own game or that they aren't working on their own new IP.

They now say "We're working on original content/an original game", the same they said back in 2021 when were working as support team in GoWR.

And again, they don't have enough staff to lead their own AAA game, and even less a new IP.
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