Bluepoint: "Still working on original title"


21 Jun 2022
Lies, show the receipts if you really think so.

They absolutely never said that after Demon's Souls they were leading their own game or that they were making their own IP. They absolutely never said they weren't supporting a game.

What they said instead back then was that they moved away from remasters and remakes to work on original content instead.

And we later knew that this original content was to codevelop GoWR in a support role. And now more recently Sony labeled them as support team next to Nixxes and Valkyrie. In the tweet of the OP they mention that are working on an original title, which isn't the same that saying that they are leading their own game or that they aren't working on their own new IP.

They now say "We're working on original content/an original game", the same they said back in 2021 when were working as support team in GoWR.

And again, they don't have enough staff to lead their own AAA game, and even less a new IP.
You keep spining. In this thread, they re-confirmed what they said in 2020 after releasing DS remake. They are working on their own game (original content). Supporting development of other games has nothing to do with it.

Also them being credited in GOW doesn't mean they were busy for like 2 years. Members could have spent few months supporting the game. They would still work on their own original content.
  • they're_right_you_know
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21 Jun 2022
You keep spining. In this thread, they re-confirmed what they said in 2020 after releasing DS remake. They are working on their own game (original content). Supporting development of other games has nothing to do with it.
You are the one spinning guys, insisting in something that nobody has been able to back with a legit source in this thread.

And you can't because Sony and Bluepoint absolutely never said to be working on a new game leaded by them.

When they said a few years ago -or now- to be working on original content/title/game they meant to be codeveloping working a support role on new games leaded by someone else, as we saw in GoWR, where all their devs were credited and as we saw Sony mentioning them as a partner/support team.

Also them being credited in GOW doesn't mean they were busy for like 2 years. Members could have spent few months supporting the game. They would still work on their own original content.
True, them working on GoWR doesn't mean all of them jumped to it just after completing their job in DS and were there until it hit Gold. Some people aren't needed in specific portions of the project and once done their job they move to other game while others continue working there.

But they don't have enough people to lead their own new game:

Out of their 75 people, their devs are 4 producers, 4 designers (1 game designer, 2 level designers 1 combat designer), under a dozen programmers (including here their head of technology) and 44 artists.

They don't have anybody in roles like game director, creative director, writers, etc., or a producer to manage the outsourcing/support teams, key roles needed to lead a AAA or at least AA game. And well, their programing and specially design teams are too small.

They have a team that is ok to be basically an art support team, with a basic skeleton teams of production, design, QA and programming to put the stuff in place making sense with the desired quality. Or to make remakes or remasters.

But that team isn't enough to lead their own new game or new IP. They need other team (the lead one) to handle all these missing important roles, as was SSM for GoWR.

You can double check it in their LinkedIn page:



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  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: anonpuffs


21 Jun 2022
Don't order users to shut up and call trolls without proof
Yurinka regularly just outright lies and makes up his own facts that even he himself believes
If you think I'm wrong prove me wrong showing some fact with a legit source.

If not, shut up, go back to your troll cave and stop derailing threads attacking people who disagrees with you.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Bluepoint might now be classed as a support studio, but anyone who thinks they cant make remakes with little extra staff is trying too hard to justify something lol.

They could easily make another high quality remake like Demons Souls and SOTC in 2 years. Just give them some extra staff, director, producers etc. Most the work, engineering, programming and artists on those remakes was done by Bluepoint. And its a remake ffs, dont act like it needs the same creative directors and staff and making a new game


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
They said that in 2020 and now they confirmed what they said and what we understood.
I think they said they are working on orginal content, that doesnt mean its a new ip.

Regardless, with some extra small staff they could easily make another Remake in 2 years.
1 to 1 Remakes arent gonna need huge creative staffs to develop. These are FF7Remake or RE2Remake.


21 Jun 2022
Bluepoint might now be classed as a support studio, but anyone who thinks they cant make remakes with little extra staff is trying too hard to justify something lol.

They could easily make another high quality remake like Demons Souls and SOTC in 2 years. Just give them some extra staff, director, producers etc. Most the work, engineering, programming and artists on those remakes was done by Bluepoint. And its a remake ffs, dont act like it needs the same creative directors and staff and making a new game
If they would want to make remakes or remasters, they can do it with their current team. But seems that they prefer to work instead in new games.

Regarding how the work was split between Bluepoint, Japan Studio and the many Sony internal or external support teams (managed by their 2nd party / xdev team), it can be seen in the game credits of SotC remake and Demon's Souls remake.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
If they would want to make remakes or remasters, they can do it with their current team. But seems that they prefer to work instead in new games.

Regarding how the work was split between Bluepoint, Japan Studio and the many Sony internal or external support teams (managed by their 2nd party / xdev team), it can be seen in the game credits of SotC remake and Demon's Souls remake.

For me thats a shame that they just want to work on original content. They make some of the best remakes in the industry with quick turnaround. Demons Souls and SOTC were both great. Demons Souls was the best reason to own a PS5 on launch

I mean I understand there point, but personally you can make another great support team that works on original games like almost every studio. Not everyone can make a great Remake like Bluepoint though.
And theres plenty more remakes Sony could make. Uncharted 1, Infamous, Killzone 2, ICO aswell as games older than PS3/PS2


21 Jun 2022
For me thats a shame that they just want to work on original content. They make some of the best remakes in the industry with quick turnaround. Demons Souls and SOTC were both great. Demons Souls was the best reason to own a PS5 on launch

I mean I understand there point, but personally you can make another great support team that works on original games like almost every studio. Not everyone can make a great Remake like Bluepoint though.
And theres plenty more remakes Sony could make. Uncharted 1, Infamous, Killzone 2, ICO aswell as games older than PS3/PS2
Most devs are creative people who like to work on new big projects.

In the case of Bluepoint they have a lot of staff that comes from places like Retro Studios, Blizzard, ND, Insomniac and so on, where they did work in top tier new games like the Metroid Prime games, Mario Kart 7, Donkey Kong Returns, Diablo 2, WoW, etc. They may be a relatively small studio but have a lot of talent and experience working on great new games.

I assume they were cool updating games they loved but wanted to go an step beyond and work in new games.

They grew a little in recent years, maybe in another SIE growth push they grow a lot to double their size or so (they are 75 now) and create a second team where they can also make remakes.

I also assume that in the long term they'll also grow their "original titles" team to at some point be able to lead their own games and maybe even take over some IP that their original studio may not be interested to work on at some point, as could be Uncharted, Days Gone, Syphon Filter or GoW.

I assume Sony will always want to have some people to make remasters or remakes, being the most obvious candidates for the next one for me Uncharted 1 and GoW 1.

I assume Nixxes, Iron Galaxy, and Sony's Creative/Visual Arts may handle the remasters part but I don't see them making a remake that goes beyond to what was done in TLOUP1.

I'd grow Bluepoint to have there a "new games" team and a "remakes" team.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Most devs are creative people who like to work on new big projects.

In the case of Bluepoint they have a lot of staff that comes from places like Retro Studios, Blizzard, ND, Insomniac and so on, where they did work in top tier new games like the Metroid Prime games, Mario Kart 7, Donkey Kong Returns, Diablo 2, WoW, etc. They may be a relatively small studio but have a lot of talent and experience working on great new games.

I assume they were cool updating games they loved but wanted to go an step beyond and work in new games.

They grew a little in recent years, maybe in another SIE growth push they grow a lot to double their size or so (they are 75 now) and create a second team where they can also make remakes.

I also assume that in the long term they'll also grow their "original titles" team to at some point be able to lead their own games and maybe even take over some IP that their original studio may not be interested to work on at some point, as could be Uncharted, Days Gone, Syphon Filter or GoW.

I assume Sony will always want to have some people to make remasters or remakes, being the most obvious candidates for the next one for me Uncharted 1 and GoW 1.

I assume Nixxes, Iron Galaxy, and Sony's Creative/Visual Arts may handle the remasters part but I don't see them making a remake that goes beyond to what was done in TLOUP1.

I'd grow Bluepoint to have there a "new games" team and a "remakes" team.
That would be good. Like how naughty dog trains their new hires on remake/remaster projects, Bluepoint could adopt the same strategy until they are full AAA size and can take on an independent project as lead studio.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
Didn’t they do Demon’s Souls?

Yeah, let them cook an original game. They’re capable.


21 Jun 2022
Didn’t they do Demon’s Souls?

Yeah, let them cook an original game. They’re capable.
They didn't work in the original Demon's Souls, that was an original game by FromSoft game.

Regarding it's remake (remakes and remasters aren't original games), Japan Studio's 2nd party team (now known as XDEV Japan) provided the game director plus other devs of the game, and managed several internal and external teams working on it, being Bluepoint the main team who did most of the heavy lifting.

That would be good. Like how naughty dog trains their new hires on remake/remaster projects, Bluepoint could adopt the same strategy until they are full AAA size and can take on an independent project as lead studio.
Yes. I also think it's also a bit how they plan to slowly turn Bluepoint from a remasters studio to a big ass AAA lead studio:
Remasters team -> remakes team -> new games as support team -> new sequels as lead team -> new IP as lead team

I mean, even if it's too early for them to make full sizes remakes, I assume they could put a few members to train them making something way less ambitious, as would be to a minor remaster/PS5 SKU $10 patch of some of their PS4 titles (as could be Nathan Drake's Collection) for PS5: extra resolution, extra FPS, faster loading, DualSense features, maybe some improvement or minor tweak in some areas as could be shadows or lighting, and maybe tweak some texture or material.

I assume Sony at some point will want this at least as first step for later to be ported to PC. But who knows, maybe somebody else like Iron Galaxy or Nixxes are doing it.
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