You keep spining. In this thread, they re-confirmed what they said in 2020 after releasing DS remake. They are working on their own game (original content). Supporting development of other games has nothing to do with it.
You are the one spinning guys, insisting in something that nobody has been able to back with a legit source in this thread.
And you can't because Sony and Bluepoint absolutely never said to be working on a new game leaded by them.
When they said a few years ago -or now- to be working on original content/title/game they meant to be codeveloping working a support role on new games leaded by someone else, as we saw in GoWR, where all their devs were credited and as we saw Sony mentioning them as a partner/support team.
Also them being credited in GOW doesn't mean they were busy for like 2 years. Members could have spent few months supporting the game. They would still work on their own original content.
True, them working on GoWR doesn't mean all of them jumped to it just after completing their job in DS and were there until it hit Gold. Some people aren't needed in specific portions of the project and once done their job they move to other game while others continue working there.
But they don't have enough people to lead their own new game:
Out of their 75 people, their devs are 4 producers, 4 designers (1 game designer, 2 level designers 1 combat designer), under a dozen programmers (including here their head of technology) and 44 artists.
They don't have anybody in roles like game director, creative director, writers, etc., or a producer to manage the outsourcing/support teams, key roles needed to lead a AAA or at least AA game. And well, their programing and specially design teams are too small.
They have a team that is ok to be basically an art support team, with a basic skeleton teams of production, design, QA and programming to put the stuff in place making sense with the desired quality. Or to make remakes or remasters.
But that team isn't enough to lead their own new game or new IP. They need other team (the lead one) to handle all these missing important roles, as was SSM for GoWR.
You can double check it in
their LinkedIn page: