Concord episode of Secret Level going ahead in spite of game's cancellation


22 Jul 2022
Im literally reading comments like fuck the blue haired commies… then literally praising Wu Kong…. ( A game promoted buy CCP)
I literally wonder if they know anything in life
Wait Wu Kong promotes the CCP? Thought it was a pure fantastical without pushing politics.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Wait Wu Kong promotes the CCP? Thought it was a pure fantastical without pushing politics.

Depends how you look at it. CCP promotes the game and money goes to them at the end of the day.
I havent bought a MS product because it goes to them.

If people want to get political when it suits them then fine, but I reading a comment like fuck blue haired commies, but actually paying towards a game promoted by them. Its pretty funny and stupid


22 Jul 2022
Depends how you look at it. CCP promotes the game and money goes to them at the end of the day.
I havent bought a MS product because it goes to them.

If people want to get political when it suits them then fine, but I reading a comment like fuck blue haired commies, but actually paying towards a game promoted by them. Its pretty funny and stupid
Nah, unrealistic benchmark. Half the shit in your house, my house, every one’s house, is made in China. If they roll out a good game that is fine. Weirdos in the west can roll out a good game and it’s fine too. It’s only not fine when the game becomes tainted.


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21 Jun 2022
Nah, unrealistic benchmark. Half the shit in your house, my house, every one’s house, is made in China. If they roll out a good game that is fine. Weirdos in the west can roll out a good game and it’s fine too. It’s only not fine when the game becomes tainted.

I havent boycotted China. Im just talking about the people who are so passionate to boycott games for political reasons, especially while complaining about commies. But then go and praise a game made by Communists, profits goes towards them and is promoted by them.

While in Japan I avoided the food imported frmo China because its shite quality lol. Its becoming a problem in Japan


21 Jun 2022
Wait Wu Kong promotes the CCP? Thought it was a pure fantastical without pushing politics.
Depends how you look at it. CCP promotes the game and money goes to them at the end of the day.
I havent bought a MS product because it goes to them.

Nah, it's just a game of a middle age tale about their mythology mostly focused on action that is somewhere between a Souls and a hack & slash. Game Science is a private company founded by ex-Tencent devs, not a public (meaning, it isn't owned by the state).

CCP doesn't promote games, in the same way that western/political parties don't promote game. And if they would, they would be the ones from public companies that the state/government owns or co-owns.

If something, the CCP fucked many Chinese game companies by adding things like strict control of maximum daily playtime for the kids (they want to keep them focused on studying, and many kids/teenagers live in student residences far from their families to be in better schools), forbidding certain F2P practices etc.

This game maximum may share some of Chinese moral values (stuff like being a good person, hard work and sacrifice, prioritizing helping others / the community instead of being individualistic, promoting traditional family/couples instead of pushing the woke agenda) and like the rest of Chinese games won't feature explicit nudity, sex, gore or death.

His point is that it's a little hypocritical to dunk on the cringe DEI aspects of a game like Concord whilst hyping up a game like Wu Kong that has the backing of an authoritarian communist regime.
It's also a little hypocritical to call them authoritarian regime when our western countries censor, bomb, invade and loot countries, create normal and proxy wars, 'color revolutions', coup d'etats etc. and take down legit democratic presidents to put there instead a puppet president/dictator instead, while still having colonies we exploit with slave labour.

And Game Science is a private company, not backed by their state/government. Other companies are totally or partially public (meaning owned partially or totally by the state).
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
It's also a little hypocritical to call them authoritarian regime when our western countries censor, bomb, invade and loot countries, create normal and proxy wars, 'color revolutions', coup d'etats etc. and take down legit democratic presidents to put there instead a puppet president/dictator instead, while still having colonies we exploit with slave labour.

And Game Science is a private company, not backed by their state/government. Other companies are totally or partially public (meaning owned partially or totally by the state).

How is it hypocritical. You dont know my opinion on western countries. Im not supportive of them. Your correct on what they are. But at least people can live without fear from their government. You cant compare the 2 lol

I cant fly into China out of fear, you have no idea. Ive studied Chinese Medicine and Nei gong for years with teachers from China and Taiwan, they have plenty of horror stories and the dangers.
I cant fly into Iran because I would be executed.

But I can fly into a western country and not be killed for talking shit on them…. I can go online, make a youtube channel and say what I want and I dont have to worry about my life. It is America and European PRIVILEGE, to have a country that wont throw you off a building for talking the truth about them…

This is the thing with westerns left or right. “My government is so bad, but cheer for Palestine” My government is evil but support China.
They are sitting in a free country where you can critique your government and feel safe. People dont have that freedom in China or certain countries.

Creates proxy wars and coup, sure but do you know the situation in Tibet? Bangladesh? Iran? Hong Kong? China has enough hands in enough pies that its playing games with.

Take down a legit democratic government… when was the last time China had a election ffs lol.


22 Jul 2022
I havent boycotted China. Im just talking about the people who are so passionate to boycott games for political reasons, especially while complaining about commies. But then go and praise a game made by Communists, profits goes towards them and is promoted by them.

While in Japan I avoided the food imported frmo China because its shite quality lol. Its becoming a problem in Japan
I’ve only see people boycott games for injecting politics, agenda, the message etc.


21 Jun 2022
I cant fly into China out of fear, you have no idea.
It was closed during covid, but you can fly there.

I can go online, make a youtube channel and say what I want and I dont have to worry about my life.
It is America and European PRIVILEGE, to have a country that wont throw you off a building for talking the truth about them…

If you talk against Israel or Ukraine, against covid 'vaccines' and other sensible topics in big platforms your video will get demonetized, soft banned (or banned depending the case) or regarding some topics like inmigration in the UK you can even go to jail for a tweet or FB posts.

This in case of being a random with almost no reach. Having a big audience also means targeted hate campaigns, death threats, career suicide, lawfare and if in position of power (Assange, Trump etc) then jail or assassination attempts.

Then there's things like censorship ot Russian tvs, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib etc. plus the things we don't know because the powers control the mass media and focus on propaganda instead of in important topics.

As a random example in my country, Spain, over two dozens politicians 'died' days/months before or after testifying on one of the cases a big corruption macro-case about their (back then ruling) political party. Only a couple very popular deaths appeared in the news obviously highlighting natural death. And the court archive with the HDDs they were investigating in that case were destroyed in an 'accidental' fire.

Or creating, funding and supporting terrorists groups to not only for proxy wars but also to make false flag attack even in your own country to justify certain other military actions or give the attention away from some topics. Case of AlQaeda, ISIS, or Hamas.

All governments do evil shit, and all countries have intelligence agencies who kill/silence people that is troublesome for their interests. Not only China (or Russia etc.).

This is the thing with westerns left or right. “My government is so bad, but cheer for Palestine” My government is evil but support China.
It's normal to be empathetic with victims of genocides and ethnic cleansing. As happened these decades in Palestine, or as happened in the WWII with jews, gipsies, lgtb, disabled people, communists/socialists/Russians in general etc.

Obviously China, Russia or any other countriy has their own evil shit. Specially having such huge populations and countries like USA constantly trying to take down their governments to put puppets there that would destroy their country as they did with many before.

But a large portion of the evil things we hear in the west is fake, just propaganda pushed here because they are powerful countries that compete against the western economical and military elite. And yes, they -like any other country- obviously have their own propaganda.

But if we make a ranking of evil shit -specially to other countries- the USA goes on top followed by (specially for stuff done during centuries, not particularly now) the UK and then the nazis.

As an example, I remember that some years after one of the Gulf wars saw that -not sure who, I think it was the United Nations- mentioned that over a million people in Iraq (mostly children) died because the west blocked their access to basic medicine.

I understand they wanted to take down the evil dictator they did put there and loot the resources of the countries, but the random people from the countries, specially children didn't deserve that.

They are sitting in a free country where you can critique your government and feel safe. People dont have that freedom in China or certain countries.
One of the Youtube channels I follow is from a Spanish sociologist who lives in China since several years ago. He streams and makes videos in multiple platforms, mostly western ones banned there (but that a ton of people uses there via VPN), and talks about their life in China, travels he makes around there (+ a bit of local traditions / food / ethnicities / a bit of history etc), news from there and explains their point of view.

When makes sense he talks about controversial topics including criticism to their government -including corruption-

Creates proxy wars and coup, sure but do you know the situation in Tibet?
China fucked the independentism there and in the last century sent there a lot of migration from the main Chinese ethnicities.

I have no idea. As I remember they were fucked by/confronted with India, like Pakistan. And well many western countries use it for half slave cheap manpower to make stuff like clothing, as did in the past with China.

Awful place for gay or lesbian (for trans the government pays you the surgery), or woman who want to live/dress in the western way.

Hong Kong? China has enough hands in enough pies that its playing games with.
Hong Kong is fine. Westerns countries tries to push there independentism, like in Taiwan, but have not been successful.

Take down a legit democratic government… when was the last time China had a election ffs lol.
They have elections at different local/province/region/national level. There's a single party but with different factions, ideas and people even of don't change a lot. As I remember their president got reelected a year or two ago.

But yes, like in the west they have a very controlled system to ensure certain elite controls them and there aren't big changes in key topics for that elite.

Obviously, as also happens in the west, their system is designed to block parties/people pushing the agenda of foreigner enemy countries.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I’ve only see people boycott games for injecting politics, agenda, the message etc.
I think his point is to be consistent.
If you don’t like a game for political issues then you should not like another one with similar political issues.

But here we see people taking political issues in some games but the same issue in other game is fine.

That is what I get from what he said.
Not exactly which political side you are.

Just be consistent… same weigh to all games.

But it is easy to use the political argument to call a failure bad but not say anything about the same political arguments in successful games.


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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
It was closed during covid, but you can fly there.

If you talk against Israel or Ukraine, against covid 'vaccines' and other sensible topics in big platforms your video will get demonetized, soft banned (or banned depending the case) or regarding some topics like inmigration in the UK you can even go to jail for a tweet or FB posts.

This in case of being a random with almost no reach. Having a big audience also means targeted hate campaigns, death threats, career suicide, lawfare and if in position of power (Assange, Trump etc) then jail or assassination attempts.

Then there's things like censorship ot Russian tvs, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib etc. plus the things we don't know because the powers control the mass media and focus on propaganda instead of in important topics.

As a random example in my country, Spain, over two dozens politicians 'died' days/months before or after testifying on one of the cases a big corruption macro-case about their (back then ruling) political party. Only a couple very popular deaths appeared in the news obviously highlighting natural death. And the court archive with the HDDs they were investigating in that case were destroyed in an 'accidental' fire.

Or creating, funding and supporting terrorists groups to not only for proxy wars but also to make false flag attack even in your own country to justify certain other military actions or give the attention away from some topics. Case of AlQaeda, ISIS, or Hamas.

All governments do evil shit, and all countries have intelligence agencies who kill/silence people that is troublesome for their interests. Not only China (or Russia etc.).

It's normal to be empathetic with victims of genocides and ethnic cleansing. As happened these decades in Palestine, or as happened in the WWII with jews, gipsies, lgtb, disabled people, communists/socialists/Russians in general etc.

Obviously China, Russia or any other countriy has their own evil shit. Specially having such huge populations and countries like USA constantly trying to take down their governments to put puppets there that would destroy their country as they did with many before.

But a large portion of the evil things we hear in the west is fake, just propaganda pushed here because they are powerful countries that compete against the western economical and military elite. And yes, they -like any other country- obviously have their own propaganda.

But if we make a ranking of evil shit -specially to other countries- the USA goes on top followed by (specially for stuff done during centuries, not particularly now) the UK and then the nazis.

As an example, I remember that some years after one of the Gulf wars saw that -not sure who, I think it was the United Nations- mentioned that over a million people in Iraq (mostly children) died because the west blocked their access to basic medicine.

I understand they wanted to take down the evil dictator they did put there and loot the resources of the countries, but the random people from the countries, specially children didn't deserve that.

One of the Youtube channels I follow is from a Spanish sociologist who lives in China since several years ago. He streams and makes videos in multiple platforms, mostly western ones banned there (but that a ton of people uses there via VPN), and talks about their life in China, travels he makes around there (+ a bit of local traditions / food / ethnicities / a bit of history etc), news from there and explains their point of view.

When makes sense he talks about controversial topics including criticism to their government -including corruption-

China fucked the independentism there and in the last century sent there a lot of migration from the main Chinese ethnicities.

I have no idea. As I remember they were fucked by/confronted with India, like Pakistan. And well many western countries use it for half slave cheap manpower to make stuff like clothing, as did in the past with China.

Awful place for gay or lesbian (for trans the government pays you the surgery), or woman who want to live/dress in the western way.

Hong Kong is fine. Westerns countries tries to push there independentism, like in Taiwan, but have not been successful.

They have elections at different local/province/region/national level. There's a single party but with different factions, ideas and people even of don't change a lot. As I remember their president got reelected a year or two ago.

But yes, like in the west they have a very controlled system to ensure certain elite controls them and there aren't big changes in key topics for that elite.

Obviously, as also happens in the west, their system is designed to block parties/people pushing the agenda of foreigner enemy countries.
Just to add here.

They have local election but all candidates needs to be pre approved by CCP.
People there just choose which CCP candidate they like more…
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21 Jun 2022
Just to add here.

They have local election but all candidates needs to be pre approved by CCP.

People there just choose which CCP candidate they like more…

In their case a few billionaires aren't the ones who decide who will be the main candidates with the money of their fundings and lobbying and who will be more promoted or more demonized in the mass media (owned by these billionaires). And don't need to be approved by the Bilderberg/Davos/etc. meetings (case of key western countries).

And can't start being politicians as presidential candidates, have to climb the ladder from a local level, then go to province, then region, then national (I don't know the exact steps, as I remember there were differences and exceptions with certain big cities, ethnicities or stuff like that, it was quite complex) competing against many other people. But I assume people from certain CCP factions, families or closer to someone powerful will also have an easier path like in the other countries.
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Servers are run for for games like Factions and Destruction All Stars. Its been removed because supposedly they want to make it FP2, it hasnt been officially cancelled

Nah, the sales/adoption numbers were so abysmal there's no reason to believe it would ever be successful as a F2P game. Spending dev resources to turn the game's monetization system into F2P wouldn't be free, and would be an exercise in insanity.

Plust, the devs that are active in social media have said their goodbyes. They probably already know the studio is getting disbanded.

This isn't going anywhere else, it's going into tax write-off heaven.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷

In their case a few billionaires aren't the ones who decide who will be the main candidates with the money of their fundings and lobbying and who will be more promoted or more demonized in the mass media (owned by these billionaires). And don't need to be approved by the Bilderberg or Davos meetings.
I think you missed the point... and so a lot of person elected in the west have no tie with billionaires or have big fundings... we are talking here about local election... remember that.

Back to the point... the board to elect the president will choose always the same... you can probably have some internal fight between CCP highs but at the end the president will be always the same guy unless he fuck really the things with the CCP.
Again no matter who you choose at local elections... the president will be somebody CCP choose... that in mostly case is the same leader until he retired.
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21 Jun 2022
I think you missed the point... and so a lot of person elected in the west have no tie with billionaires or have big fundings... we are talking here about local election... remember that.
In the west, elections for a town or small city maybe. But for national elections you can only win with the support of the mass media, millionaires putting advertisements everywhere and pretty likely the support not only national elite but also western elite via foreign intelligence agencies.

In case of Spain, there are publicly known cases of connections key people in ruling parties with CIA, MI6 and Mossad. Even how CIA affected the transition of our dictatorship to a biparty focused "democracy" and also his successor.

Back to the point... the board to elect the president will choose always the same... you can probably have some internal fight between CCP highs but at the end the president will be always the same guy unless he fuck really the things with the CCP.
Again no matter who you choose at local elections... the president will be somebody CCP choose... that in mostly case is the same leader until he retired.
Yes, for them the "CCP" basically means "state", "politicians", or "public/goverment officials", or "people who works for a government/state organization or company".

But in their context of a ton of things and companies in their countries being public (meaning state/government owned), their workers are also part from that, so are "CCP" too.

Including random people who don't care about politics and works as teacher in a primary school or as electrician in a national energy company who happen to be owned totally or partially by the state.

Random people will have more chances to get elected in a neighborhood/town/village/small city, but as elections are of a higher level I assume will be more difficult to be elected first due to huge competition/meritocracy and second due to I asume local elite and party having a huge influence in who is chosen, promoted inside the party and also promoted in state (at least partially) owned media etc.

In fact, I'm not sure if I remember well but I think the current president in theory couldn't be candidate a 3rd time but they changed something to allow it and he "won".


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
It was closed during covid, but you can fly there.

If you talk against Israel or Ukraine, against covid 'vaccines' and other sensible topics in big platforms your video will get demonetized, soft banned (or banned depending the case) or regarding some topics like inmigration in the UK you can even go to jail for a tweet or FB posts.

This in case of being a random with almost no reach. Having a big audience also means targeted hate campaigns, death threats, career suicide, lawfare and if in position of power (Assange, Trump etc) then jail or assassination attempts.

Then there's things like censorship ot Russian tvs, Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib etc. plus the things we don't know because the powers control the mass media and focus on propaganda instead of in important topics.

As a random example in my country, Spain, over two dozens politicians 'died' days/months before or after testifying on one of the cases a big corruption macro-case about their (back then ruling) political party. Only a couple very popular deaths appeared in the news obviously highlighting natural death. And the court archive with the HDDs they were investigating in that case were destroyed in an 'accidental' fire.

Or creating, funding and supporting terrorists groups to not only for proxy wars but also to make false flag attack even in your own country to justify certain other military actions or give the attention away from some topics. Case of AlQaeda, ISIS, or Hamas.

All governments do evil shit, and all countries have intelligence agencies who kill/silence people that is troublesome for their interests. Not only China (or Russia etc.).

It's normal to be empathetic with victims of genocides and ethnic cleansing. As happened these decades in Palestine, or as happened in the WWII with jews, gipsies, lgtb, disabled people, communists/socialists/Russians in general etc.

Obviously China, Russia or any other countriy has their own evil shit. Specially having such huge populations and countries like USA constantly trying to take down their governments to put puppets there that would destroy their country as they did with many before.

But a large portion of the evil things we hear in the west is fake, just propaganda pushed here because they are powerful countries that compete against the western economical and military elite. And yes, they -like any other country- obviously have their own propaganda.

But if we make a ranking of evil shit -specially to other countries- the USA goes on top followed by (specially for stuff done during centuries, not particularly now) the UK and then the nazis.

As an example, I remember that some years after one of the Gulf wars saw that -not sure who, I think it was the United Nations- mentioned that over a million people in Iraq (mostly children) died because the west blocked their access to basic medicine.

I understand they wanted to take down the evil dictator they did put there and loot the resources of the countries, but the random people from the countries, specially children didn't deserve that.

One of the Youtube channels I follow is from a Spanish sociologist who lives in China since several years ago. He streams and makes videos in multiple platforms, mostly western ones banned there (but that a ton of people uses there via VPN), and talks about their life in China, travels he makes around there (+ a bit of local traditions / food / ethnicities / a bit of history etc), news from there and explains their point of view.

When makes sense he talks about controversial topics including criticism to their government -including corruption-

China fucked the independentism there and in the last century sent there a lot of migration from the main Chinese ethnicities.

I have no idea. As I remember they were fucked by/confronted with India, like Pakistan. And well many western countries use it for half slave cheap manpower to make stuff like clothing, as did in the past with China.

Awful place for gay or lesbian (for trans the government pays you the surgery), or woman who want to live/dress in the western way.

Hong Kong is fine. Westerns countries tries to push there independentism, like in Taiwan, but have not been successful.

They have elections at different local/province/region/national level. There's a single party but with different factions, ideas and people even of don't change a lot. As I remember their president got reelected a year or two ago.

But yes, like in the west they have a very controlled system to ensure certain elite controls them and there aren't big changes in key topics for that elite.

Obviously, as also happens in the west, their system is designed to block parties/people pushing the agenda of foreigner enemy countries.

Of course they all do evil shit. I dont disagree with you on that. Israel and Russia Im not entirely comparing to the politcal freedom that other countries have.

Difference is theres no secret in it with countries like Iran or China. My family and friends have fled from these countries. And I understand it happens in other countries but no1 is fleeing from the UK. I bloody dislike the UK government, Im not even gonna compare them to others because of all the things they do, with a much wider influence.

But I feel free enough to say the things I have said, protests, etc. They might deal with real political opponents differently but for the average person like me, its nowhere near as scary. Im free to say what I want, make my own political party, have protests, say I hate tories and labour, or even the Royal family and so on. To some extent anyway.

Real non controlled protests are not met the same way in Iran or China lol. A new party cant come and say hey, we’re a party that is against the IROI or CCP. And heavily influence the governments they’ve had for 40+ years.

I cant fly to China or Iran. Nothing to do with Covid. For Political reasons. Iran Im 100% done and executed lol.

The big difference, your video in the west gets taken down, you get cancelled even. But thats about it. You dont have to fear for your life lol.
Well in UK, the laws are changing and being very scary recently.

Well I cant agree with how China dealt with Hong Kong. I understand what you mean about the west’s Agenda as there always is and sneaky, and I dont side with them either. But there was some very questionable things. Same as Tibet. Again I dont side with the Dalai Lama, he’s a fraud in my book but I dont agree with how China is dealing with it.


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21 Jun 2022
Nah, the sales/adoption numbers were so abysmal there's no reason to believe it would ever be successful as a F2P game. Spending dev resources to turn the game's monetization system into F2P wouldn't be free, and would be an exercise in insanity.

Plust, the devs that are active in social media have said their goodbyes. They probably already know the studio is getting disbanded.

This isn't going anywhere else, it's going into tax write-off heaven.

I cant say your wrong because it might not ever come back, but Im guess the team has been contracted till season 3, so its not like its gonna be taking away funds from the next Astrbot being made if they carry on lol.

Yes, if there is no character design change and pronouns etc, then it will meet the same fate FP2 or not