Cory said that after shipping GoW 2018 was going to have vacations with the family and in summer 2018 was going to work on a pitch of a new IP. Being optimistic, after around 6-9 works of preproduction it would be greenlighted. Meaning, that if that new IP got greenlighted they started its production in minimum H1 2019.
Being pretty unrealistically optimistic, it would be shipped 5 years later, in H1 2024. But there was Covid, adding minimum half a year of delay. So minimum H2 2024. It's a new IP, which requires extra time, and being the first time they had two big production teams at the same time, pretty likely they needed some extra time to build the team making related hirings and struggling with some production issues.
So I think that being optimistic, if it exists makes more thing that it would have minimm a 2025 release. Being more realistic, maybe 2026 or 2027 release.
They don't waste resources on PC ports. Compared to the over 200-300M budget of a brand new game, a PC port only takes around a couple millions and is made by a separate unrelated team (Valkyrie + Jetpack in case of GoW, Nixxes for Insomniac, Guerrilla or Sucker Punch, Iron Galaxy + Visual Arts for ND).