Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Ladies and gentlemen, here's a guide on how to spot the real bigots and virtue-signaling hypocrites on your local forum:

- Users explain there's nothing wrong with black MCs in Assassin's Creed as they really liked to play Bayek and Aveline in previous titles, but think that using one in feudal Japan is a clear sign of DEI-infused storytelling.

Reaction: OMG what a racist! Everyone come look at the racist! Look how racist! Let's upvote each others' posts calling out all this racism from this racist! Wow so racist, what a racist! Racist! Here's me shitting into my hand and throwing turds at you, you racist!

Users sharing first-hand accounts of actually suffering from racism for years, trying to expose how calling everything racist will only undermine actual racism.
Fox Tv Crying GIF by ScreamQueens

Let this be a lesson on self-awareness or lack of thereof.
Regardless, the positive outcome here is how my ignore list was just adapted to increase the signal-to-noise ratio on the forum for me.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
- Users explain there's nothing wrong with black MCs in Assassin's Creed as they really liked to play Bayek and Aveline in previous titles, but think that using one in feudal Japan is a clear sign of DEI-infused storytelling.
It is evident you have no idea what DEI is. Why do you think DEI is a black person being in games...? My bet is that you actually are racist and just want a scapegoat, that being DEI. You have idiots running around saying "why didn't they make one in Africa?!" they already did, it's Origins "nuh uh, that's Egypt" where's Egypt located? "uhh.. yeah but that's not Africa, Africa is the mud huts![sic]" (actual fucking sentence I have read)

DEI is specifically a workplace thing, not in your media, by screaming about DEI and ESG you show that you have no idea what those things are other than what grifters tell you they are. Yasuke is considered a Samurai in Japan, he is always depicted as such in any Japanese media he is in and they have absolutely zero issues with him, it seems that western otakus and overall weebs™ who are into some pretty sus shit (not saying what here but their usernames get memed all the time) like to cry about cultural appropriation, even directly to actual Japanese people who live there, I have seen several English posts or machine translated posts to Japanese users telling them they're wrong about their own history.

There are several things wrong with your "summary" of Yasuke that has that totally-isn't-at-all-racist™ feel to it and I would highly advise you to look into why what you said was wrong, at least you're not calling Yasuke a slur and adding slave or pet onto the end of it, but that doesn't make it okay for you to say what you said.

Even now on twitter my notifications are being filled with absolute vitriol for educating people on who Yasuke was, they act like the Wikipedia edits were to call him one, and that's what started edit war but in reality it was the other way around, one dude edited the whole page to call Yasuke a slave who was never given a fief (land) or anything else which was false, several racists vandalized his page, even on the Japanese one. It was a war of undo'ing each other's changes until the admin locked the page and reverted back to before the racists got a hold of the page. I have seen Yasuke being depicted as a monkey in samurai armor several times, you think that those are the normal people?
  • they're_right_you_know
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Users sharing first-hand accounts of actually suffering from racism for years, trying to expose how calling everything racist will only undermine actual racism.
Nobody is buying your sob story when they know the only reason you brought it is because multiple people thoroughly destroyed your rhetoric.

And by the way, not saying you are a racist because I cannot make such statements, but just because someone suffered from racism doesn't mean they aren't a racist themselves.
There are several things wrong with your "summary" of Yasuke that has that totally-isn't-at-all-racist™ feel to it and I would highly advise you to look into why what you said was wrong, at least you're not calling Yasuke a slur and adding slave or pet onto the end of it, but that doesn't make it okay for you to say what you said.
Oh buddy, I have bad news for you:

Both accounts only describe Yasuke (probably japanization of the Portuguese name Isaque / Isaac) as being black, big and strong, doing some tricks, Nobunaga talking to him and them bringing him to parade around town like a pet to show off to the populace and his visitors. At some point he was given a small house and a short sword like all retainers. When Nobunaga committed seppukku his son deemed Yasuke unfit for that honor because he was "a beast" so they sent him to the nearest Jesuit temple. There's nothing more of relevance about the character.
5 - There's nothing in there claiming he was given the title. Only thing it says is the part where they take off his clothes to see if he's painted, and then he asks the priest Alexander to keep him (yes, like a pet, because newsflash everyone back then was fucking racist by today's standards.. ever heard of slavery?).


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
And by the way, not saying you are a racist because I cannot make such statements, but just because someone suffered from racism doesn't mean they aren't a racist themselves.
100, 1000, 10000% correct.

I grew up in the South in the US.

Let me tell you that some of the most racist people are the people who suffered from racism all their lives, because it's ingrained. It's like breathing air, except it's a miasma of judging others by what group they belong to. Because it's what everyone else has done to them their entire lives.

The funniest thing to me in all this is that this is potentially the most authentic story that a Western dev could make about Japan.

They have an open lane to tell a story of cultural apprehension of being a stranger in a strange land, of the difficulties of adopting customs and languages not your own, of -integrating successfully- into a society you weren't born from. And to succeed by excellence of conduct.

Isn't that what all the racists keep claiming they want black people to do? There was no DEI in feudal japan. No racial quotas. No companies giving Nobunaga loans to hire black people who the anti-wokesters not-so-subtly imply are just abjectly inferior.

And Yasuke, by all reports, succeeded through his own efforts.

But tell you me how it's not just you not wanting to see a black protagonist.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Nobody is buying your sob story when they know the only reason you brought it is because multiple people thoroughly destroyed your rhetoric.

And by the way, not saying you are a racist because I cannot make such statements, but just because someone suffered from racism doesn't mean they aren't a racist themselves.

Oh buddy, I have bad news for you:

staring dwayne johnson GIF

I admit i skimmed that racist rant.


Fear the Old Blood
20 Jun 2022
I would like to remind people of the following two things: one - yes, once being a victim of racism does not make you impervious to exhibiting such prejudices, and two - talking about how you perceive that racism manifested itself in ancient times does not make you a racist either.

I would argue that obsessively looking for ways to point fingers at people in order to accuse them of racism is one if its own symptoms.

Having said that, please argue in good faith.

By all accounts, the game is even selling well. Not sure what controversy is left here. 🤷‍♂️


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I would like to remind people of the following two things: one - yes, once being a victim of racism does not make you impervious to exhibiting such prejudices, and two - talking about how you perceive that racism manifested itself in ancient times does not make you a racist either.

I would argue that obsessively looking for ways to point fingers at people in order to accuse them of racism is one if its own symptoms.

Having said that, please argue in good faith.

By all accounts, the game is even selling well. Not sure what controversy is left here. 🤷‍♂️
Listen, I agree in some respects.
If people had just said "oh, that's slightly disappointing, I would've liked to play as a japanese man because there are thousands of interesting japanese men in japanese history" that would've been fine. No racism.

But look at the arguments actually being applied:

"He wasnt a real samurai" - wait, but has anyone actually produced historian credentials to make this claim? The only ones I've seen have specifically debunked this, yet it's being repeated over and over.
Then it moves to "well DEI sweet baby secret government loans blabla"

Come on fam
24 Jun 2022
As someone who actually suffered from racism through most of his childhood and teens, often being told "go back to sell carpets in your country",

I love this particular part because something tells me that you'd both rather not state what country you're from and would take issue with people making edgy jokes about your ethnicity/nationality, often at your expense.

So somehow being unable to see why you doing that to others would be annoying to them, is just fascinating to me.

It's a very "rules for ye, but not for thee" type of thing.

Funny how the same people get angry when a white male voices a black character but think its okay to have a black man as a samurai in a a game set in japan?



May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Anyone still in denial:

It's not racism i never saw anyone complaining about a Black MC in Assasins creed freedom cry or Liberation.

Why couldn't Ubisoft just make a game set in Mali or something? If they wanted a black MC

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Active member
20 Feb 2024
You know, it's funny that they only put Yasuke as a Samurai because the game is Western, if it were a Japanese game, he wouldn't even be considered. But what made me angrier was the fact that many people claimed that he was a Samurai, although this is a lie, just to defend his inclusion in the game. But about the game itself: meh, without gamepaly and in-game graphics, I don't know how people are hyped for this game (I suppose because it's in Japan)
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
I love this particular part because something tells me that you'd both rather not state what country you're from and would take issue with people making edgy jokes about your ethnicity/nationality, often at your expense.
I'm from Portugal and grew up in the north where 30+ years ago I was the only brown boy in the whole school.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned my nationality before in this forum, caralho.

So somehow being unable to see why you doing that to others would be annoying to them, is just fascinating to me.

It's a very "rules for ye, but not for thee" type of thing.
What exactly are you accusing me of doing to others?
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Inappropriate behavior
love this particular part because something tells me that you'd both rather not state what country you're from and would take issue with people making edgy jokes about your ethnicity/nationality, often at your expense.

So somehow being unable to see why you doing that to others would be annoying to them, is just fascinating to me.

It's a very "rules for ye, but not for thee" type of thing.

You Americans need to stop being so sensitive, I'm from Australia if someone insults us or our country we probably just agree with them especially if you bring up how shit our politicians are.

Instead of crying online and whinging that people maybe don't want to play as a black man in Japan, maybe just accept that people are allowed to have opinions.

Not everyone should be forced to accept this woke diversity nonsense just because you Americans want to have a token minority everywhere.

No wonder America is the laughing stock of the world.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
You Americans need to stop being so sensitive, I'm from Australia if someone insults us or our country we probably just agree with them especially if you bring up how shit our politicians are.

Instead of crying online and whinging that people maybe don't want to play as a black man in Japan, maybe just accept that people are allowed to have opinions.

Not everyone should be forced to accept this woke diversity nonsense just because you Americans want to have a token minority everywhere.

No wonder America is the laughing stock of the world.
being the main character is by definition not tokenism
  • they're_right_you_know
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
being the main character is by definition not tokenism

Remember when woke leftists were crying because FF16 didnt have any black men in it?

Now these same people are surprised people don't want a black man in a game set in Japan.

How ironic, i guess rules for thee but not for me.

Americans have this weird Cuckold worship of black men.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Remember when woke leftists were crying because FF16 didnt have any black men in it?

Now these same people are surprised people don't want a black man in a game set in Japan.

How ironic, i guess rules for thee but not for me.

Americans have this weird Cuckold worship of black men.
the backlash against FF16 was just as ridiculous as the backlash against Assassin's Creed
  • they're_right_you_know
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
the backlash against FF16 was just as ridiculous as the backlash against Assassin's Creed

I'm saying if these woke leftists think its okay to be upset about no black people being in FF16, then they should also be okay with people being against a black samurai.

These same lunatics also cried and whinged when Kiryu was voiced by a white man (as if its a crime for a white man to voice a video game character)

It goes both ways, people are pushing back and tired of this bullshit forced diversity, being forced onto us


28 Jun 2022
You Americans need to stop being so sensitive, I'm from Australia if someone insults us or our country we probably just agree with them especially if you bring up how shit our politicians are.

Instead of crying online and whinging that people maybe don't want to play as a black man in Japan, maybe just accept that people are allowed to have opinions.

Not everyone should be forced to accept this woke diversity nonsense just because you Americans want to have a token minority everywhere.

No wonder America is the laughing stock of the world.
Don't blanket state "Americans" it's like me saying all Australians have ugly mullet haircuts and seem slow although it's fashionable over there I know all do not. I'm Puertorican American and trust me most Americans aren't sensitive just the crazy super left snowflakes tht have taken over politics and have become a vocal group. People feel a certain way about all groups but this is nor the time or place for tht and no one should care. Refrain from attacking certain groups, thnks.

Furthermore many of these political ideologies didn't originate in America (although the term Woke did and it's definition has since been changed to a negative one) nor is it just an American problem as certain other countries elsewhere and in Europe are sure as hell following along to some degree.
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Don't blanket state "Americans" it's like me saying all Australians have ugly mullet haircuts although it's fashionable over there I know all do not. I'm Puertorican American and trust me most Americans aren't sensitive just the crazy super left snowflakes tht have taken over politics and have become a vocal group. People feel a certain way about all groups but this is nor the time or place for tht and no one should care. Refrain from attacking certain groups, thnks.

There are plenty European snowflakes as well. Unfortunately it's a West problem.
The most disgusting thing IMO is we now have all the world's authoritarian regimes showing videos and pictures of these far-stuff people to their population, as proof how the way of life they impose on their population is so much better than ours.
It's a behavior that is being used as anti-West propaganda, emboldening oppressive ideologies worldwide.
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