Dave2D] NEW Sony PS5 "Slim" - Teardown + Thoughts and other tear down videos.


Deleted member 223

  1. Top Vent Grill missing. Top is uncovered.
  2. Disc drive Bump has an accent line and is not smooth like the OG PS5. Smooth > accent lines - this is not a car.
  3. Panel finish difference: glossy on top, matte on bottom. Just have both be matte. Uniformity wins.
  4. No vertical stand. Horizontal Stand is a dud.
  1. Lighter
  2. Smaller
  3. Overall design is nice, and I like the two panel design.
The cons are stopping me from upgrading. And these are such clear cons that I'm not sure how it didn't get picked up in their audience tests. I guess it happens.

BTW I can't wait for Sony to make the move to sd memory cards like Nintendo and ditch Blue-Ray disc drives. Sd memory cards are the future for physical. Sd card readers on a console have such a small form factor, and take so little internal space.... they're also cheap, and also very easy to hide in the design of a console. Problem of course is that the memory cards themselves are not as cheap as Blue-Ray discs. That is something they have to work out themselves, just like Nintendo has done. Work the math, and revisit the Vita.
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16 Jun 2023
If ya’ll already have an OG PS5. Then idk why ya’ll care about what this looks like or what’s missing in this compared to the OG, when the PS5 Pro is coming next year. Lol


16 Jun 2023
  1. Top Vent Grill missing. Top is uncovered.
  2. Disc drive Bump has an accent line and is not smooth like the OG PS5. Smooth > accent lines - this is not a car.
  3. Panel finish difference: glossy on top, mate on bottom. Just have both be mate. Uniformity wins.
  4. No vertical stand. Horizontal Stand is a dud.
  1. Lighter
  2. Smaller
  3. Overall design is nice, and I like the two panel design.
The cons are stopping me from upgrading. And these are such clear cons that I'm not sure how it didn't get picked up in their audience tests. I guess it happens.

BTW I can't wait for Sony to make the move to sd memory cards like Nintendo and ditch Blue-Ray disc drives. Sd cards are the future for physical. Sd card readers on a console have such a small form factor, and take so little internal space.... they're also cheap, and also very easy to hide in the design of a console. Problem of course is that the memory cards themselves are not as cheap as Blue-Ray drives. That is something they have to work out themselves, just like Nintendo has done. Work the math.
I wouldn’t upgrade regardless. PS5 Pro is coming next year. Also, you saying Sony should ditch Blu Ray for SD cards is a horrible take man.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
  1. Top Vent Grill missing. Top is uncovered.
  2. Disc drive Bump has an accent line and is not smooth like the OG PS5. Smooth > accent lines - this is not a car.
  3. Panel finish difference: glossy on top, matte on bottom. Just have both be matte. Uniformity wins.
  4. No vertical stand. Horizontal Stand is a dud.
  1. Lighter
  2. Smaller
  3. Overall design is nice, and I like the two panel design.
The cons are stopping me from upgrading. And these are such clear cons that I'm not sure how it didn't get picked up in their audience tests. I guess it happens.

BTW I can't wait for Sony to make the move to sd memory cards like Nintendo and ditch Blue-Ray disc drives. Sd memory cards are the future for physical. Sd card readers on a console have such a small form factor, and take so little internal space.... they're also cheap, and also very easy to hide in the design of a console. Problem of course is that the memory cards themselves are not as cheap as Blue-Ray discs. That is something they have to work out themselves, just like Nintendo has done. Work the math, and revisit the Vita.
this isn't even an upgrade lol

*edit* good to see the rumors that they were dropping the liquid metal TIM were false. still using it.
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8 May 2023
The cons are stopping me from upgrading. And these are such clear cons that I'm not sure how it didn't get picked up in their audience tests. I guess it happens.
This isn't an upgrade at all nor is it meant to be. It's for people buying their first PS5, not current ps5 owners.
BTW I can't wait for Sony to make the move to sd memory cards like Nintendo and ditch Blue-Ray disc drives. Sd memory cards are the future for physical. Sd card readers on a console have such a small form factor, and take so little internal space.... they're also cheap, and also very easy to hide in the design of a console. Problem of course is that the memory cards themselves are not as cheap as Blue-Ray discs. That is something they have to work out themselves, just like Nintendo has done. Work the math, and revisit the Vita.
No thanks, that's part of the reason why Nintendo games rarely go on sale.... Keep blu ray discs for as long as possible. Also Sony has strong incentives to keep blu ray format alive for as long as possible.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Also Sony has strong incentives to keep blu ray format alive for as long as possible.

Yeah blue ray is a Sony technology, they own the patents and licensing for it. Why would anyone eant to give thag up?


16 Jun 2023
This isn't an upgrade at all nor is it meant to be. It's for people buying their first PS5, not current ps5 owners.

No thanks, that's part of the reason why Nintendo games rarely go on sale.... Keep blu ray discs for as long as possible. Also Sony has strong incentives to keep blu ray format alive for as long as possible.
Nintendo games rarely went on sale even before they used SD cards. Wii and Wii U rarely did also.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Yeah, the new one looks cheaper for sure.

Good thing you shouldn't be looking at the thing while you're using it. And if you're displaying it in whatever room you play it in, that's your mistake IMO. You should be hiding that crap away. Mine is completely invisible when not in use.

Just strikes me as funny that some care so much about what a cheap-o video game console looks like. That really goes for all of them.

Deleted member 223

This isn't an upgrade at all nor is it meant to be. It's for people buying their first PS5, not current ps5 owners.

No thanks, that's part of the reason why Nintendo games rarely go on sale.... Keep blu ray discs for as long as possible. Also Sony has strong incentives to keep blu ray format alive for as long as possible.
Nintendo's game pricing strategy is not influenced largely on the cost of sd memory cards. It plays a factor like everything else in the cost equation but so does a digital distribution system for example. Bottomline is that disc drives are becoming a cumbersome add-on to console form factor, and on a per console basis, also imo, quite costly. Disc drives not only affect form factor negatively, it also ads to cost by increasing shipping weight and it's also more prone to failure and warranty calls than an sd memory card reader.

The sooner Sony makes the jump, the easier it's gonna be for everyone else, specially to leverage Nintendo's plunge for economy of scale with suppliers. Plus, Sony can also work a bit of their magic if they decide to adopt the standard and help improve it. No two ways about it, sd memory cards are the superior and forward looking physical storage solution. They're the modern video game cartridge evolution in its natural form.

As for the "upgrade" comments... I didn't meant as an internal hardware upgrade. Clearly talking about a form factor, aesthetics upgrade.
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8 May 2023
Nintendo's game pricing strategy is not influenced largely on the cost of sd memory cards. Disc drives are becoming a cumbersome add-on to console form factor, and on a per console basis, also imo, quite costly. Disc drives not only affect form factor negatively, it also ads to cost by increasing shipping weight and it's also more prone to failure and warranty calls than an sd memory card reader.

The sooner Sony makes the jump, the easier it's gonna be for everyone else, specially to leverage Nintendo's plunge for economy of scale with suppliers. Plus, Sony can also work a bit of their magic if they decide to adopt the standard and help improve it. No two ways about it, sd memory cards are the superior and forward looking storage solution. They're the modern video game cartridge.
This is incorrect, the consoles that have used blu ray drives have all had official discounts. PS3, PS4, PS5, XB1, and XSX, ps3/ps4/xb1 especially have had deep discounts for as low as $200. The PS5 was just $50 off a few months ago. Meanwhile, the Switch is 6 years old and has never had any official discount and still costs as much as a PS4 pro.

Nintendo’s game pricing strategy definitely is partly influenced by their cartridges. Blu ray discs can be bought for 50 cents for consumers, companies can buy them whole sale for much cheaper. Nintendo blank cartridges probably range from $5-$10, that’s 10x more. Even 3rd party companies sometimes have to charge extra for Switch releases just because they’re more expensive to produce. There’s zero benefit for the consumer in switching from blu ray to cartridges

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Graph Master
21 Jun 2022

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Launch model looks way better to me still.

So they did change from 12 channel SSD. Wonder how that will affect performance.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
This dude can’t be serious LMAO. That’s not how the SSD works. It’s custom built that’s why it’s soldered. Being able to change it like an HDD in the PS4 would defeat the whole design purpose.

You can add a faster SSD anyway in the expansion slot. The controller is the more important part of the SSD. Not just the speed number.

That forum is full of clowns.