Digital Foundry's Callisto Protocol's Analysis PS5 vs XBX/S


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Do I ever remember.......

What's crazy is that people are still broomstruck by PS winning faceoffs, people are pretending like Series X is dominating faceoffs and living PS in the dust. If we check collectively, I think PS will be ahead and in the bigger games, it seems to be ahead most of the time. The last big game was COD and before that Elden Ring, even Evil West has better shadows on PS.
It's almost as if tailoring the API to the specific hardware and running a lean, sleek OS has some tangible advantages, isn't it?
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
SS has hard time, imagine last gen 🙃
Now you know why I want to see it

sue makes stuff GIF


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Sounds like a double edge sword of loss.
But a fanboy doesn't lose if the game in development hell never releases. Remember how Crackdown 3 was going to be the most awesome thing EVER? Then it came out. On the other hand, there was that trailer for the game Black Tusk was making for XBone, which we were all told would be amazing, then Black Tusk was changed into The Coalition and that game evaporated, but some were still talking about how amazing it would have been...


4 Jul 2022
That 30% more GPU power on Series X should make up for any lack of dedicated optimisation no? 😛
Lol, now it's up to 30%, man I remember when it was 18-20%, funny when people only used one metric to make these percentages near launch, whilst PS was leading in more areas including GPU Clocks. The XSX rops run slower, it has worse cache performance. PS5 has better interconnects for GPU to CPU to Memory/SSD. The Series X's mixed 10GB high bandwidth and 6Gb low bandwidth is a huge bottleneck when any game is going to use high end textures or RT. Truth be told, RT loves memory and higher quality RT will require better textures and memory and it will just siphon this memory bandwidth, the PS5's hardware optimizations/interconnects , one consistent and large memory pool will always prove more beneficial in these scenarios.

Yet, it's true, ain't it. I remember Dealer was telling folk Series X will be 50fps faster. Some Ecco the Dolphin dev was saying Series X could do 4k 120fps whist PS5 could only do 1080p 60fps, rumors of the RE8 saga by Golem is still a hallmark at the height of the FUD campaign. Never forget.....People are still having issues coming to terms, 2023 will come with lots of tears for some folks.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Lol, now it's up to 30%, man I remember when it was 18-20%, funny when people only used one metric to make these percentages near launch, whilst PS was leading in more areas including GPU Clocks. The XSX rops run slower, it has worse cache performance. PS5 has better interconnects for GPU to CPU to Memory/SSD. The Series X's mixed 10GB high bandwidth and 6Gb low bandwidth is a huge bottleneck when any game is going to use high end textures or RT. Truth be told, RT loves memory and higher quality RT will require better textures and memory and it will just siphon this memory bandwidth, the PS5's hardware optimizations/interconnects , one consistent and large memory pool will always prove more beneficial in these scenarios.

Yet, it's true, ain't it. I remember Dealer was telling folk Series X will be 50fps faster. Some Ecco the Dolphin dev was saying Series X could do 4k 120fps whist PS5 could only do 1080p 60fps, rumors of the RE8 saga by Golem is still a hallmark at the height of the FUD campaign. Never forget.....People are still having issues coming to terms, 2023 will come with lots of tears for some folks.
Certain types just see X86-derived CPU and think the whole system will be architected like a standard PC, since that is what MS has done for three of the four generations of consoles they have released, as if you can't use a chip in different ways for different applications.
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Deleted member 13

In the 360/PS3 days, UE favored the 360, now it may have been because of the exotic nature of the PS3, but you have to realize certain engines prefer certain hardware. 360 was easier to develop for, had a better GPU and had unified memory. It was also MS so it's API was closer to Direct X which Epic was so familiar with on PC.

When MS enjoyed better multiplat games through UE by default I didn't hear much crying, it's as if all the hype built on XBOX Series X hardware is now biting many in the ass and many are now seeing the error of their shallow reasoning.....

Besides, what was clear since the beginning of this gen is that Epic liked the PS5 for UE, I'm pretty sure Epic and Sony have been having dialogue for a while relative to what bottlenecks they should avoid on the PS5. As games get more ambitious and developers try to push the envelope, you will see PS5 pulling ahead a bit more. Remember Cerny said, you will see the real next gen games somewhere around year 3. Now, Callisto is not entirely next gen, but it's a sign of things to come. Let's be fair here, Callisto is doing raytraced reflections and shadows, two RT based techniques in realtime on PS5, that is next gen and the last gen versions are not even doing one, not even Series S which is a next gen console, that was said to be capable of everything X did at 1440p/lowered resolution.

The PS5 version does not only have RT shadows and reflections, it has better textures and SSR on top as well over S, so it's already pulling ahead, so imagine the state of the XBONE version, if you want to do the crossgen comparison, it's a huge leap up. So imagine the next gen multiplats using Nanite and Lumens, Series S will be left in the dust and even X will not be as close as it did with mainly last gen engines and crossgen games that still favor PC like API's and legacy engines. The next gen engines will prefer the more advanced architecture that something like the PS5 provides.

Also, this is not the first game where the PS5 is doing better at raytracing or in other cases handling lots of alpha with aplomb.
Right. So we are in a console war debate again? And the PS5 is the more powerful of the two consoles. Gotcha.

Deleted member 13

Developers know what they are doing, but you constantly show that you have no clue whatsoever what developers do, or how the systems they use to do it work beyond a very surface-level view. There is a very good reason why you are a punchline on multiple fora.
No, I'm a punchline because people love to spout off how superior a particular console is and don't like hearing anything that puts it in a "normal" category. I'm sorry but I'm not going to participate in the circle jerking.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Playing on Series X. 14 hours into the game and the only single issue I had was falling through an elevator platform to my death. Second time, no issue though and was able to get where I was supposed to go.

Game itself though is great. The dodge move is bad mainly because it's tied to the left analog stick as opposed to an actual button but once you get the hang of it, it's not as bad. Of course, once you start getting guns and upgrading them, the need to dodge attacks is pretty much gone since you'll be shooting and thus, the negative that is the dodge doesn't really matter all that much anymore. Overall, game is looking like an 8-8.5 for me. Will wrap it up on Monday since I know im close to the end.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
No, I'm a punchline because people love to spout off how superior a particular console is and don't like hearing anything that puts it in a "normal" category. I'm sorry but I'm not going to participate in the circle jerking.
You do realize you just described yourself right there, don't you?

You are a punchline because you are the perfect embodiment of Dunning-Kruger syndrome.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Right. So we are in a console war debate again? And the PS5 is the more powerful of the two consoles. Gotcha.

No, I'm a punchline because people love to spout off how superior a particular console is and don't like hearing anything that puts it in a "normal" category. I'm sorry but I'm not going to participate in the circle jerking.
It's exactly where the XSX and PS5 hardware architecture reflects though. The XSX is indeed, 25% more powerful and the FPS reflect that.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
He can just play the superior non broken PS5 version. I wonder if he'll set up a video talking about how the difference in FPS matches the difference in memory bandwidth for the consoles as well, that was very enlightening.
I love it when those guys pick and choose stats to try to use as proof of hardware advantage, but only when it's the XSX version of a given game that is performing better.
When The Touryst could render at 8k on the PS5 but not the XSX, it was all a debate of "but is it really necessary" and dismissing the game itself.

If they were honest, they would never feed the console warring, but I suppose that's not their job.
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