Factions is going to make games like State of Decay 3 look like a joke

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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
Naughty Dog prestige, gameplay, graphics vs a newly founded undead labs? There’s also the other game The Day Before that people were already saying looked like The Last of Us. I don’t think these games stand a chance once the Factions hype starts. It’s going to be a slaughter considering the similarities between the two former games.

Post apocalyptic zombie shooting multiplayer genre is gonna be owned by Naughty Dog this gen.



Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I never played State of Decay, maybe if you posted some video of gameplay I might understand...

We have not seen what State of Decay looks like. But going by state of decay 2 even with the studio revamp and bigger budget its not going to have the mo-cap and animation naughty dog has, nor will the shooting be close to what ND does.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
We have not seen what State of Decay looks like. But going by state of decay 2 even with the studio revamp and bigger budget its not going to have the mo-cap and animation naughty dog has, nor will the shooting be close to what ND does.

Yeah, i didn’t know whether or not I should post part 2 because part 3 is by an entirely different team and its getting a bigger budget under Microsoft so we’ll have to wait for more details on it.

It could very well release around the same time as Factions
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1 Jul 2022
As I said before:

If Naughty Dog "neil" this game. They will set the standards for what a GaaS should be. (Especially coming form AAA studios).

State of decay is not a good comparison. HALO infinite is. And oh boy this could be a another PR disaster for MS and 343i.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
As I said before:

If Naughty Dog "neil" this game. They will set the standards for what a GaaS should be. (Especially coming form AAA studios).

State of decay is not a good comparison. HALO infinite is. And oh boy this could be a another PR disaster for MS and 343i.

I just hope people are patient and allow Naughty Dog and Bungie to really build up the content and make sure the monetary system is decent so we don’t have a Halo Infinite situation. If it needs to come out sometime in 2024, just be cool with that.

Sonys entire GAAS future is really dependent on Factions being good out the gate.


1 Jul 2022
I just hope people are patient and allow Naughty Dog and Bungie to really build up the content and make sure the monetary system is decent...
I guess you are talking "before Release" right?.

It wouldn't be acceptable that ND/Sony to release and early access/Unfished game beta. And they know that.

so we don’t have a Halo Infinite situation. If it needs to come out sometime in 2024, just be cool with that.

Whenever this game comes out, is going to be under a lot of scrutiny. And better be "complete" and functional Day One. In other words; it should feel like a complete experience with and interesting and highly replayable "End Game".

And this is how it should be, you know?. Zero leniency with Sony and ND.

Sonys entire GAAS future is really dependent on Factions being good out the gate.
And this is going to be the interesting thing. Because we have seen failure after failure of AAA studios trying to achieve a successful GaaS.

GTSport and GT7 are basically a GaaS games.
TLoU multilayer incorporated MTXs.

So, is not like Sony dosen't have any experiences (and failures...Driveclub cof cof)...they also have a good track record offering substantial content after release (stand alone expansions).

I think the odds are against ND to achieve what is seems impossible. But if they do....its going to be fucking MASSIVE, so massive that could change SIE as we know it.


Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
People laughed at me when I told them Fractions II has a chance to be bigger than Halo and Gears. Fractions I had perfect mechanics for a BR\Open World style multiplayer game and I think think this game will succeed if the game is done right.


1 Jul 2022
People laughed at me when I told them Fractions II has a chance to be bigger than Halo and Gears. Fractions I had perfect mechanics for a BR\Open World style multiplayer game and I think think this game will succeed if the game is done right.
There is this Korean scam game called "the day before" it had a lot of hype. (Basically TLoU multilayer open world)....people are definitively thirsty for something like this.


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
guess you are talking "before Release" right?.

Yeah, im sure this thing won’t make it out the door until the Bungie acquisition goes through and they have a chance to integrate and perfect whats going to be sonys standard service game model.

think the odds are against ND to achieve what is seems impossible. But if they do....its going to be fucking MASSIVE, so massive that could change SIE as we know it.

I agree with mostly everything else you said but I don’t think it’s that impossible. I think Factions being the big service game to launch the new GAAS initiative makes the most sense because its the easiest slam dunk. Its the only game not directly competing with other big service games, its more story oriented than fortnite, its 3rd person so its not call of duty or apex, it already has good core gameplay systems from The Last of Us 2 and Factions 1.

The only thing that needs to be solid is having that “HOOK” that makes people want to keep playing and earning without feeling super expensive. This is where im confident Sony will do better after buying Bungie and setting up an internal department specifically for that reason. Also, people still play the original factions to this day so even then, im confident they have most of it figured out.

I’m far more confident in this being a success than not.
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1 Jul 2022
I agree with mostly everything else you said but I don’t think it’s that impossible. I think Factions being the big service game to launch the new GAAS initiative makes the most sense because its the easiest slam dunk. Its the only game not directly competing with other big service games, its more story oriented than fortnite, its 3rd person so its not call of duty or apex, it already has good core gameplay systems from The Last of Us 2 and Factions 1.

The only thing that needs to be solid is having that “HOOK” that makes people want to keep playing and earning without feeling super expensive. This is where im confident Sony will do better after buying Bungie and setting up an internal department specifically for that reason.

I’m far more confident in this being a success than not.
I said that 'it seems impossible' as a way of saying incredible hard.

Because we are talking Sony quality here. Sony quality takes more time, effort and money to make. Then add the multiplayer/GaaS layer, I think some people underestimate how challenging is to make these two aspects work at the highest level in unison...in fact (I don't think there is a single example out there that nails down these two aspect at the same time).

So, this is the thing. A lot of people give MS a hard time. (Deservedly so). People expect Single-player Sony level quality AND (because Xbox identity) also a robust multiplayer experience. Nowadays this means having like 2 full AAA teams (≈600 devs) working in basically two games and then all the support for the Multiplayer/GaaS game after launch.

And this is why I also said that the odds are against ND:

A Sony quality production values game on top of a Multipayer/GaaS game...where people chew content insanely fast? ...not an easy task (conceptually a slam dunk) but to make it real...yep I am highly skeptical. But again...if these crazy motherfuckers at Naughty Dog can make it happen; They will rise the GaaS bar so fucking high. Basically to another dimension.
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Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
I really don't think it will be remotely similar. State of decay is a base builder
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21 Jun 2022
People laughed at me when I told them Fractions II has a chance to be bigger than Halo and Gears. Fractions I had perfect mechanics for a BR\Open World style multiplayer game and I think think this game will succeed if the game is done right.
I missed the announcement that you were here 😍 I remember all your posts about TLOU2 on GAF 😁
There is this Korean scam game called "the day before" it had a lot of hype. (Basically TLoU multilayer open world)....people are definitively thirsty for something like this.
This game looks very interesting but I just read this weird story about it. It might never come out?

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Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Sonys entire GAAS future is really dependent on Factions being good out the gate.
So make the moves people were saying to make even, in 2013 before The Division was out. In random order
  1. Split from main game, launch as standalone game like Infamous First Light. Later, add to PS+ monthly game. Later, add to FP2 and "Instant Game Collection" / later, "PS+ Collection".
    No need to kill the MP for the next single player game sales, or leave it out of a Remaster/Remake collection, it just exists as it's own deal.

  2. More weapons, skins, taunts, skills, temp perk boosters, more modes of vs/play, custom game lobbies to party leaders can quickly define custom play parameters ('shivs only', 'no throwables', 'no purchsable weapons'), more levels (there's areas in main game and the Left Behind DLC not in the MP. Later as more TLOU games get released, shove their maps into TLOU:F too).

  3. We want the same 4v4 team-based strategtic matches like we have, either Supply Raid, Survivor (1 death per round Battle Royal style), or Interroation mode, but we want infected roaming the map causing issues for both sides. PvPvInfected. Sort of like I saw the brief gameplay of Scavengers.

    Back in 2013: Oh hey look, that new Left Behind DLC on PS3 actually has a scene where enemy AI fights infected AI! That wasn't too great, but you'd have to tweak infected AI and their resistance to molotovs for MP mode vs 2x groups of 4v4 anyway. But that'll come soon, can't be that hard, right guys?

  4. You can also keep adding vs modes with different gameplay objectives or parameters. Like L4D2 Mutations, but don't take them away as timed events, just keep fleshing-out the modes of play. We're not going to say no, so long as the original three also stay in-tact.
I can't believe it's not happened yet... Mark my words, some game will come along and split the gameplay/feel somewhere perfectly right between TLOU x Division, weather it's "Battle Royale" or some online world instead, and it won't neccesarilly be ND's slow asses. Too preoccupied with Remakes, Definitive Vers of 2, former TLOU Film that became TV Show etc.

Once that hits, it's hard to become 2nd, 3rd place, let alone most games just fail-out of the space entirely. People who want to play COD play COD, not RE4-6 which is RE trying to be COD, like so many games these days try to be Fortnite. Fortnite fans play Fortnite, shocker!


For my money... if The Day Before isn't vaporware, it looks like a cool Division-style overworld, and it's easy to imagine going to the Supply Raid area in the overworld and run that "mission", or custom matchmake for private MP lobbies. As if it's in-universe day's event, rather than just an online MP match. The same way you're in Division's city, and you walk to the hospital for the hospital mission level.

But that kind of crap doesn't take 9 YEARS to develop/concept, when you have the building blocks yourself before anyone else (hello, Gaikai), and then had Division as a further proof of concept in like 2015 as well. Or whenever DayZ/PUBG launched.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Factions is not coming to compete, it's coming to dominate.
At this point it has the audacity to come with only concept art.

Sometimes things can be overcooked too and you miss the window for something truely delicious. History rarely remembers the runners up. All im trying to say is that even if they were gearing up for a TLOU MMO or a TLOU BR now, they could have have a fully functioning, better featured, dlc content infused gaas for call it 10 years in the interim.

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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
At this point it has the audacity to come with only concept art.

Sometimes things can be overcooked too and you miss the window for something truely delicious. History rarely remembers the runners up. All im trying to say is that even if they were gearing up for a TLOU MMO or a TLOU BR now, they could have have a fully functioning, better featured, dlc content infused gaas for call it 10 years in the interim.

Naw people thought PUBG would be king and fortnite came out, failed as a PVE base builder, added Battle Royal and the rest was history. Its not really about who does it first, its about who does it best in gaming.

Let Naughty Dog take their time and do it right. The fact that they’re treating it like one of their big budget single player games is a good thing. They probably could have put this out a year ago like Tsushima’s legends mode and it would have been whatever.
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Explosive Zombie

Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
I enjoyed the first two State of Decay games for what they were but honestly it's like... man... like how do I put this... it's like comparing getting McDonald's to going to a fancy steakhouse.
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Knack Ambassador
21 Jun 2022
Game could easily have like 6+ modes if they want.

cooperative modes (PvE)
  • small story mission (strikes)
  • big story mission (raids)
  • survival (like CoD zombies)
competitive modes (PvP / PvPvE)
  • battle royale
  • deathmatch
  • objective (CTF etc)
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