It’s actually surprising how many people say $40. People who say this must not be good or play many multiplayer live service games.Prediction: Releases at 40 dollars after a free "beta" that is actually an advertisement. I can't give numbers but think Concord goes F2P early next year and FS in 2026.
If Fairgames is $40 & it’s only a pvp focus game that game is DOA without even being announced. Its only chance of success is Free to play.
Only studio that could get away w $40 pvp only games are established multiplayer focus studio w prestige or established ip. Bungie can get away w Marathon being $40 & even that game will likely be Free to play to give its highest chance of success where most if not all major player multiplayer game is Free to play. Follow the Valorant model have 5 heroes completely unlocked & another 5 hero that players can get by grinding the game or pay $10 just like Valorant.