FF16's week 1 physical sales in the UK surpasses Diablo 4's and Dead Island 2's


25 Mar 2023
Sir!! I said it would turn off some traditional FANS.
Who? Someone that would complain regardless of what the game turned out to be? Who cares about these people?

What sort of fan is this that doesn't give a highly acclaimed game (by critics and public) a chance before shitting on it?

The only thing that can fail this game is marketing, devs delivered and now it's up to Sony and SE to ensure it sells.


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29 Apr 2023
even with FF15 wall which FF16 has to jump over, i believe they will easily will sell more on PS5 and PC.
Oh for sure, I believe we're not even close to the amount of PS4s sold when FFXV released compared to the amount of PS5s sold right now, and when talking about FFXV we gotta also take in consideration not only all the hype it built up, but the various multimedia stuff it had (like the animations) and the Royal Edition re-release

I don't understand, if it beat Diablo 4 how can it have floped? Diablo 4 released on 4 platforms and it's a highly anticipated and marketed sequel.

Digital sales aren't completely disconnected from physical games and there is no reason to think Final Fantasy has a drastically more unfavorable split of digital sales than any other game.

FFXVI is going to have a great legs because of it's high quality and broad appeal. The name Final Fantasy might actually be put a lot of people off that would enjoy it, word of mouth is going to be great.
Thats just wishful thinking, it would never flop, but I speculate that the diablo IV comparison comes from 2 points: it being released closely and that many xbox fans already consider the property part of Microsoft, so there's some sort of artificial beef between the games.
About it's legs, I believe it might have about the same kind of lifetime as Spiderman and GOW/GOW R, as new users get into the PlayStation ecosystem and other users that decide it's taking too long for these games to be ported also buy a console, it should creep back into the sale charts every so often.
24 Jun 2022
Xbot Sullivan made a thread on Era about the first tweet instead to start the doom. It's true the physical numbers are not that impressive compared with FF15 but it was another time. I'm hoping the game sells 3 millions first week because it's the GOTY (at least on Playstation).

Diablo 4 had multiple editions and an Xbox bundle too so FF16 is not that bad.

Yep. You can always tell someone's agenda by seeing what they choose to omit, to get their narrative across and set the tone for the rest of discourse. Sullivan has always been a disingenuous snake, but now they feel emboldened.

I just hope people remember the names of those who have exposed themselves for who they truly are, in case they try doing a 180 and suddenly bring their shenanigans to the PlayStation side. That type of dishonesty and toxicity is not needed in gaming whatsoever, I don't care what "side" someone chooses to be on (or in some cases, grifts towards).


14 Jul 2022
There's an obvious agenda to destroy the sales of this games from Xbox and Nintendo gamers (look at Installbase). The doom was so relentless I'm sure it will affect the sales even if the reviews and word of mouth is good. Phil Spencer was even talking about it the day of release at the FTC trial.

Imagine playing this game as your first Final Fantasy. It should be up there with Final Fantasy 7. It's a game changer.

Considering how JRPGs sell on XBox, it's been extra ridiculous watching the theatrics surrounding it from their shills, astroturfers, and militant fans. I figure at least part of the crying comes from the fact that FF14 is not on their platform (which is completely MS' fault) and is also yet another way of deflecting from all the third-party exclusives they have. I recall a banned member here tried to argue that FF16 was a better exclusive than all the ones XBox has so it wasn't fair. Lots of mental gymnastics on display when it comes to this topic.

I want FF16 to do well on its own merits first and foremost. It's obvious Yoshida and the rest of the team put a lot of work and care into it and it's shitty seeing the game used for warring - especially since it's by people who don't seem to care about gaming itself, just a corporation getting the "win". Also, I may be too optimistic, but I'd like to believe that just like TLoU2 sold well despite the best efforts of many people (who never played it and never will), FF16 will do the same.


10 Mar 2023
Who? Someone that would complain regardless of what the game turned out to be? Who cares about these people?

What sort of fan is this that doesn't give a highly acclaimed game (by critics and public) a chance before shitting on it?

The only thing that can fail this game is marketing, devs delivered and now it's up to Sony and SE to ensure it sells.
You are twisting words. I said I expected the game to put off some traditional fans... It has, I've seen it. I've also seen people who never cared for the Franchise buy the game.... Gamers are very stubborn individuals to change this is nothing new


21 Jun 2022
You are twisting words. I said I expected the game to put off some traditional fans... It has, I've seen it. I've also seen people who never cared for the Franchise buy the game.... Gamers are very stubborn individuals to change this is nothing new
I don't care really. I just like to buy and play good games. My first FF was 15. It was not bad of the game. But this one way better.
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25 Mar 2023
You are twisting words. I said I expected the game to put off some traditional fans... It has, I've seen it. I've also seen people who never cared for the Franchise buy the game.... Gamers are very stubborn individuals to change this is nothing new
So what was the alternative a game that wouldn't put off a single fan? FF is a long time running franchise and it has all sorts of fans, known to fight among themselves due to the different nature of each game.

Why cant we just wait and see how the game is going to do without making prediction that it's doomed for whatever reason?

It's an awesome game, a strong GoTY contender and one of the best Final Fantasy games ever, how is that not enough?
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10 Mar 2023
So what was the alternative a game that wouldn't put off a single fan? FF is a long time running franchise and it has all sorts of fans, known to fight among themselves due to the different nature of each game.

Why can we just wait and see how the game is going to do without making prediction that it's doomed for whatever reason?

It's an awesome game, a strong GoTY contender and one of the best Final Fantasy games ever, how is that not enough?

Dude the game is my GOTY and I've been saying this before I even played it lol. It still doesn't change what I said that the new direction was gonna put off some long time fans, that's how human beings are and especially gamers who complain if things are copy and paste but complain if you change too much lol.

I'm sure the game will find a new audience and many are loving it. But I will not be surprised if it ends one as one of the lower selling mainline titles in decades.
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30 Jun 2022
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
But I will not be surprised if it ends one as one of the lower selling mainline titles in decades.
I've had a look at the FF franchise's sales on the VG sales wiki (no VG chartz made-up numbers here) and looked at both the single platform and multiplatform records for titles.

For starters I think this is currently the only title except for the original FFIX to be released on one platform. For reference, FFIX has an HD remaster that was released on multiple platforms from 2016, but the original was only ever released on PS1. I'm sure it won't be exclusive for long (PC port), but it makes sense to compare its sales until then to single platform records in any event.

Some other notes: FFVII Remake is basically a one platform game, and released in a year where the digital : physical game split was 85:15 on revenue. As of 2022, the split went up to 90%. FFVII launched with 60k (twice as many as FFXVI).

Now, it's hard to extrapolate much from this because those ratio figures are for the whole UK market including mobile while this is just the console (& PC?) market and we're working with 2022 figures, but if both titles and their first week sales exactly mirrored those digital : physical sales ratios, for FFXVI to have kept pace with FFVIIR, it would need to have sold 40k physical week one. If the digital : physical ratio had further increased (we're halfway through 2023 after all) to say 92.5 : 7.5, then FFXVI is keeping pace. This assumes FFVIIR's early in the year release was representative of the full year D : P split

It's important to understand that as the physical part of the ratio shrinks, even a smaller drop in the physical percentage from year to year can surmount large gaps in boxed sales across years when looking at absolute numbers.
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