Gamers declare war. Stop watering games down with hidden political agendas.


Active member
10 Jan 2024
Source (Niche Gamer)

A new Steam curator is making it their mission to warn gamers if Sweet Baby Inc. has been involved in a game’s development.

For those who don’t know, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative consultation company that offers a variety of services including:

  • Writing: “Cinematics, Dialogue, UI/UX writing, Barks, Copywriting, Etc”
  • Narrative: “Story pitches, World Building, Character Creation, Narrative Design, Story Feedback and Tweaks, and more”
  • Representation: “Cultural Consultation, Sensitivity And Inclusivity Reading, Risk and Opportunities Assessment, and more”
  • Development: “Full-scale Game Development and Interactive Fiction”
The curator uses proof of the company’s involvement retrieved either through credits uploaded to YouTube or from Sweet Baby’s website directly. You can check out the Sweet Baby Inc detected curator here.

The curator is by no means a comprehensive list, and Sweet Baby has claimed to be involved with dozens of companies, including:

  • Xbox Game Studios
  • Electronic Arts
  • Valve
  • Santa Monica Studios
  • Tru Luv
  • 2K
  • Polytron
  • Wizards of the Coast
  • Square Enix
  • Ubisoft
  • Raw Fury
  • Compulsion Games
  • and more
While narrative consulting isn’t an unusual service to offer, critics of Sweet Baby are concerned that the company is more concerned with pushing their own ideological goals than with the quality of the product or its reception by fans.
Some of these games aren't out yet but those that are available, apart from AC Valhalla, bombed. Financially and critically.
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28 Jun 2022
I just had a glance at this; it's so damn sad; it seems like this poor girl and her boyfriend were ostracised as they went against the so-called Grain of hating white people.

These racist grifters out there seem to be an over abundance of them everywhere.

Everywhere. Our school Boards are dealing with same issues as they implement woke ideologies. Some try to revise history and make you try to hate/dislike everything white and if you speak your mind against it they cancel you and bar you from school parent/teacher conferences. It is a disease spreading crazy.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Everywhere. Our school Boards are dealing with same issues. If you don't try to revise history and hate everything white they cancel you and bar you from school parent/teacher conferences. It is a disease spreading crazy.
Yep, it is everywhere, insidious group of people that are doing this, it's like these types of people want there to be division, to keep us apart, and one of the saddest things about it, this shit is mainly being caused by white women lol.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
I am a white male, the only people I can see that specifically HATE white males would be BGG, that is it. I haven't ever seen any "revisionist history" in schools about white people either, so I don't know what you're talking about. Absolutely nowhere have I seen anything about "hating everything white" in school, nor have I heard about it anywhere else.
Everywhere. Our school Boards are dealing with same issues. If you don't try to revise history and hate everything white they cancel you and bar you from school parent/teacher conferences. It is a disease spreading crazy.


28 Jun 2022
I am a white male, the only people I can see that specifically HATE white males would be BGG, that is it. I haven't ever seen any "revisionist history" in schools about white people either, so I don't know what you're talking about. Absolutely nowhere have I seen anything about "hating everything white" in school, nor have I heard about it anywhere else.
You'll be ight you don't see it but it's all over the papers daily. I mean lol I forward stuff like tht to our discord group when we compare what's going on in our countries. There is so much shit it's crazy and yeah I see it frecuently in real life. BTW I specified white, not necessarily white male but either way I'm not a "white male" I'm a latino male seeing this :) It's even bigger than tht with workplaces basically putting a stop on hiring males period just be inclusive.

I mention the school Board because just yesterday it was a big issue with progressive lefts muting ppl tht don't fall into their ideologies. Also the many articles about ivy league schools and parents removing their kids from them because of the same rhetoric. Anti semetic, anti white, anti male, etc... A long line of craziness. I mean when these ppl go crazy with Critical Race Theory who you think the focus is on? Little Carlos being the bad guy from Puertorico? 😂Smh

And let's use common sense and know tht although some of this is blatant and groups like BLM don't care who knows alot of this shit is subtle because ppl like to get over without push back.

But nahhh it's not happening, I've imagined all of it
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