Gamers declare war. Stop watering games down with hidden political agendas.

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
After you enter that door you face Lucifer I think, and the door has the name of Allah and Islamic "Shahada" on it and it's the door of the most sacred place on Earth in Islam. So yeah I can give RE and B3 a pass, but not DMC. It's also banned for that here.
Lucifer means the devil doesn't it , I don't think he's ever been a boss in DMC , I don't think he exists in islam either (could be wrong I don't know that much about it)
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20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman
Lucifer means the devil doesn't it , I don't think he's ever been a boss in DMC , I don't think he exists in islam either (could be wrong I don't know that much about it)

Lucifer I think is Iblis in Arabic, the highest lord of devils who fooled Adam and his wife to eat the apple. He's mentioned in Islam indeed mostly referred to as Iblis or Al Shaytan "The Devil". Didn't play any DMC before but I think you face some sort of devil/evil boss right after that door. Don't wanna derail the thread any further though, just was a fun fact about B3 "Eridian" writings that I wanted to share that I think no one else pointed out yet?


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Icon-era, a place to have slap fights with fanboys and an impromptu lesson in religious studies.

This bit though

Shaytan sounds phonetically similar to satan.

Al Shayton
Al Sharpton.

Al Sharpton is the devil and half life 3 confirmed.
Isn't Al Sharpton that race Grifter? like Jessie Jackson?


26 Jun 2022
Yeah it was shocking as that guy was nearly-likeable compared to all garbage characters in the game.

Yeah I finished everything in the game. Funnily, the guys used a verse from Holy Quran from probably somewhere in an old Arabic or Islamic building without knowing that the graph is actually words, lol.


from this verse:


سورة آل عمران​

وَلَا تَهِنُوا وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا وَأَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ ﴿١٣٩﴾

Surah Aali 'Imran​

139. And do not waver, nor be sad. You are the superior ones—if you are believers.


Of course, I doubt they even knew there were any words, lol.
You have to be in the culture or very in touch with it, because even after looking at the solution all I see are apparent geometric shapes.
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20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman
Icon-era, a place to have slap fights with fanboys and an impromptu lesson in religious studies.

This bit though

Shaytan sounds phonetically similar to satan.

Al Shayton
Al Sharpton.

Al Sharpton is the devil and half life 3 confirmed.

Haha, oh yeah. But not sure about Al Sharpton as it's new to me. Satan is the same as Shaytan and translated as so as Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, and many languages in the Arabian Peninsula and easter Africa are derived from Aramaic. Back when were were in the US between 2002-2004 my father and mother understand an old language here known as Shahri language and they understood many words in the movie "Passion of the Christ" back then like saying drink water that are the exact words in Shahri language.

You have to be in the culture or very in touch with it, because even after looking at the solution all I see are apparent geometric shapes.

Exactly. I'm an Arabic teacher and took me a while to figure it out. They seem to have licensed this:

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26 Jun 2022
Haha, oh yeah. But not sure about Al Sharpton as it's new to me. Satan is the same as Shaytan and translated as so as Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, and many languages in the Arabian Peninsula and easter Africa are derived from Aramaic. Back when were were in the US between 2002-2004 my father and mother understand an old language here known as Shahri language and they understood many words in the movie "Passion of the Christ" back then like saying drink water that are the exact words in Shahri language.

Exactly. I'm an Arabic teacher and took me a while to figure it out. They seem to have licensed this:

This is insane and I love it, I can spend hours looking at fonts for no specific reason.

I can see all sorts of Tetris pieces, the number 9 a couple of times and the letter H in the lines... Still nothing like what it's supposed to be :-S.
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26 Jun 2022

That videos scary , never heard of the 'cultural revolution' before

The "fun" thing is that with the way the show turns it shows this yet still fit in modern Chinese propaganda in regards to this period and how it turned later, in MANY ways.
Obviously, there are no evil white men in positions that matter, they are beta and socially stupid or evil or trying to hit on girls being turned away but technobabbling women.

It would not be an issue if we did not know these people actively hate us.

The scientist's daughter is redeemed by the authorities later (Mao had the red guard arrested, detained and killed after they did their duties)
The birds killed by some other factor than the state asking peasants to kill them to protect the crops.
Also, they made the Chinese prisoners worried about over cutting the forest and secretly planting trees (hint, forests regrow more than Greenpeace would want you to think, I have seen it first hand for growing in an area where there was way too much three being cut down).
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6 Jan 2024
Aren't the intellectuals and useful idiots the first group the be 'removed' by Pol Pot, Stalin and Mao?

And yet, those same group keep pushing their propaganda. I sincerely hope nothing bad happens like in the above examples, but they're going to be the first on the breadline after they're fired before/during the recession.
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20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman

That videos scary , never heard of the 'cultural revolution' before

Not sure what are they talking about here and what's woke here.

Anyway, this is the message from his granddaughter:

Yesterday, Netflix officially premiered "The Three-Body Problem," a new drama carefully produced by the original team of "Game of Thrones." The drama is adapted from the long science fiction novel "The Three-Body" written by Chinese author Liu Cixin.

The opening scene of the first episode describes a scene during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which has caused widespread heated discussions on social media (excluding viewers in China, because the drama has been banned by the Chinese government due to the censorship system). Many people commented that it was too violent and bloody, while others, particularly those who experienced the Cultural Revolution firsthand, argued that due to Netflix's rating system, it was impossible to fully capture the brutal reality of the era on screen.

Indeed, my grandfather was one of those cruelty abused and maltreatment to death through struggle sessions. My mother was the daughter forced to witness her father's gruesome death. What was even more horrifying than depicted in the video was the public torture and abuse my grandfather endured day after day, beaten until unconsciousness, only to be dragged away and repeated the next morning. After each session, the Red Guards would force my grandmother, along with my mother and her siblings, to kneel on stage and clean up my grandfather's blood.

My mother rarely recalled that period of her life. But one evening on the anniversary of my grandfather's death, when I was 16 years old, after drinking some glasses of wine, she began to recount those cruel memories to me. My mother who always proud and elegant broken down that night as if sulfuric acid had been poured onto a gypsum statue. She cried out like a child, tears streaming down her face, shouting for“Baba(father)”. I held her tightly, fearing she would shatter into sand and I would never be able to put her back together. She completely collapsed in my arms, crying out, "Those demons who killed my father! Not a single one was punished! Those executioners! Never apologized! They live among us, as if nothing ever happened, as if they were human!"

That night, she cried herself to sleep in my embrace, while I stayed awake, fearing that the black hole of memory would consume her. Thankfully, the next day, my mother woke up and resumed her usual demeanor.

For many years, she never mentioned it again until her passing, and I realized it was the cruelest pain and hatred she could never resolve in her life. Her elegance was her armor, her shield, and her spear. She made those demons see that even though they could destroy lives, they could never destroy spirits. There were things she wouldn't allow them to shatter!

While people watch this TV series as entertainment but for me that feels like watching a documentary of my family's history. As I write these words today, my heart still bleeds. I feel I have to record that real history. Because those who lived through it are passing away, yet, the justice has not been arrived!

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27 Feb 2024

That videos scary , never heard of the 'cultural revolution' before

The whole period after WW2 in china makes what Stalin did in russia look like fisher price genocide. How communism came out unscathed and thrives today is truly a mystery of nature.
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27 Feb 2024
Not sure what are they talking about here and what's woke here.

Anyway, this is the message from his granddaughter:

Yesterday, Netflix officially premiered "The Three-Body Problem," a new drama carefully produced by the original team of "Game of Thrones." The drama is adapted from the long science fiction novel "The Three-Body" written by Chinese author Liu Cixin.

The opening scene of the first episode describes a scene during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which has caused widespread heated discussions on social media (excluding viewers in China, because the drama has been banned by the Chinese government due to the censorship system). Many people commented that it was too violent and bloody, while others, particularly those who experienced the Cultural Revolution firsthand, argued that due to Netflix's rating system, it was impossible to fully capture the brutal reality of the era on screen.

Indeed, my grandfather was one of those cruelty abused and maltreatment to death through struggle sessions. My mother was the daughter forced to witness her father's gruesome death. What was even more horrifying than depicted in the video was the public torture and abuse my grandfather endured day after day, beaten until unconsciousness, only to be dragged away and repeated the next morning. After each session, the Red Guards would force my grandmother, along with my mother and her siblings, to kneel on stage and clean up my grandfather's blood.

My mother rarely recalled that period of her life. But one evening on the anniversary of my grandfather's death, when I was 16 years old, after drinking some glasses of wine, she began to recount those cruel memories to me. My mother who always proud and elegant broken down that night as if sulfuric acid had been poured onto a gypsum statue. She cried out like a child, tears streaming down her face, shouting for“Baba(father)”. I held her tightly, fearing she would shatter into sand and I would never be able to put her back together. She completely collapsed in my arms, crying out, "Those demons who killed my father! Not a single one was punished! Those executioners! Never apologized! They live among us, as if nothing ever happened, as if they were human!"

That night, she cried herself to sleep in my embrace, while I stayed awake, fearing that the black hole of memory would consume her. Thankfully, the next day, my mother woke up and resumed her usual demeanor.

For many years, she never mentioned it again until her passing, and I realized it was the cruelest pain and hatred she could never resolve in her life. Her elegance was her armor, her shield, and her spear. She made those demons see that even though they could destroy lives, they could never destroy spirits. There were things she wouldn't allow them to shatter!

While people watch this TV series as entertainment but for me that feels like watching a documentary of my family's history. As I write these words today, my heart still bleeds. I feel I have to record that real history. Because those who lived through it are passing away, yet, the justice has not been arrived!

I think Grummz is not saying that the show is woke but pointing out that if the left/marxists are left unchecked this is what the west has to look forward too. People in the states forget the freedoms and privileges they enjoy today are built on the painstaking effort of billions of humans over a long period of history which started all the way back in ancient greece.
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27 Feb 2024
On a whole another point, Please watch or read 3 body problem. It truly encapsulates "The Dark Forest" theory and as a novel is up there in quality with arthur c clarke's works
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26 Jun 2022
Not sure what are they talking about here and what's woke here.

Anyway, this is the message from his granddaughter:

Yesterday, Netflix officially premiered "The Three-Body Problem," a new drama carefully produced by the original team of "Game of Thrones." The drama is adapted from the long science fiction novel "The Three-Body" written by Chinese author Liu Cixin.

The opening scene of the first episode describes a scene during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, which has caused widespread heated discussions on social media (excluding viewers in China, because the drama has been banned by the Chinese government due to the censorship system). Many people commented that it was too violent and bloody, while others, particularly those who experienced the Cultural Revolution firsthand, argued that due to Netflix's rating system, it was impossible to fully capture the brutal reality of the era on screen.

Indeed, my grandfather was one of those cruelty abused and maltreatment to death through struggle sessions. My mother was the daughter forced to witness her father's gruesome death. What was even more horrifying than depicted in the video was the public torture and abuse my grandfather endured day after day, beaten until unconsciousness, only to be dragged away and repeated the next morning. After each session, the Red Guards would force my grandmother, along with my mother and her siblings, to kneel on stage and clean up my grandfather's blood.

My mother rarely recalled that period of her life. But one evening on the anniversary of my grandfather's death, when I was 16 years old, after drinking some glasses of wine, she began to recount those cruel memories to me. My mother who always proud and elegant broken down that night as if sulfuric acid had been poured onto a gypsum statue. She cried out like a child, tears streaming down her face, shouting for“Baba(father)”. I held her tightly, fearing she would shatter into sand and I would never be able to put her back together. She completely collapsed in my arms, crying out, "Those demons who killed my father! Not a single one was punished! Those executioners! Never apologized! They live among us, as if nothing ever happened, as if they were human!"

That night, she cried herself to sleep in my embrace, while I stayed awake, fearing that the black hole of memory would consume her. Thankfully, the next day, my mother woke up and resumed her usual demeanor.

For many years, she never mentioned it again until her passing, and I realized it was the cruelest pain and hatred she could never resolve in her life. Her elegance was her armor, her shield, and her spear. She made those demons see that even though they could destroy lives, they could never destroy spirits. There were things she wouldn't allow them to shatter!

While people watch this TV series as entertainment but for me that feels like watching a documentary of my family's history. As I write these words today, my heart still bleeds. I feel I have to record that real history. Because those who lived through it are passing away, yet, the justice has not been arrived!

Yeah, that series is awesome in so many ways.

I got to watch the second episode yesterday, this is hard considering what its makers did to Game of Thrones I'm worried it will break at some point.
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