Gamers declare war. Stop watering games down with hidden political agendas.

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
thread was closed. but it is connected to SBI and same ilk, so just.
how we can see, IGN made 4 articles with pushing the same slander.

Couldn't be arsed to read the entire article but I read most of it & sure some of the things one of the Devs said was cringe but I've seen sweet baby employees say much much worse with no articles from ign condemning them


12 May 2024

Alannah Pearce and the Girl Gamers subreddit have been trying to get a lot of games from that part of the world cancelled.
Don't want this to devolve into politics, but you can easily find the "receipts".

Wouldn't be surprised if Alannah/Reddit were the one that riled up IGN, Kotaku, etc.


27 Feb 2024
It really is looking like a targeted harassment campaign or a shake-down. So the devs said something slightly controversial, so the fuck what. No need to run multiple series of articles and farm engagement daily.
They do this shit with games that have massive hype behind them not from one of the progressive western devs, I don't think they thought this through - no one cares what the chinese game devs think about women. They make game -> I like game -> I pay money-> They give game , this is the extent of the relationship
  • thisistheway
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4 Aug 2023
thread was closed. but it is connected to SBI and same ilk, so just.
how we can see, IGN made 4 articles with pushing the same slander.

Well the articles are some months apart and what she's doing is repeating the paragraph of (non-) investigative journalism she did late last year.

Regardless, it is persecution that turns every single news story on the game into a hit piece.