Gamers declare war. Stop watering games down with hidden political agendas.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Depends on your view point

For the woke ree people game like helldivers and space marine 2 are considered bigot and fascist game

Us normal people see it as sci fi shooter game

No bro, Pilestedt literally made a post to someone hinting that its a parody and satirical of patriotism. They make it so obvious to you, too.


Well-known member
2 Feb 2024
Do you not pay attention to the lore ingame? It's implied you're sent to concentration/re-education camps if you dissent lol, you are disappeared and your comments are censored if you leave a negative review in the super-store, they encourage you to snitch on people who disagree with the government, there's all sorts of authoritarian signposting in the voice lines from your ship crew. Also there's sooooo much nationalistic propaganda and "humanity is the greatest, if you disagree you're a dirty traitor" flying around, you haven't read a single line of lore text in the game?
This is before we factor in that the bugs they say that are "invading" are actually put there by them, and when we do find a world where they live naturally, we deploy the gas to eliminate them, that's why they try to stop the gas.