GameStop Manager Confirms Layoffs and No One Comes In Anymore

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
Physical is going away, you heard it from the horses mouth.

Two years after Reddit brought GameStop’s stock to national attention (and record highs), GameStop is again sparking discussion across the internet.

In a viral video with over 6.3 million views as of Saturday, TikTok user Red (@redsonjattv) shares what she says it’s like to be a manager at a physical GameStop location. The outlook is not great.

“Everything’s on clearance,” she writes in the text overlaying the video. “No one comes in anymore and the corporate layoffs have started.”

UPDATE - More analytical data that Physical marketing is becoming a lot more niche and is reaching end game before it disappears and this was posted in 2022.

Anyone watching the game industry knows that the console market is quickly shifting away from games sold on physical media and toward the digital download dominance that PC gamers have known for years. But a new exclusive analysis of NPD Game Pulse data conducted by Ars Technica shows the extent of the decline in physical console game production, even as the number of digital console titles continues to explode.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Oh, are the used games on clearance too? For less than the current lowest ebay buy it now? I fucking doubt it.

Also, two PC-centered Glasses died last month. Guess Digital-only is dead too.


That's weird since both stores in my area (within a half or so mile from me) are hiring. Otherwise, no surprise as digital will take over. All im hoping for is for those two GameStop stores to last this entire generation and I'll be happy.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Yeah everyone knows physical is "going away" and I wouldn't be surprised if next-gen (whenever that is) doesn't have discs at all.

But using GameStop to back this up doesn't make sense to me. The stores are freaking awful to be in. I worked for this company when they called the stores "Software Etc." and by the time I left (I was just a kid) they were opening GameStops as an "experiment." But even then it was just a weird place, that attracted weird people. I have stories about strange people both customers and employees alike.

I haven't bought physical in years, but if I had to I would do so from Amazon, Target, Best Buy, etc. I wouldn't even consider going into a GameStop. The stores are simply not fun to be in.

I honestly think they are a metric of nothing other than their own failure.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Using Gamestop going bust (which they already were on their way to even before COVID) as some kind of ultimate proof that physical media is finally dying is an absurd premise. People just got fed up of their crap.
Elder Legend

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
Using Gamestop going bust (which they already were on their way to even before COVID) as some kind of ultimate proof that physical media is finally dying is an absurd premise. People just got fed up of their crap.
Yeah everyone knows physical is "going away" and I wouldn't be surprised if next-gen (whenever that is) doesn't have discs at all.

But using GameStop to back this up doesn't make sense to me. The stores are freaking awful to be in. I worked for this company when they called the stores "Software Etc." and by the time I left (I was just a kid) they were opening GameStops as an "experiment." But even then it was just a weird place, that attracted weird people. I have stories about strange people both customers and employees alike.

I haven't bought physical in years, but if I had to I would do so from Amazon, Target, Best Buy, etc. I wouldn't even consider going into a GameStop. The stores are simply not fun to be in.

I honestly think they are a metric of nothing other than their own failure.
Obviously it doesn't fit your narrative. If people cared so much about physical they'd be going to GameStop regardless. It has nothing to do whether they're bad or not. No one shops physical anymore. Majority of people pre order titles digitally through PSN or XBL for Preloading and ease of convience.

The only part I'll agree with is buying physical through Amazon. I'll occasionally buy some games. But usually those are under crazy discounts or a game I wanted to play awhile ago and that's it.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Obviously it doesn't fit your narrative. If people cared so much about physical they'd be going to GameStop regardless. It has nothing to do whether they're bad or not. No one shops physical anymore. Majority of people pre order titles digitally through PSN or XBL for Preloading and ease of convience.

"no one" 🤡


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I was in a gamestop today.

Maybe the USA is having issues cause they are more dependent on Xbox sales and MSFT pulled the rug from under them....

I mean, MSFT love crushing the little guys and making peoples jobs obsolete in retail and distribution it seems. Some people applaud them for crushing small / smaller businesses though...for so
  • thinking_hard
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Elder Legend

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
I was in a gamestop today.

Maybe the USA is having issues cause they are more dependent on Xbox sales and MSFT pulled the rug from under them....

I mean, MSFT love crushing the little guys and making peoples jobs obsolete in retail and distribution it seems. Some people applaud them for crushing small / smaller businesses though...for so
What does Microsoft has to do GameStops shutting down? GameStops and Retail stores closing in USA have nothing to do with Xbox or the software company. They weren't closing down when OG and 360 era were around. Do you think Satya Nedell just goes around and walks into the stores and gives them money to shut down? 🤔

The industry is changing is what it is. Take and accept it.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Obviously it doesn't fit your narrative. If people cared so much about physical they'd be going to GameStop regardless. It has nothing to do whether they're bad or not. No one shops physical anymore. Majority of people pre order titles digitally through PSN or XBL for Preloading and ease of convience.

The only part I'll agree with is buying physical through Amazon. I'll occasionally buy some games. But usually those are under crazy discounts or a game I wanted to play awhile ago and that's it.
You don’t think a store being “bad or not” influences whether people decide to shop there?


Especially in an age with one click “delivered to your door” service? Why on earth would you go talk to loser nerd employees in rank smelling stores when you have several better options, like the ones I listed?

And I don’t have a “narrative.” Other than reality. And like I said, yeah, of course physical will go away. I haven’t bought physical since the 360/ps3 days. I don’t want a disc.

My point here is no one goes into GameStop anymore because it sucks really bad. That’s it.
Elder Legend

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
You don’t think a store being “bad or not” influences whether people decide to shop there?


Especially in an age with one click “delivered to your door” service? Why on earth would you go talk to loser nerd employees in rank smelling stores when you have several better options, like the ones I listed?

And I don’t have a “narrative.” Other than reality. And like I said, yeah, of course physical will go away. I haven’t bought physical since the 360/ps3 days. I don’t want a disc.

My point here is no one goes into GameStop anymore because it sucks really bad. That’s it.
Oh so you agree physical is done like I was saying. Why you didn't say so in the fist place Billy Bob Thorton? Are you scared that Dodrake, Bodycount and a few other of our favorite diseased fanboys will come after you? Don't be afraid, they don't get dimes, they only drop them. Just follow the prophet and you'll be ok.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Oh so you agree physical is done like I was saying. Why you didn't say so in the fist place Billy Bob Thorton? Are you scared that Dodrake, Bodycount and a few other of our favorite diseased fanboys will come after you? Don't be afraid, they don't get dimes, they only drop them. Just follow the prophet and you'll be ok.
You're going to be dead some day, I guess that means you're "done" now, according to your logic. Only difference is unlike Dr. Bass I don't see physical ever going away completely. Its in Nintendo's interests to keep it around to sell to parents/others buying games as gifts, and as a free form of advertising (Walmart has a big wall of games up not far from the food section and the tv and computer section.) And then there's the specialty collectors, who are their own form of whales, just as viable as appealing to that one retard who spends thousands on FIFA while everybody looks at him with disgust.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Oh so you agree physical is done like I was saying. Why you didn't say so in the fist place Billy Bob Thorton? Are you scared that Dodrake, Bodycount and a few other of our favorite diseased fanboys will come after you? Don't be afraid, they don't get dimes, they only drop them. Just follow the prophet and you'll be ok.

Again quoting me. You have issue, go find a therapist. Funny enough, I've had plenty of interesting conversations with @Dr Bass , even extra gaming.

So again, you just prooves how ridiculous you are.
  • they're_right_you_know
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
You're going to be dead some day, I guess that means you're "done" now, according to your logic. Only difference is unlike Dr. Bass I don't see physical ever going away completely. Its in Nintendo's interests to keep it around to sell to parents/others buying games as gifts, and as a free form of advertising (Walmart has a big wall of games up not far from the food section and the tv and computer section.) And then there's the specialty collectors, who are their own form of whales, just as viable as appealing to that one retard who spends thousands on FIFA while everybody looks at him with disgust.


Good to see we agree on a few things.

moonlighting bruce willis GIF

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Oh so you agree physical is done like I was saying. Why you didn't say so in the fist place Billy Bob Thorton? Are you scared that Dodrake, Bodycount and a few other of our favorite diseased fanboys will come after you? Don't be afraid, they don't get dimes, they only drop them. Just follow the prophet and you'll be ok.
Read the first sentence in my first post dude.

Also, stop insulting the other posters here, especially some who are great members/people.

It doesn't matter here what our favorites are. Mine is Nintendo and there are posters here who hate the company, and the products they put out, and I know who they are and they never fail to let me know (lol). And that's cool. Preferences are great, and different preferences can make for interesting discussion.

But, for whatever reason, you act like a punk too often. Just follow the rule "don't be a douche" and it's all good.

Again, this forum wants everyone, with any favorites. We also want people to just be nice. That's all it takes. These are video games, so let's have fun with it.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Just curious, has anyone actually seen his supposed Youtube channel?

edit: Oh, its in his user description, okay.
edit2: I am not impressed.


27 Jan 2023
I still visit my local GameStop a few times a month. They’re nice folks, they help me & I help them.
I buy physical games there & the 1 year warranty, when I’m done with the game I just bring it back & they give me its value to apply towards another thing. They were encouraging it even. It gets their numbers up & keeps me coming back in.
I do pre-order small niche titles there, hell I had the only pre-order for Galleria last week. They also helped me hunt down a copy of Blue Reflection.
I also have some nostalgia for the company, visiting in high school, shooting the breeze with friends, finding new games to play together. Even further back when it was GameStop & EB Games, finding weird PS2 games for a few bucks. I remember buying Extermination & Trapt for like $3.
Ok enough waxing poetic about them, physical media seems to be going away, I prefer physical but I understand the change. Why even buy a disc when there’s nothing on it besides a license or key for a title? So many updates post-launch. It’s just not a reliable delivery method for games anymore.
I do wonder what shape they’ll be in by the end of the year.
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