Graphics Analysis : Returnal vs. The Medium [Head-to-Head]

  • Thread starter Deleted member 13
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Deleted member 13


Welcome to the first head-to-head graphics analysis (this is an old thing I did awhile ago and thought I'd start it here) where I delve into comparing two different games picked for comparison in the graphics tech arena. These two games both use UE4 graphics engine to display their technical prowess, however they both implement something special using the engine. We'll go over each category that I judge and will offer a little bit of education for some of the various techniques used in these games. I do not compare performance of these games. Resolution is also not compared unless it hampers the visuals in a negative way (I'll address this in Returnal). So without further ado, let's get started:



A little lesson on texturing and rasterization. The below image shows how texturing works. Imagine you have a really nice texture map at a size of 2048 x 2048 (i.e. 2k image). You want to map those texels to the triangle so it would map like below:


However, the devs of Returnal was starved of bandwidth for the PS5 because their target FPS was 60FPS. The compromise is reducing the main bandwidth hog - resolution of the framebuffers (i.e. the 2D grid of pixels that we see on the screen). So what happens when you have a high res texture on a small triangle and you are trying to rasterize that triangle on a very low resolution grid framebuffer (i.e. 1080p). You get pixels that are extremely large and covering a large area of the triangle. This destroys the details in the game. It doesn't matter what you do with that 1080p image for upsampling, reconstruction, etc.. The detail is already lost and can't be recovered. Here is a picture so you can imagine big pixels trying to render a small triangle.


Here is an example of "muddy" textures:

Here I try to get a closer look at the suit texture to show the graininess of the textures and normal maps:

The Medium:
These developers went with high res texture maps and more of a 1:1 texel to screen pixel. Basically the old fashioned way. This shows a significant advantage in image quality throughout the entire game. Viewing the objects in close up renders shows a very high texture resolution. Since there is no DLSS or upsampling algorithm, the native 4k framebuffer will display very high quality pixels at the cost of FPS.

NOTE: This is NOT the case with the XSX however. I believe it's internal resolution is very low as well.

When I judge lighting, I take a look at several different things in the lighting pipeline. 1) Are there any shadow casting lights? This is one of the main drawbacks of realtime rendering. All GPUs simply don't have enough bandwidth to go through a huge list of lights testing for shadows. The real world is all about shadows however, so it's absolutely required for good lighting. 2) Global Illumination with Ambient occlusion. This is also a main sticking point with games. Many use the light probe approximation with not enough GPU power to implement a good ambient occlusion term to normalize the ambient lighting. Both Returnal and The Medium fail in this regard unfortunately.

Here is a view of local FX lighting. The approximation looks crude however it's still better than no lighting at all.

The god rays in this game capture the mood very well in this game. Using the moon as a global shadow casting light source does give the game a great atmosphere for being on the planet.

The Medium:
This game goes a step further with shadows/light than Returnal by introducing at least a constant local shadow casting light source at all times added to the global light source. It's mood is therefore more realized than Returnal.

Like Returnal, The Medium does use a light source for it's special FX. These don't need to cast shadows but they need to be convincing. Here the glow from the ground looks more refined than Returnal's FX light sources.

Shaders are the bread and butter of a game looking the best it can be. We've seen time and time again with last-gen how impactful physically-based shaders coupled with a talented artist team can make graphics look amazing. I won't go into too many details on how shaders work in this review, but I will encourage people to read my thread on PBR.

The team completely abandoned PBR in this game and it's a shame. While it's there in cinematics, it's nowhere to be found in the game. Stone and bone give the same energy response. The suit of the main character is a mixed bag. I couldn't tell whether it was made of rubber or just a specular plastic suit. I explored a lot during a level to try and see if I could find any glimpse of it. That was very telling.

Here's a show of stone and what appears to be marble but looks like a plastic gem. The vines are also not very convincing with specular thrown on top of a lambertian-like texture color for the wood.

Returnal Materials Part 1

Here's a show of stone and what appears to be marble but looks like a plastic gem. The vines are also not very convincing with specular thrown on top of a ...

Here we see stone steps and moss grass. There is literally no perceivable difference between them when it should be. Also the stone statue on the right has the same light response as the stone stairs.

Returnal Materials Part 2

Here we see stone steps and moss grass. There is literally no perceivable difference between them when it should be. Also the stone statue on the right has...

The Medium:
This game has one of the best PBR implementations of games to date. I don't know whether the team used the built-in UE4 shaders or implemented their own. The specular response is outstanding and they even use RT reflections on every material that is shiny and not just the mirrors. Here is a video of the shaders being used for all kind of variety of objects. You can see the RT reflections not only on the mirror but the floors. The windows are using RT refractions (which is very expensive).

The Medium Materials Part 1

An excellent display of materials using PBR. Look at the floor specular and the mirror all using RT reflections at nearly full res.

Here the mirror reflection isn't anywhere near as low level as most other games using RT reflections. A testiment to the team wanting to brute force their implementation without much sacrifice.

The Medium Materials Part 2

Look at the variety of materials on various different objects.

Here is a vid of some of the PBR materials in the game. Because of the higher resolution, the materials don't appear "muddied" and show excellent specular response. It reminds me of The Order's materials. Give a really great PBR system to a talented artist and that's the recipe for film-like rendering quality.

The Medium PBR Materials

Excellent PBR materials in this game.

Just for giggles, I did a capture of a cinematic that displays probably the best skin shader I've ever seen in a game. Sorry for the morbid video but I just had to capture this material response to light. The last I've seen skin shading like this was in a realtime demo.

The Medium Materials Part 3

Even though this is a cinematic, I've never seen a more accurate skin shader in a game to date.

When I look at FX, I look for excellent use of transparency sprites, physical motion with fluid dynamics and response to lighting from the environment. Most studios don't concentrate on physics-based FX due to their expensive cost as well as requiring a talented team that understands physical motion. With that said let's delve into the FX of Returnal.

Returnal shines in the FX department. It's literally one of the best FX implementation (if not the) in a game. The team is very talented at portraying very good physics and captured a lot of fluid dynamics in their textures.

Returnal FX Part 1

Returnal shines in the FX department. It's literally one of the best FX implementation (if not the) in a game. The team is very talented at portraying very...

Take a look at the smooth fluid flow smoke dynamics and spark particle system. It's very appealing and add so much dynamic movement to the scene. It looks natural and your eye is drawn to it.

Returnal FX Part 2

Smooth fluid flow dynamics.

This game really shows off it's excellent FX during combat sequences. Here is a vid with beautiful explosions, particles and overall movement of the enemies:

Returnal FX Part 3

Action sequence with physically accurate explosions.

The Medium:
There literally isn't any standout feature in FX for this game and so it's automatically loses by default. This game is a slow adventure with puzzle-solving so it makes sense that the team concentrated on other aspects in rendering like lighting/shading.

Animation is judged by several things. The main character needs to represent movement in the most realistic way possible. The king of animation in games today is the folks at Naughty Dog. They emphasize motion of literally every aspect of a game. Different kinds of poses, keyframes, motion-capture, lip-sync, NPC animation, etc.. It's all very important to portray a character in motion. With that said, let's take a look:

The game has a very solid animation structure thoughout the game. The movement of the enemies are smooth and fluid. With their superior FX, Returnal portrays very realistic animated particles, explosions and the character has a solid base of keyframe animation. The walking, dashing, and running animations are very fluid and the character feels alive. Here is a vid of me showing several of the animation cycles for the character.

Returnal Animation Part 1

Very good animation on the character.

The Medium:
The Medium falls very short in the animation department. The character is stiff in literally all of her actions. Walking is probably the best element of all the animations in the game. Her running is horrible and she "glides" across the scenes. There is very little follow-through with her actions and there is a delay in response when moving from one action to the next. The team should have spent a little more time working on the animation of the character. She is stiff and floats across the ground:

The Medium Character Animation

The team should have spent a little more time working on the animation of the character. She is stiff and floats across the ground.

World complexity is a very deep topic and as such it's really hard to define it when reviewing games. I consider world complexity to mean "how many varying assets do you have on screen in one given frame?" or how "busy" the scene is during gameplay. I do NOT consider a highly complex world to be a spam of 1 asset multiple times taking up almost the entire frame. Those kind of instances use cheap tactics to save on memory footprint. It also reduces the shader cost for the frame as the same shader can be cached in memory. An example of a really high complex world would be a game (sim) like FS2020. Although the assets are static and not in motion, the amount of *unique* assets matter and obviously take a big toll on the rendering pipeline.

In this video, I focus on showing how you can have an enormous amount of geometry but only because it is instanced across the world. That means the game only stores that one piece of geometry in memory and it makes copies of itself throughout the world. While this should be used, it shouldn't be used as a way of "filling up" the frame. This repeated pattern becomes tiring to look at when you are playing the game.

Returnal World Complexity Part 1

Returnal may seem like it has a lot going on but in reality, it's using a significant number of instances of the same geometry. This was used to allow for i...

The Medium:
The world in this game is fairly complex. This is mainly because the game design in showing two different worlds with completely different assets. In this case, everything "pops" out at you. Even when the scenes are focusing on one world, you can still see a lot of unique assets. Look at this forest for example. It looks lush with varied foliage even though it uses instancing as well.

The Medium World Complexity Part 3

More of the forest level.

This is the hallmark feature in this game. Two separate worlds with completely different assets, lighting and shaders. The cost for rendering out 2 different framebuffers isn't a 50% hit in rendering performance since both worlds are literally half the full resolution of the game. However, there are different assets being rendered. This adds to the visual complexity of the frame.

The Medium World Complexity Part 2

Two distinct rendering buffers with completely separate assets where caching is probably not allowed. Excellent use of the UE here.

The Medium uses a thorough use of PBR materials, RT reflections/refractions, excellent world complexity with 2 separate framebuffers representing two totally different scenes with unique assets, multiple shadow casting light sources and good high res textures, the Medium comes out on top. It suffers however with the character animation and the FX is totally non-existent in this psychological thriller.

Meanwhile Returnal has the best behaving and looking FX around with solid character animation. But due to most of it's resources being tied up in a 60FPS target, it left no room to use advanced lighting, higher res textures which could be fully utilized at a higher framebuffer resolution, and non-existant PBR materials, it falls short of contest.

Until next time,
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Meanwhile Returnal has the best behaving and looking FX around with solid character animation. But due to most of it's resources being tied up in a 60FPS target, it left no room to use advanced lighting, higher res textures which could be fully utilized at a higher framebuffer resolution, and non-existant PBR materials, it falls short of contest.
Is it really worth comparing these two games when they are looking to achieve two different outcomes?

Just by your statement above, it feels like different horses for different courses, the 60 fps is a godsend in one area while of course it's going to handicap its performance in another.

Not sure if the winner and loser tag make sense in regards to these trade-offs.

Would it not be better to compare a 60 fps game to another 60 fps game, that way it would give an honest overview of both games having to make the same sacrifices.

I am not a technical person at all but to me the line above makes a lot of sense to me.
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20 Jun 2022
Very good idea comparing two games, but I have a couple of things to add:
  • I don't really see the point in comparing The Medium, which is pretty much a walking simulator, with Returnal, which is a third party shooter. Death Stranding vs The Medium would have been a fairer comparison, IMO. Or Returnal vs Gears of War, perhaps
  • Unsure if you're giving Returnal the appropriate credit around lighting. The tech behind it is pretty juicy.
  • This kinda drives the point I made in your thread about Ray Tracing. You can have a game with the best tech and still have it be ugly, and in my subjective opinion, The Medium is not a good looking game.
That said, appreciate the insight :)

Deleted member 13

Is it really worth comparing these two games when they are looking to achieve two different outcomes?
This was a comparison that I made over a year ago on d-pad. I just thought I'd post it here to start the forums growth. But in answer to the question, I was looking more at 2 different games using the same graphics engine. I will offer a poll on the next games for sure and let other compare. As long as the games aren't too different, I can still manage to compare at the graphics level.

Just by your statement above, it feels like different horses for different courses, the 60 fps is a godsend in one area while of course it's going to handicap its performance in another.
I would rather stay away from FPS because that's not the original idea. I want to judge detailed implementations of graphics features. Performance etc.. is something that DF does. I wanted to do something different.

Not sure if the winner and loser tag make sense in regards to these trade-offs.
Agree. I will remove "winner" and "loser" although people will do that anyway.. (remember "another one") :D


21 Jun 2022
is Medium 60 fps game? you perfectly know that trade off 60fps vs 30fps in lighting, texture and almost everything else graphically.
it was completely unfair game, walking simulator vs bullet hell where sometimes you have hundred projectiles coming out.
plus Returnal running 2 UE5 simultaneously which is a burden on its own.

direct source it would way to go.

i am really keen on these comparisons and tech behind it, but this duel was kinda not great?

not sure about winners and losers per se, maybe it would be better as who is doing better? punching more work in it? optimization is huge part of graphical fidelity.
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21 Jun 2022
This was a comparison that I made over a year ago on d-pad. I just thought I'd post it here to start the forums growth. But in answer to the question, I was looking more at 2 different games using the same graphics engine. I will offer a poll on the next games for sure and let other compare. As long as the games aren't too different, I can still manage to compare at the graphics level.

I would rather stay away from FPS because that's not the original idea. I want to judge detailed implementations of graphics features. Performance etc.. is something that DF does. I wanted to do something different.

Agree. I will remove "winner" and "loser" although people will do that anyway.. (remember "another one") :D
oh, at the start of the comparison, you forgot to add some pictures.

''Here is an example of "muddy" textures:

Here I try to get a closer look at the suit texture to show the graininess of the textures and normal maps:''
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Well-known member
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Very good idea comparing two games, but I have a couple of things to add:
  • I don't really see the point in comparing The Medium, which is pretty much a walking simulator, with Returnal, which is a third party shooter. Death Stranding vs The Medium would have been a fairer comparison, IMO. Or Returnal vs Gears of War, perhaps
  • Unsure if you're giving Returnal the appropriate credit around lighting. The tech behind it is pretty juicy.
  • This kinda drives the point I made in your thread about Ray Tracing. You can have a game with the best tech and still have it be ugly, and in my subjective opinion, The Medium is not a good looking game.
That said, appreciate the insight :)
one thing I would add to this is the very nature of these games, while The Medium is a linear Horror title, returnal is an action driven roguelite.
The design philosophy changes by that alone.

Either way this is a graphical great analsys of both games and I had a good time reading.
However I will say, the art style in Returnal makes the Medium look generic at best, even if it has better graphical fidelity.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I think this is interesting. I don't care if the games are different genres. It's just a comparison of graphics. They are both third person games that take place in an environment. Seems like fair game to me.


21 Jun 2022
I think this is interesting. I don't care if the games are different genres. It's just a comparison of graphics. They are both third person games that take place in an environment. Seems like fair game to me.
you really want to say that 60fps vs 30fps asks for the same textures, lighting, fx, particles and etc.?
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Deleted member 13

I think this is interesting. I don't care if the games are different genres. It's just a comparison of graphics. They are both third person games that take place in an environment. Seems like fair game to me.
Yea, that's what I was going for.
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Deleted member 13

you really want to say that 60fps vs 30fps asks for the same textures, lighting, fx, particles and etc.?
Good point but hopefully when we start to see games with both modes, I'll pick the 30FPS all the time. I want to gauge where we are going with regards to pushing the hardware just enough to where we can get a 30FPS target.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Looking forward to playing Returnal soon, I'll be coming back to comment on whether some of the sacrifices they may have had to make graphically were worth it for what they achieved.

Interesting analysis and I appreciate how it makes me think of things from a different angle.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
I swear, there is nothing better when it comes to vfx, than getting into these floating ball pits portal in Returnal... combined with Dualsense? holy crap.
The way smoke moves when you shoot, grass reacts. Perfection.
Rain is a bit temporally lost but you can feel it in the controller. I wonder how DLSS will handles it

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I swear, there is nothing better when it comes to vfx, than getting into these floating ball pits portal in Returnal... combined with Dualsense? holy crap.
The way smoke moves when you shoot, grass reacts. Perfection.
Rain is a bit temporally lost but you can feel it in the controller. I wonder how DLSS will handles it
I LOVE the effect rain has on the controller. But from what I remember it doesn't last long ...

Man what a game.
20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman
I swear, there is nothing better when it comes to vfx, than getting into these floating ball pits portal in Returnal... combined with Dualsense? holy crap.
The way smoke moves when you shoot, grass reacts. Perfection.
Rain is a bit temporally lost but you can feel it in the controller. I wonder how DLSS will handles it

You might find my comment strange, but viewing my Returnal gameplay videos on youtube on my PC the 3D audio is much stronger than when I'm actually playing on PS5. I think there is something needs to be done right there as all that information is recorded but not felt on PS5. It's amazing but I really get shocked when I view my gameplay on my PC with just stereo headphones or the Pulse 3D itself.


Amazing breakdown, I think the similarity here is that both have been pushed down to 1080p, and these highlight why so. Impressive work, @VFX_Veteran !