Helldivers 2: We are constantly going to add free stuff and updates. |UP| "Escalation of Freedom" Announced, biggest update ever coming Aug. 6th.



28 Jun 2022

Very cool.

That's what I want. Resistance cross over would be so fucking dope.

Btw side convo on how good crossovers can be. That game Dead Cells thts rogue like has a Castlevania cross over and wow is it good. It's basically like playing a new SOTN bcus you can play as Alucard, Belmont m, etc and has alot of the assets and enemies.

Deleted member 223

Roadmap is more or less known atm.

Mech Strategems.

Boss Planets.

Illuminate Faction.

There are many ways this game can be expanded once it reaches content parity with Helldivers I but until then.... the wait is going to be insufferable. They're too small a team, and going by how they handled the launch issues, they have a lot of things to iron out when it comes to their decision making.

Whether you wait one year or two for the Illuminate Faction depends on how far they've gotten pre-launch with it.


28 Jun 2022
Roadmap is more or less known atm.

Mech Strategems.

Boss Planets.

Illuminate Faction.

There are many ways this game can be expanded once it reaches content parity with Helldivers I but until then.... the wait is going to be insufferable. They're too small a team, and going by how they handled the launch issues, they have a lot of things to iron out when it comes to their decision making.

Whether you wait one year or two for the Illuminate Faction depends on how far they've gotten pre-launch with it.
I can't wait for the mechs! Thts going to be 🔥
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Deleted member 223

How were bosses and illuminate to fight in the first game? As fun as the bugs?
I liked Illuminate the best in H1 but if they don't release the Tendril Bug for H2, then I think H2 Bugs will trump Illuminate H2. Bugs in H2 just hit the right spot. Tendril Bug in H1 is the bane of poor random teams and a source of grief. Officially known as the "Impaler" bug - area denial. Mostly a balancing issue mind you so assuming they don't tame him, although they should. Simple fix: do not make him a bullet/rocket sponge when exposed in a burrowing state. Make the impaler a 3-railgun shot kill to weakpoint or 2 disposable rocket kill to weakpoint when in burrowing state. To compensate, make the impaler relocate and re-target after getting two direct hits (or damage threshold) on weakpoint, as opposed to tanking too much in H1. That way simply emptying mags from firearms on the weakpoint won't work. Obviously an insta kill is possible if a good team coordinates their support weapon shots in unison.

Bosses are bosses. You're gonna get whacked and wiped if you don't go in with the appropriate gear. Arrowhead could spice it up Destiny style and make it a Raid, as opposed to an unlockable direct encounter.
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Deleted member 223

You're probably also going to get a couple planets/biomes as they said.

Sound guess going by H1:

Lava/ Volcano Fire planets
Pure Ice/snow planets
Pure Green Gas Planets.
City planets

Although their hybrid approach with Spore objective hits the right balance for gas/storm effects etc.

Still, lava/fire planets with cliffs are a must. City planets are a given - not quite fun in H1 so they need to spice them up somehow.
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Deleted member 223

More long range sniping type of enemies. And patrols. Also stratagems attracts them.
I beg to differ on the first. They can be very hectic when sounding the alarm and are masters at area denial and boxing you in. Imo, they're the most fun strategic wise. Good area denial via Obelisk.

Not sure with so much terrain complexity and deformity in H2 (as opposed to flat H1) if they'll be able to create the Obelisk. I'm sure it's giving Arrowhead a ton of problems as the walls need to more or less hug the terrain, in a semi straight line on the vertical. That collision code... :LOL:

I guess they can soften it up and make the wall a particulate effect, much easier to work with.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Roadmap is more or less known atm.

Mech Strategems.

Boss Planets.

Illuminate Faction.

There are many ways this game can be expanded once it reaches content parity with Helldivers I but until then.... the wait is going to be insufferable. They're too small a team, and going by how they handled the launch issues, they have a lot of things to iron out when it comes to their decision making.

Whether you wait one year or two for the Illuminate Faction depends on how far they've gotten pre-launch with it.
the good thing is they've already been internally testing ammo types and accessories like silencers.

Deleted member 223

the good thing is they've already been internally testing ammo types and accessories like silencers.
Nobody gonna trade power for alarm respite. H1 proved that, and so will this game. Silencers are a waste and more of a visual tacticool add on. Only way you can make a weapon with it attractive is by significantly increasing mag size along with rate of fire.

Yes to new ammo types. We already have incendiary, laser, arc-electric and penetration rounds but acidic should also be a thing - again H1weapons. The acid spitter bugs already provide the sort of effect we should expect from the H1 Bug Meta, Tox-13 Avenger.

The game def needs a balancing patch to buff laser and arc, specially arc. Arc gun is seeing absolutely no use at all, and should rock against Automatons theoretically speaking. Then again, as short-range weapons, nobody is getting close to Automatons so it defeats the purpose. Arc gun has such a cool effect, and theoretically should be great for crowd controlling automatons (short circuit) but the range doesn't make it viable vs. automatons, and currently vs. bugs its power is poor. No mans land.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Nobody gonna trade power for alarm respite. H1 proved that, and so will this game. Silencers are a waste and more of a visual tacticool add on.

Yes to ammo types. We already have incendiary and penetration rounds but acidic should also be a thing - again H1weapons. The acid spitter bugs already provide the sort of effect we should expect from the H1 Bug Meta, Tox-13 Avenger.

The game def needs a balancing patch to buff laser and arc, specially arc. Arc gun is seeing absolutely no use at all.
I like it, but it's too unreliable. Sometimes it does amazing, sometimes it doesn't do much at all. I think the biggest issue is on things with multiple health pools in different body parts, you can't make it hit the same body part reliably
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I liked Illuminate the best in H1 but if they don't release the Tendril Bug for H2, then I think H2 Bugs will trump Illuminate H2. Bugs in H2 just hit the right spot. Tendril Bug in H1 is the bane of poor random teams and a source of grief. Officially known as the "Impaler" bug - area denial. Mostly a balancing issue mind you so assuming they don't tame him, although they should. Simple fix: do not make him a bullet/rocket sponge when exposed in a burrowing state. Make the bug a 3 railgun shot kill to weakpoint or 2 disposable rocket kill to weakpoint when in burrowing state. To compensate, make him relocate after getting two direct hits, as opposed to tanking a bunch - this way simply emptying mags from firearms on weakpoint won't work. Obviously an insta kill is possible if a good team cooedinates their support weapon shots in unison.

Bosses are bosses. You're gonna get whacked and wiped if you don't go in with the appropriate gear. Arrowhead could spice it up Destiny style and make it a Raid, as opposed to an unlockable direct encounter.

I cant wait!

I better get a bit better... haha

Deleted member 223

I like it, but it's too unreliable. Sometimes it does amazing, sometimes it doesn't do much at all. I think the biggest issue is on things with multiple health pools in different body parts, you can't make it hit the same body part reliably
Laser or Arc Gun?

For Arc, imo they need to increase the range for initial ray contact at least 70-100%. Damage output: 75% increase vs Automatons, 40-50% increase vs. Bugs. Range of interconnecting arc rays increased by about 30-40%. Friendly damage: in-line with laser guard drone - more like a sting, rather than an instant frying.
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Deleted member 223

How about a brain bug that infects you so that squadmates look like enemies?
Council/Illusionist Illuminate disorientation shot = Movement controls are inverted. A total bitch in H1.

Not quite the same but same rationale.

But yes to brain bugs or airborne insect swarm bugs, Mosquito/Wasp like
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