IGN Rating for 2023 - Xbox B PlayStation C+


8 May 2023
I guess money is tight and they need to whore themselves harder to the rich man.

Looks like these guys are in the same boat. Expect more shady articles and pandering to MS harder from now on.

Clock work 😂


28 Jul 2023
Max Scoville and Ryan spewing dumbassery? Welp, just another day at the office of IGN.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Not surprised after all it's IGN. But I do think PS5 had the better year overall. Their highs were simply higher and they didn't really have any lows since everything was rated well.
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4 Jul 2022
Xbox put out 3 first party games, showed up to E3, and closed on the ABK deal, as much as i dislike them thats not bad on paper. Sony launched PSVR2, the portal, and had 2 first party games. Sony shouldve made more acquisitions but decided to rest on their laurels. Both shoulve received A B- in my opinion.
then your opinion its worthless
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26 Jun 2022
The media schilling at its finest.
The PS guy is very critical of Sony... Because they have one year with less new releases.

The xbox guy goes on full bot mode and acts as if everything was great in xbox land, but somehow the sales are not picking up, people must be stupid! I mean, those day 1 games on GP are just amazing!
  • angry
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24 Jun 2022
Xbox put out 3 first party games, showed up to E3, and closed on the ABK deal, as much as i dislike them thats not bad on paper. Sony launched PSVR2, the portal, and had 2 first party games. Sony shouldve made more acquisitions but decided to rest on their laurels. Both shoulve received A B- in my opinion.

What E3? E3 as we know it is dead. Summer Games Fest is a joke; Xbox ran lame repeats at Gamescon and had almost nothing noteworthy for TGS. I def would've preferred Sony having more shows this year (especially after the somewhat lackluster May Showcase), but it's better than showing up with reheated leftovers or a main dish with 50% fake ingredients (Xbox & Bethesda Showcase).

As for M&As, still hoping Sony make some big moves there gaming-wise, but stuff like the 2P deal with Shift Up is a step in the right direction. M&As mean nothing if you don't produce meaningful results and for Microsoft, none of theirs have accomplished that yet in gaming. And some, like Bethesda, look troubled in being able to do so in the future at their current pace.

You gotta stop listening to Xbox drivel all the time and I say that as someone who's been pretty critical of several SIE/PlayStation moves over the past year.